
  • 网络reduction ratio;reduction scale;Zoom out
  1. SPECT图像缩小比例的影响因素探讨

    The influence factors of the lessen ratio of SPECT pictures

  2. 结果:(1)无论静态和断层图像,不同Zoom的图像缩小比例不同;

    Results : The lessen ratio ( R / R ′) of the static or sliced SPECT pictures with different zoom were different .

  3. 电刷(接触式)编码器缩微印刷品的缩小比例。

    Brush ( contact ) encoder The scale of reduction of a microform .

  4. 缩微印刷品的缩小比例。

    The scale of reduction of a microform .

  5. 这个展览室是按照的美国自然历史博物馆展览室的样子以缩小比例的方式建造的。

    The showroom resembled miniature versions of the rooms at the American Museum of Natural History .

  6. 缩微印刷品的缩小比例。器官在早的龄期内不致被缩小或呈退化状态。

    The scale of reduction of a microform . The organ will not be reduced or rendered rudimentary at this early age .

  7. 最后,作者对某型火箭发动机的缩小比例圆柱壳体进行了实际检测,并获得了满意结果。

    Finally , a proportionally reduced cylindrical case of a certain type of the rocket motor is practically inspected and a satisfied results is presented .

  8. 下面是主要的工作内容:1.以某超超临界汽轮机中压抽汽系统的几何缩小比例模型为研究对象,搭建吹风测试实验台。

    The following is the main content : The subject investigated was a reduced-scale model of an ultra supercritical steam turbine , build the test bench .

  9. 按不同的缩小比例,不同的结构形式提出了三种试验模型方案,确定试验模型边界条件。

    Three forms of test model are put forward and the test model boundary conditions are determined . According to the different reductions ratio and the different structures .

  10. 在此基础上提出了在缩小比例的实验系统上进行模拟实验研究时应遵循的模拟准则,即几何准则,联通准则,流动准则,汽化准则及冷凝准则。

    Based on the derivation the simulation criteria , namely geometry , connection , flow , evaporation and condensation criteria being followed by experimental simulation study are proposed .

  11. 首先,求出原始图片的角点信息,再根据缩小比例,求出缩小图像中的对应子块。

    First , according to the scale-down proportion the sub-block of every pixel at small image is obtained from original image , and then scans the block in corner-points image of the original image .

  12. 本文介绍一种近邻取样和邻域平均相结合的算法,该算法简单同时失真又不大,特别是缩小比例较大的时候该算法效果明显。

    In this paper , we introduce a simple and effective algorithm of scaling-down image , which will not lead to visible image distortion , especially in case of the scaling-down proportion of image is bigger .

  13. 同时,文中还对影响强度和应力应变特性因素的颗粒粒径的缩小比例、试样密度的控制方法以及泊松比的变化规律作了讨论。

    In addition , the scale of grain reunification and the method of controling specimen density , which may have a remarkable influence on shear strength and stress-strain properties , as well as some variation in tangential Poisson Ratios are discussed .

  14. 现在,中国人有钱炫耀了:出行、购物。他们花钱参观深圳的一个主题公园“世界之窗”,那里以缩小比例仿建世界各地的旅游景点为特色,如莫斯科圣巴索大教堂。

    China , Shenzhen Theme Park , 1997 " Places to go , things to buy : Nowadays the Chinese have money to flaunt . They pay to visit Window of the World , a theme park in Shenzhen that features miniaturized tourist sights , like Moscow 's St. Basil 's Cathedral . "

  15. 头颅CT梗死面积缩小的比例,A组高于B组和C组(P0.05);

    Group B better than Group C ( P0.05 ) . With CT scanning , the infracted area was reduced markedly in Group A than in Group B and C ;

  16. 图象放缩问题是图象处理中的一个基本问题,图象在缩小的过程中存在着图象信息的损失,而且缩小的比例越大,损失越大,从而导致图象的失真较大。

    Scaling-down image is a basic problem in the fields of processing image , when scaling-down image , some information of image will lost and the more the image is scaled-down , the more information will be lost , which will lead to visible image distortion .