
fǎn diàn dòng shì
  • counter electromotive force;back electromotive force
反电动势[fǎn diàn dòng shì]
  1. 基于反电动势测速的直流电动机PWM调速系统的设计

    PWM Speed Control System of DC Motor Based on Speed Measuring by Counter Electromotive Force

  2. 并利用此停电机会,对电解质温度及反电动势进行了跟踪检测研究其结果为今后铝电解理论及生产操作提供了重要的参考与借鉴数据。

    During the power cut , inspecting electrolyte temperature and Counter electromotive force , the results which Can be the guide for aluminium electrolytic theory and productive operation in future are given .

  3. 本文还讨论了如何在工业铝电解槽上利用反电动势法测定Al2O3浓度的问题。

    How to measure Al_2O_3 concentration in industrial cells from cemf was also discussed in this paper .

  4. IPM同步电机扩展反电动势转子自测角研究

    Study on Self-detecting Angular of Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine by Estimating the Extended Electromotive Force

  5. 软件系统分为主程序和中断程序,其结构采用模块化结构,主要包括基于反电动势检测的三段式启动程序、补偿延迟换相程序、软件滤波程序、转速计算程序和PWM控制程序等程序。

    The software system mainly includes three-segment starting program based on back-EMF zero-detect method , phase relay compensation and commutation program , software filter program , speed calculation program , PWM control program and so on .

  6. 三相异步电动机转子电势的相位分析IPM同步电机扩展反电动势转子自测角研究

    ANALYSIS OF THE PHASE OF EMF IN THREE PHASE ASYNCHRONOUS MOTOR ′ S ROTOR WINDINGS Study on Self-detecting Angular of Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine by Estimating the Extended Electromotive Force

  7. 在分析和研究龙门刨(B2012A)原控制系统的基础上,设计了龙门刨床反电动势反馈控制系统。

    Base on the analysis and research of the original control systemof double housing planer ( B2-012A ), designed a opposing electromotance feedback control system .

  8. 本文以HHM模型为研究对象,选取漏电导和钠离子通道反电动势作为分岔参数,采用高维方程的代数判据进行多参数分岔分析。

    In this dissertation , the algebra criterion in high-dimensional equations is employed to perform the bifurcation analysis of HHM model in which the leakage conductance and the anti-electromotive of sodium ion channel are chosen to be the bifurcation parameters .

  9. 随着电解时间的延长,反电动势有升高的趋势。但温度从780℃升高到850℃时,反电动势可以由2.4V降低到1.73V。

    With the electrolysis hour prolonged and the current density increased , the back electromotive force increased , while it reduced from 2.4V to 1.73V if the temperature increased form 780 ℃ to 850 ℃ .

  10. 该系统以西门子公司的直流调速器(6RA70)为主要调速控制器件,主拖动直流电机采用反电动势反馈的控制方法,根据主电机实际转速自动调节电枢电压和电流,平滑改变电动机转速。

    The direct current speed regulator ( 6RA70 ) is in this system as the main speed governing device , it uses the opposing electromotance feedback control , can smoothly change the rotational speed of the main electromotor , automatically regulate the armature current according to the real rotation speed .

  11. 铝电解中反电动势及过电压的研究

    Studies on back EMF and anodic overvoltage in aluminium electrolysis

  12. 一种是由于磁场分布受齿槽的影响,反电动势存在齿谐波,使其波形发生畸变。

    The other is the cogging harmonics existed in the BEMF waveform .

  13. 利用混合式步进电动机谐波反电动势实现转子位置检测

    Detection of Rotor Position Using the Harmonic Back EMF of Hybrid Step Motor

  14. 一种新型的反电动势负反馈直流调速系统

    New DC Speed Control System Using Negative Feedback of Back Electro motive Force

  15. 介绍了反电动势过零位置检测的原理及实现方法,并采用了数字式转速、电流双闭环控制。

    It adopted the digital speed and current closed - loop control strategy .

  16. 反电动势作用时电流闭环的工程设计方法研究

    Study on design method of engineer for current loop with counter electromotive force action

  17. 龙门刨床反电动势反馈直流调速系统

    Direct current speed control system of the double housing planer using opposing electromotance feedback

  18. 用择多函数实现反电动势滤波的无传感器无刷直流电动机的控制

    Using Majority Function to Realize Sensorless Brushless DC Motor Control with Back-electromotive Force Filtering

  19. 设计了一种新的软硬件相结合的方法去检测反电动势过零点。

    Firstly , a new zero-crossing detection method with software comparing with hardware is designed .

  20. 同步发电机-整流器-反电动势负载系统的稳定性分析

    Stability Analysis of Synchronous Machine with Diode - Bridge Rectifier and Back - EMF Load

  21. 测量了电机在不同转速下空载运行时的定、转子温升及定子绕组的反电动势波形。

    The back EMF of the stator winding and the temperature rise of the machine are measured at different speeds .

  22. 针对反电动势平顶宽度小于120°电角的无刷直流电动机调速系统,提出了一种基于重叠换相加电流补偿的换相转矩脉动抑制新技术。

    , and a new technique for commutation torque ripple minimization based on overlapping commutation together with current compensation is proposed .

  23. 反电动势法中,详细分析了模拟中性点过零检测法。

    In the back EMF method , a detailed analysis of the simulation of neutral point zero-crossing detection method is introduced .

  24. 但是设计的结果是基于忽略了反电动势对电流环的影响,所以设计的参数需要做适当的微调。

    The design parameters need to make the appropriate fine-tuning , for the anti-EMF effects on the current loop were ignored .

  25. 对于转子位置的检测,本系统采用反电动势过零检测,设计了相应的硬件电路。

    For the detection of rotor position , the system uses Back-EMF zero crossing detection . I designed hardware circuit for it .

  26. 实际中一般是这两种情况都存在。针对这种反电动势波形偏离理想波形的情况,本文提出了一种最优电流跟踪法来抑制转矩脉动。

    Aiming to minimize the torque ripple in condition of non-perfect BEMF waveform , the dissertation present a optimum current tracking control technique .

  27. 反电动势法是检测无刷直流电机转子位置用的最简单、最常用的方法。

    The " Back-EMF " method is the simplest and most popular method for detecting the rotor position in trapezoidal brushless dc motor .

  28. 计算机控制铝电解槽的新数学模型&连续测量反电动势、氧化铝浓度和预报阳极效应

    New Mathematical Model for Computer & Controlled Aluminium Electrolysis Cell : Continuous measurements of back EMF and alumina concentration and prediction of anode effect

  29. 根据电机反电动势信号与电机位置角的关系,利用电机反电动势过零信号来定位磁旋转编码器。

    The incremental magnetic rotary encoder , as a corner position sensor , can be improved its measure accuracy by the way of quadruplicated frequency circuit .

  30. 实验得出的初步结果反映了反电动势与转速之间的关系,验证了本文所提算法的正确性与合理性。

    The preliminary experimental results reflect the relationship between the counter-electromotive and speed , verify the correct and reasonable of the algorithm proposed in this paper .