
suō kǒng
  • shrinkage cavity;contraction cavities;draw;vug
缩孔[suō kǒng]
  1. 铸件凝固过程微观组织及缩孔缩松形成的数值模拟研究

    A Study on Numerical Simulation of Microstructure and Shrinkage Cavity Formation during Solidification Process of Casting

  2. TiAl合金精密铸件缩孔的定量预测

    Quantitative Simulation of Shrinkage Cavity of TiAl Precision Casting

  3. 铝合金锭气缩孔自动检测系统是依据图像处理技术,使用VB编程语言设计的1套检测铝合金锭及铸件切面气缩孔分布状况的应用软件。

    " Al casting and Al alloy ingot porosity automatic check system " is an example of it .

  4. 基于FTA方法对静电喷涂表面缩孔缺陷的研究

    Analysis of Surface Cratering Defects of Electrostatic Spraying by Use of FTA Method

  5. 本文是在大型CAD和CAE软件平台上,建立起来的铸件凝固过程温度场数值模拟及缩孔、变形和热裂缺陷预测的CAX技术。

    The CAX simulating and defect predicting technology based on CAD & CAE software is established .

  6. ADI机床齿轮缩孔缺陷的研究

    The Study about Shrinkage Defects of Machine Tool Gears Made of ADI

  7. TiAl合金熔模精铸件缩孔形成的数值模拟及预测

    Numerical Simulation for Shrinkage Hole ( Porosity ) Formation in TiAl Alloy Product in Investment Casting

  8. 对铸件开展了凝固过程三维温度场数值模拟,并应用G/R法对铸件进行了缩孔缩松预测。

    The numerical simulation of3D temperature field of castings during solidification process was carried out and the shrinkage cavity and porosity of sample castings were predicted using G / R method .

  9. 焊补缩孔热循环对奥-贝球铁HAZ组织与性能的影响

    Effect of the Thermal Cycle of Welding Shrinkage Hole on Microstructure and Properties of Heat-Affected Zone Austempered Ductile Iron

  10. 通过对实际铸件的取样显微观察分析,并利用数值模拟软件FTStar对链轮进行了凝固模拟计算,断定缺陷大多是缩孔和缩松。

    Shrinkage cavity and micro shrinkage porosity have been decided to be such defect through sampling from sprocket gear casting and micro examination analysis and application of FT Star in solidification simulation .

  11. 国内某款乘用车V型6缸发动机进气歧管(319.0)开发过程中,屡屡出现缩孔、气(针)孔等铸造缺陷,严重地影响了供应商的正常供货以及整车厂产能的提升。

    During the developing process of one V-6 type engine intake manifold with 319.0 alloy , many defects as shrinkage and pin hole occurred frequently , which hindered its normal supply and thus affected the OEMs productivity .

  12. 文中用液淬法研究了耐热球墨可锻铸铁的一次结晶过程,用定量图像分析仪研究了石墨的析出量,用X射线探伤仪研究了形成缩孔缩松的倾向。

    This article use the way of liquid hardening to study its first crystallization , use quantitative image analysis to study the quantity of indigenous graphite , use X-ray defectoscopy to study the tendency of shrinkage cavity and porosity forming .

  13. 利用Niyama判据预测离心铸造轧辊缩孔缩松缺陷

    Prediction of Shrinkage Cavity and Porosity in Centrifugal Cast Rollers by Niyama Criterion

  14. 研究结果表明:实际生产结果与模拟情况完全吻合,铸件凝固过程温度场数值模拟及缩孔、变形和热裂缺陷预测的CAX技术可以指导实际生产。

    It is concluded that the satisfactorily simulated agreement with experiment results is obtained . The CAX technology is able to guide production .

  15. 以预测缩孔缩松判据G/为基础,经过转换、推导,得出适合于几何模拟的新判据(dM/dL).,并编制了预测缩孔缩松的几何模拟软件。

    On the base of shrinkage prediction criteria G / , by using of transformation and deduction , A new criteria ( dM / dL ) . has been proposed . The software for prediction shrinkage based geometric simulation has been developed .

  16. 使用该软件模拟了高压内缸A-A截面的凝固进程,并预计了该截面上缩孔位置。

    The solidification process of the cross-section A-A of the high pressure inner cylinder is simulated and the shrinkage cavity position is predicated by means of utility software .

  17. 且当搅拌电流从100A增大到300A时,中心偏析、中心疏松和缩孔等级明显降低。

    The center segregation and porosity and the shrinkage cavity are obviously improved , when the stirring electric current rises from 100 A to 300 A.

  18. 检验得出Q235大规格角钢力学性能不合标准要求,分析原因是其横截面近顶角处存在缩孔和细小裂纹。

    There are thin shrink hole and crack at peak angle of cross section of Q235 large angle steel , which the main reasons to bad mechanical properties of angle steel .

  19. Cu-Cr合金存在易氧化吸气、凝固范围窄、收缩较大、易形成集中缩孔等缺陷,这些铸造特性给生产优良的Cu-Cr合金铸件带来一定的困难。

    The Cu Cr alloy tends to be oxidized and gas absorbent etc , with a narrow range of solidification and is liable to form shrinkage cavities due to the large shrinkage . All these will bring us the trouble for the production of a superior Cu Cr alloy casting .

  20. 对01胶印机左右大墙板的两个φ216圆台易出现呛火、缩孔和气孔缺陷的原因进行了分析,介绍了开展QC活动消除01胶印机左右大墙板铸造缺陷的方法。

    Based on the analysis for the reason causing choke , shrinkage and blow hole defects at two 216 bosses of the main plate of the offset machine , the method to eliminate the casting defects by carrying out QC activities was described .

  21. 用此工艺连续生产76件,总重230t,铸件加工后,没有缩孔、缩松、气孔、渣孔缺陷,全部合格。

    There are seventy-six eligible castings to be produced by using the technology without shrinkage , porosity shrinkage , blowhole and slag inclusion after machining .

  22. 以195t活塞模具为例,研究了在生产厚大顶部活塞毛坯时所遇到的缩孔问题。

    Taking 195T piston mould as an example , this paper studies the problem of contraction cavity encountered during the production of thick - top pistons .

  23. 使用该试验件,采用对比方法获得了两种典型材料大型铸钢件缩孔缩松预测的Niyama判据临界值。

    Using the experimental casting , critical values of NIYAMA criterion for shrinkage porosity prediction of the large steel casting of the two typical materials are obtained by the contrast method .

  24. 铸锭的铸造质量对合金的使用性能有重大影响,Cu-Cr-Zr合金常见的铸造缺陷包括缩孔、气孔、裂纹、偏析、冷隔和铜豆等。

    Ingot quality influences the property of alloys significantly . The common defects in cast ingots are shrinkage cavity , gas hole , crack , segregation , cold lap and copper sweat during the Cu-Cr-Zr vacuum melting and casting .

  25. 采用模拟焊接热循环方法,研究奥氏体区不同热循环对奥贝球铁缩孔焊补热影响区(HAZ)显微组织、抗拉强度、冲击韧性和断口形态的影响。

    The effect of the different thermal cycling simulations on the microstructure , fracture strength ( σ o ), impact toughness ( α k ) and fracture morphology of heat affect zone of austempered ductile iron are investigated by means of the welding thermo simulation test .

  26. 研究了在生产195T活塞毛坯时所遇到的燃烧室顶部缩孔问题,对其产生原因进行了分析,并提出了消除缩孔所采取的措施。

    The reason resulting in contraction cavity in top of 195T piston combustion chamber in practice was analyzed , and the countermeasures of eliminating the contraction cavity were taken .

  27. 本文对凝固过程中采用的缩孔缩松判据函数进行了评述,并结合真空精密铸造IN738合金板类铸件,验证了Niyama判据函数G/R1/2在镍基合金铸件中的应用。

    Abstract The shrinkage porosity functions used in the solidification process were reviewed in this paper . By using vaccum investment casting of IN 738 plate casting , the applicability of Niyama function G / R 1 / 2 to the Ni based alloy has been proved .

  28. 试验和分析了电磁搅拌(S-EMS、F-EMS)对连铸圆坯的中心等轴晶区比率、中间裂纹、缩孔、疏松的影响。

    The effect of electromagnetic stirring ( S-EMS ? F-EMS ) on center equiaxial crystal zone proportion , central crack , contraction cavity , looseness in horizontal concasting round billet has been tested and analyzed .

  29. FT-star凝固数值模拟系统为铸造工艺的优化设计提供了科学的依据。该系统的彩色后处理显示能直观、定量地预测铸件的缩孔、缩松缺陷。

    FT-star solidification numerical simulation system has provided the scientific basis for casting technology optimization design , their colour aftertreatment display has detected the casting shrinkage cavity and porosity defect directly and quantitatively .

  30. 预应力钢丝用77B热轧盘条中沿轴向存在的条带中富集碳、锰,且含有显微裂纹和孔洞,是连铸坯凝固过程中成分偏析与凝固缩孔、疏松等缺陷造成的。

    In 77B hot rolled wire rods for prestressed steel wires , there is segregational strip of C Mn , microcrack and microhole . The causes are segregation , residual shrink hole and porosity of continuous cast steel billets .