
  • 网络Half-Wave Rectifier;half-wave rectifier circuit;HALF-WAVE-RECTIFIER CIRCUIT
  1. 一种高效MOS半波整流电路

    Highly Effective Half-Wave Rectifying Circuits Based on MOS Technology

  2. 针对传统半波整流电路的不足提出了基于MOS工艺的改进方法及电路。

    The improved half wave rectifier is presented by employing MOS technology based on the deficiency of conventional architecture .

  3. 一个应用于输出双半波整流电路的中间抽头变压器线圈设计实验验证了优化设计的有效性。

    The experiments by the central-tapped transformer verified the optimal design effectively .

  4. 一种更为精密的半波整流电路的设计

    Design for the Half - Wave Rectifier Which is More Accurate than the Others

  5. 单相半波可控整流电路的虚拟实验

    The Virtual Experiment of Single Phase Half Wave Controlled Rectifier

  6. 三相半波可控整流电路的计算机仿真

    Emulation of Three-Phase Half-Wave Controllable Rectifying Circuit

  7. 开发了半波整流稳压电路故障分析仿真软件。

    Emulator failure analyzing software is developed , which is about half-wave commutating and voltage-stabilizing circuit .

  8. 本文设计了单相半波可控整流电路,在带不同负载情况下的虚拟实验。

    This paper describes the virtual experiment of single phase half wave controlled rectifier with different load .

  9. 本文以三相半波可控整流电路为例,推导了考虑变压器漏感时电流过渡波形的凹升函数及凸降函数。

    The three phase half-wave controlled rectifying circuit is taken as the example in this paper to inllustrate the commutation overlap probelm .

  10. 并以三相半波可控整流电路、滞环比较方式的电流跟踪控制、利用S函数实现空间矢量脉宽调制为例说明了软件的使用方法。

    Three-phase half wave controlled rectifier , hysteresis comparison mode current track control , and realization of SVPWM by S-Function are used as examples to describe the usage of the software .

  11. 参照国外电工技能训练软件,开发半波整流稳压电路教学软件并将其应用于教学实践,提高了教学效率,降低了教学成本。

    According to foreign electrician training software , the author develops the half-wave rectifier voltage circuit teaching software and applies it in teaching , which could improve the teaching efficiency and reduce the teaching cost .

  12. 以一个实际的单相半波可控整流电路为例,对整流电路中的波形系数进行了研究。讨论了波形系数与整流电路中晶闸管的触发延迟角的关系,并且得出了一些重要结论。

    Taking a real single-phase half-wave controlled rectifier as an example to research rectifier 's waveform factor , this article analyzes the relationship of waveform factor and thyristor 's trigger delay angle , then draws some important conclusion .

  13. 在三相半波可控整流电路物理模型的基础上,根据晶闸管的导通条件,建立了在不同条件下整流电路中物理量所适应的常微分方程组。

    Base on the physical model of three phase half wave controllable rectifying circuit and the on off condition of crystal thyratron , a set of differential equations is developed for the physical variables of rectifying circuit under different conditions .

  14. 二极管单相半波整流电容滤波电路中,由于负载电阻上有脉动的输出电压,所以给负载电阻的测量带来很大的误差。

    In the diode single-phase half-wave rectification capacitor filter circuit , the output voltage on the load resistance leads to errors in the measurement .

  15. 在半波整流电容滤波电路中,由于负载电阻上输出电压的脉动较小,接近于直流电。

    In the half-wave rectifier capacitance filter circuits , the low output pulsating voltage from load resistor will lead to large error in the measurement processes of load resistance .

  16. 在教师指导下,由学生自行设计测定半波整流电容滤波电路负载电阻上消耗的平均功率实验。

    Under the guidance of the teacher , Students designed the experiment themselves to measure an average power for half wave rectifier and capacitance filter in load consuming resistance .

  17. 三相半波可控整流与逆变电路电压波形的分析

    A study of the wave shapes of the voltage in the three phase-controlled rectification and the active reverse circuit