
  • 网络Anti-dumping tariff;Antidumping Duty;Anti-dumping Duties
  1. 据越南行政部门副主任阮德成介绍,越南产的纱线及织物最初征收16.32%的反倾销关税。

    According to Nguyen Duc Thanh , deputy director of Vietnam 's Competitiveness Administration , the initial anti-dumping tariff on Vietnamese thread and fabrics is16.32 percent .

  2. 欧盟(EU)和泰国昨日进入最后摊牌时刻。此前,欧盟委员会建议对从泰国进口的罐装玉米征收反倾销关税。

    The European Union and Thailand were yesterday heading for a showdown after Brussels recommended anti-dumping duties on tinned sweetcorn .

  3. 欧盟(EU)可能将对中国节能灯泡征收的反倾销关税延长一年。不过,没有欧盟成员国积极支持这一方案。

    The European Union is poised to extend anti-dumping duties on energy-efficient Chinese lightbulbs for a year although no member states positively support the plan .

  4. 美国已针对中国向世界贸易组织(wto)提出3起诉讼案,并在上周证实,将针对中国铜版纸生产商征收平衡性反倾销关税。

    The US has filed three separate cases against China in the World Trade Organisation and confirmed last week the imposition of countervailing anti-dumping duties against Chinese producers of coated paper .

  5. 中国欧盟商会(europeanchamberofcommerceinchina)上月警告称,针对中国产品的反倾销关税可能出现激增,原因是高度的产能过剩正导致廉价出口大幅增加。

    Last month the European Chamber of Commerce in China warned there could be a spike in anti-dumping duties against Chinese products because a high level of overcapacity was leading to a surge in cheap exports .

  6. 反倾销关税还有其它问题。

    There are other problems with anti-dumping duties too .

  7. 反倾销关税一般都是馊主意。

    Anti-dumping duties are generally a bad idea .

  8. 各国对反倾销关税之类贸易限制的使用一直相当克制。

    The use of trade restrictions such as anti-dumping duties has been quite restrained .

  9. 欧盟向中国和越南皮鞋分别征收16%和10%的反倾销关税。

    Duties are 16 per cent for China and 10 per cent for Vietnam .

  10. 去年12月,新德里方面还对某些中国制造的电信网络设备开征高额反倾销关税。

    In December , New Delhi imposed steep anti-dumping tariffs on certain Chinese telecoms networking gear .

  11. 欧盟委员会不应该延长这些反倾销关税。

    The [ European ] Commission should not have brought about this extension of anti-dumping duties .

  12. 金达尔被推荐为对不锈钢征收反倾销关税和联合关税申请的主要负责人。

    The recommendation follows a petition by Jindal Stainless to the directorate-general of anti-dumping and allied duties .

  13. 如果申诉胜诉,从中国进口的卧房家具将被课以反倾销关税。

    If the petition is successful , bedroom furniture imported from China will be subject to antidumping duties .

  14. 欧盟成员国昨天否决了一个计划,初步决定不再延长针对中国和越南鞋类产品的反倾销关税。

    European Union Member States yesterday rejected a plan to extend anti-dumping duties against Chinese and Vietnamese footwear .

  15. 美国也卷入这场纠纷中,对中国太阳能面板征收反倾销关税和反补贴关税。

    The US has also joined the fight , imposing both anti-dumping and anti-subsidy duties on Chinese solar panels .

  16. 欧盟的反倾销关税请求覆盖生产链的更多环节,目的是阻止这种规避关税的行为。

    The EU request for antidumping duties covers a broader section of the production chain to avoid such circumvention .

  17. 欧盟周五对中国输欧钢管开征近40%的反倾销关税。

    The European Union yesterday imposed anti-dumping duties of nearly 40 per cent on imports of steel pipe from China .

  18. 欧盟最近延长了对中国出口鞋类的反倾销关税,但拒绝对中国钢铁设置新的关税。

    The EU recently extended antidumping tariffs on Chinese shoe imports but declined to set new tariffs on Chinese steel .

  19. 华为还将在印度开办一个制造部门,帮助该公司避开印度对中国产品征收的高额反倾销关税。

    It would also open a manufacturing unit in India that would help it avoid steep anti-dumping duties on Chinese goods .

  20. 今年3月,美国通过了针对中国高光纸的反倾销关税,以回应国内制造商的不满。

    Last month , America slapped anti-dumping duties on imports of high-gloss paper from China , in response to a complaint from domestic manufacturers .

  21. 昨天,在对从亚洲进口的廉价鞋征收反倾销关税的问题上,欧盟各国政府间的讨价还价进一步升级,各成员国将就此问题的投票又推迟了一周。

    Horse-trading among European governments over anti-dumping tariffs on cheap Asian shoe imports intensified yesterday as member states delayed a vote by a further week .

  22. 据彭博社报道,美国商务部宣布初步决定对从中国进口的木地板征收反倾销关税,税率最高达83%。

    The US will impose preliminary anti-dumping duties up to83 % on multi-layered flooring imports from China , the US Commerce Department announced , Bloomberg reported .

  23. 有多宗申诉寻求制止美国采用有争议的归零法,即在计算反倾销关税时剔除对自己不利的数据。

    A volley of litigation has sought to prevent the US from using controversial zeroing , which permits it to disregard inconvenient data when calculating anti-dumping duties .

  24. 欧盟势将延长针对中国和越南鞋类的反倾销关税,原因是德国、奥地利和马耳他在这场人们密切关注的贸易纠纷中改变了立场。

    Europe is poised to extend anti-dumping duties on Chinese and Vietnamese footwear after Germany , Austria and Malta changed their positions in the keenly watched trade dispute .

  25. 在境内制造商的大力游说下,欧洲从1993年起就一直对中国产自行车征收反倾销关税,坚称中方以低于生产成本的价格销售产品。

    Under heavy lobbying from domestic manufacturers , Europe has maintained tariffs on Chinese bikes since 1993 for " dumping " , or selling goods below their production cost .

  26. 但金达尔及其他实业家并未善罢干休,在他们推动下,新德里的政策制定者们本月进一步出台了一系列力度轻微的反倾销关税。

    But Mr Jindal and his fellow industrialists have been pushing for more , and this month policymakers in New Delhi introduced a series of further minor anti-dumping duties .

  27. 欧盟将把针对中国和越南鞋类的反倾销关税再延长15个月,此前欧盟成员国在昨日以微弱多数投票支持这些措施。

    The European Union will prolong anti-dumping duties against imported Chinese and Vietnamese footwear for an additional 15 months after member states supported the measures by a narrow majority yesterday .

  28. 然而,地中海邻国对塞浦路斯的施压似乎收到了效果,该国表示可能支持征税。此次征收反倾销关税的举措必须在10月6日前得到批准。

    However , pressure on Cyprus from its Mediterranean neighbours appeared to be paying off as it indicated it could back the duties , which must be approved by October 6 .

  29. 这一初步裁决如果像预期的那样,在下月得到确认并等待上诉,将迫使欧盟重审其针对其它非市场经济体(如越南和阿尔巴尼亚)的反倾销关税。

    The interim ruling , if confirmed as expected next month and pending appeal , would force the EU into reviewing anti-dumping duties on other non-market economies , including Vietnam and Albania .

  30. 他希望欧盟重新审视“欧共体利益”评估原则(即征收反倾销关税必须以符合更广大欧洲企业和消费者之利益为前提)。

    He wants the EU to look again at the " community-interest " test & that anti-dumping duties can be introduced only if they are in the wider interests of European business and consumers .