
fǎn jí xìng
  • reversed polarity
反极性[fǎn jí xìng]
  1. 它采用带有小容量滤波电容器的T型电抗器反极性接入电源与负荷之间。

    The device consists of T-type reactor reversed polarity with a small filter capacitor connected between the power supply and the load .

  2. 年代为0.58±0.13Ma的反极性火山岩的资料肯定了安比拉(Emperor)事件的存在。

    The reversed polarity shown by the volcanic rock dated 0.58 ± 0.13 Ma has confirmed the occurrence of Emperor event .

  3. 研究直流反极性脉冲MAG焊旋转喷射过渡的熔滴过渡特性、电弧现象与焊缝成形。

    The characteristics of metal transfer , arc phenomena and shapes of weld in DCRP PC-MAG welding with pulsed rotating-spray mode are studied in this paper .

  4. 结果表明,CAPE较小时,电荷结构与中层平均相对湿度的大小无关,均为准反极性,且起电活动较弱;

    The results indicate that the electrical action is weak and charge structure is quasi reverted dipole and no relation to middle atmosphere average relation humidity when CAPE is small .

  5. 提出了在租用线路上利用语音数据复接设备通过一个E1传输通道,进行时隙的分拆和复用,提供以太网口、有反极性计费功能和来电显示功能的电话和一个RS232的数据通道。

    This paper put forward an idea that use a voice data multiplexing equipment pulls through the EI transmission channels over the leased lines for splitting and re-used slot to provide Ethernet interface , anti-polar accounting functions , calling number display functions and RS232 data channel .

  6. 高频脉冲电源提供的高频电流叠加在反极性电流DCEN上,利用电流的高频特性压缩电弧,改善焊缝金属结晶过程。

    A series of high-frequency pulse current is superposed on Direct-Current-Electrode-Negative ( DCEN ) current through the high-frequency pulse power supply , which is used to compress the arc and improve process of crystallization .

  7. 反极性弱等离子弧堆焊基本特性的分析

    Character analysis of negative polarity weak plasma arc overlaying welding

  8. 晚更新世末期的地磁短期反极性事件

    The short reversal polarity event in the latest Pleistocene

  9. 模拟反极性信号电路的设计

    Design of an Analogous Polarity reversing Signal Circuit

  10. 反极性期间由于铝合金作为阴极,阴极压降大电弧产热量也增大。

    When Al alloy is used to be negative electrode , negative voltage produced more heat .

  11. 反极性弱等离子弧堆焊设备及电弧特性研究

    The Equipment of Negative Polarity Weak Plasma Arc Overlaying Welding and the Researching of Arc Character

  12. 系统的研究了直流反极性旋转电弧对焊缝成形的影响规律和机理。

    The influence law of welding parameters of rotating arc on weld formation is also investigated in this paper .

  13. 这一地区的黄土/古土壤层形成始于松山反极性时晚期,约为1.1MaB.P.。

    In the area , loess and paleosoil layers were deposited after late Matuyama Chron ( about 1.1 Ma ) .

  14. 上部黄土显示了正极性与负极性,记录了松山负反极性带的一部分;

    In the section the upper loess layers include normal and reversed polarity zones , recording parts of Matuyama reversed polarity zone ;

  15. 如再加上“四源红外反极性探测”,能使探头具有超卓的抗干扰能力,是现今市场上最优秀的产品。

    As with the " four-polarity detecting infrared source ," can probe outstanding anti-jamming capability , the market today is the best product .

  16. 用双金属电极取代现行的柱状实心钨极;用球面压缩喷嘴取代常规的锥形压缩喷嘴,这些是设计反极性弱等离子弧粉末堆焊枪的关键所在。

    Substituting double electrode for normal tungsten and substituting spherical constricting nozzle for normal cone one are the key to design the torch .

  17. 在分析反极性弱等离子弧稳定燃烧条件的基础上,提出枪体的设计要领。

    Based on the analysis of steady burning condition of the reverse polarity soft plasma arc , the key to de-sign the torch is presented .

  18. 峰值足够高且脉宽足够窄的负极性脉冲也导致反极性充电。

    It was also found that a negative pulse causes a positive charge accumulation when the peak is sufficient high and the pulse width is sufficient small .

  19. 在各类电话计费及管理系统中,由于有的交换局没有反极性信号,因而对用户电话的计费与管理无法实现实时控制。

    Among various kinds of telephone charging and administation systems , real time control cannot be realized in some exchanges due to the absence of polarity reversing signal .

  20. 界线层的碳同位素存在明显的负漂移,正磁极性带出现在吴家坪晚期的反极性带之上。

    In addition , the boundary interval is clearly recognizable by the depletion of isotopic carbon ratios and the normal polarity zone appearing above the Late Wuchiapingian reversed polarity zone .

  21. 大电流、低电压、粗焊丝、反极性和氧化性气氛是形成潜弧过程的必要条件,其中电流是最重要的条件。

    The high current , low voltage , reverse polarity , oxidative shielding gas , thick wire are the essential conditions of formation of the buried are , the high current being the most important factor .

  22. 本文研究了反极性比对焊接电压、电弧形态、能量分配的影响,从理论上对实验结果进行了很好的解释。

    And in the article the effect of the EP ratio on the Voltage , the Current , the arc status and the heat generation and distribution is studied and the experiment result is well explained from theoretically perspective .

  23. 结果表明,在焊丝末端熔滴生长阶段,直流反极性条件下存在电化学增氧,而直流正极性条件下则存在电化学脱氧。

    The result showed that it is in the period of droplet growth at the tip of welding wire that an electrochemically gained oxygen was produced in the case of direct current negative polarity whereas an electrochemically lost oxygen in positive polarity .

  24. 本文探讨了反极性弱等离子弧阴极斑点游动特性。对阴极斑点、电弧电流与电弧电压三者分布之间关系,阴极斑点能量对电弧能量分布的影响进行了研究。

    In this paper , the moving characteristics of cathode spots in reverse polarity soft plasma arc , the-distribution of cathode spots , current distribution and voltage distribution , the influence of energy produced cathode spots on distribution of arc energy are studied .

  25. 美国SEG协会把地震剖面的极性规定为SEG正常极性和SEG反正常极性。

    American SEG defines seismic record polarity as SEG normal polarity and SEG reverse polarity .

  26. 对反正常极性地震记录,可根据速度资料建立起上、下单层足够厚的强正反射系数界面与强波峰的标定关系。

    As for reverse-polarity seismic record , one can use velocity data to determine a correlation between the strong wave peak and strong positive reflection-coefficient interface whose upper and lower single layers are thick enough .

  27. 由于在FFAP毛细管预柱上芳烃在比高它三个碳数的烷烃之后出峰,可以通过阀切换操作把芳烃反吹入非极性OV-1分析柱中按照沸点进行详细分离。

    The aromatics having carbon number of n are retained after n-Cn + 3 on the FFAP pre-column , and were cut and back flushed after the elution of n-Cn + 3 , onto an a apolar analytical column and were separated according to their boiling points .

  28. 给出并证明了符合负反馈“串同”、“并反”的反馈极性判断法,判断简捷、明了,适用面。

    A method for feedback polarity judging , named as " series-in phase " or " parallel-out of phase " coinciding with the negative feedback , is proposed and evidenced .