
  • 网络Protective elements;PPTC;OVP;ESD&TVS
  1. 陶瓷PTC过流保护元件所用原料的选择

    Selection of Raw Materials for Ceramic PTC Overcurrent Protective Elements

  2. 高分子型PTC过流保护元件稳定性的研究

    Stability of over-current Protective Elements of Polymer PTC

  3. 有机PTC电路保护元件电极研究

    Organic Electrode of Protective Element for PTC Circuit

  4. 聚合物基PTC复合材料广泛用于制备自限温伴热带、电流保护元件、传感器等。

    PTC polymer composites were widely used as self-limiting heating cables , current protected devices and sensors .

  5. 介绍了高分子基PTC过电流保护元件的动作原理、安装方式、性能特点,影响因素及其应用。

    The trip principle , mounting methods , element characteristics and influencing factors , and applications of PTC overcurrent protectors based on polymer were introduced in this paper .

  6. 在配方确定以后,原料的档次与含杂量对陶瓷PTC过流保护元件的性能有极大的影响。

    After the prescription has been settled , the grade of raw materials and the content of impurities have great influence on the properties of the ceramic PTC overcurrent protective elements .

  7. 制备了高分子PTC过流保护元件,讨论了电流密度、电极结构和电场强度等因素对于元件稳定性的影响;

    Over-current protective elements of polymer PTC are prepared . The influences of some factors , including current density , electrode structure and intensity of electrical field , on element stability are discussed .

  8. 程控交换机过电流保护元件的研制

    A Study on Over Current Protective Component for Program Controlled Switchboard

  9. 超高压输电线路新单端暂态量保护元件的实用算法

    Principle and Algorithm of Non-unit Transient-based Protection for EHV Transmission Lines

  10. 开关电源输入端保护元件及电路设计

    Design of Input Protection Components and Circuits for the Switching-Mode Power Supply

  11. 用螺丝刀松开锁止凸耳,然后拆下冲击保护元件。

    Release locking lug with a screwdriver and remove impact protection element .

  12. 以三相桥式全控整流为例,给出了寻求保护元件参数最优解的工程化方法。

    An engineering-oriented method of snubber components optimization in three-phase full-bridge rectifier is given .

  13. 配电系统电压互感器选型及其保护元件选择应注意的问题

    Problems of Type Selecting of Voltage Transformer and Its Protection Element Selection in Distribution System

  14. 热保护元件在微电机中的应用

    Application of Thermal Protective Element in Micromotor

  15. 功率器件换流过程中保护元件参数的优化

    Optimization of Snubber Parameters in Switching Current

  16. 高分子自恢复保险丝是一种新型正温度系数的过流保护元件,其使用及选用都有一定的规则。

    The macromolecules self-healing fuse-wire is a new excess current protection component of plus temperature coefficient .

  17. 超温熔断器是电气,电子设备的一种热保护元件,它按规定的技术条件安装在电气设备之中,当到达设定温度时,熔断器一次性动作,切断供电路,实现过热保护。

    The Over-temperature Fuse is one of the over-heat protective elements mounted on electrical and electronic devices .

  18. 通过数学建模,找出换流尖峰电压与换流缓冲器保护元件参数之间的关系。

    The relation between switching current overvoltage and parameters of snubber components is founded according to mathematics modeling .

  19. 电容器内部设置阻燃元件,放电元件以及自保护元件。

    There are fire retardant components , discharge components as well as self-protection components in the internal of capacitor .

  20. 对双回线内部接地故障时,零序电流的分布情况和保护元件的动作行为进行了分析。

    The distribution of zero-sequence current and the action of protection components in case of internal grounding fault are studied .

  21. 图形化平台可划分为几部分:图形化界面及实现图形与元件连接的接口、保护元件库、通信元件库,其中本文讨论了通信部份的实现,并完成了通信元件的设计。

    The graphical platform can be divided into several parts : graphical interface , protect components , communication components and realization of their interface .

  22. 传统后备保护元件一般不考虑对整个电网的影响,只保护电网的一个集中区域。

    Conventional backup protection relays generally take actions to protect a localized region of the network without considering the impact on the whole network .

  23. 然后通过详细的参数计算和性能指标设计对高压阀和晶闸管直流电源进行了功率和保护元件的选型;

    And then carried through choice of the power and protection component used in high-voltage valve and thyristor DC power through detailed parameter calculate and capability design ;

  24. 本文主要分析了在启动频繁的机电设备中,由于保护元件损坏造成烧坏电机的原因及改进的方法。

    This article mainly analyses the reason and improvement way of burnout motor caused by protecting component damaged for mechanical and electrical equipment because of frequent starting .

  25. 按此方法计算出的参数值与权威参考资料的推荐值非常接近,解决了换流电路保护元件参数选取不当的问题。

    The parameter value according to this method and the recommendatory value in authoritative reference extremely approached , the question of the inappropriate selection of the protective part parameter has been solved .

  26. 从收发信机的设计、通道的设计和现场施工的角度提出了应对高频通道干扰的改进措施,阐明了目前收发信机通道入口处安装保护元件的必要性和具体方法。

    Proposes the improvement in receiver-transmitter design , channel design and site construction . Indicates the necessity of protection components installed at the channel entrance of receiver-transmitter and suggests its installing method .

  27. 低压配电系统常采用自动开关、熔断器和热继电器作为保护元件,正确选择这些元件,有利于区分保护的选择性与灵敏度。

    Auto-switch , fuse and heat relay should be used as protective ele - ments in a low voltage distribution system . Correct selection of these elements is useful to differentiate selectivity and sensitivity of the protective device .

  28. 该状态转移模型考虑了继电保护元件故障的影响,且算法结构简单,相对于网络等值法,计算冗余小,计算速度快。

    Compared with the reliability - network-equivalent approach , the model and algorithm presented for distribution system reliability evaluation with the contribution of the failure of relay protection system taken into account have higher speed and less calculating redundancy .

  29. 对距离保护元件,由于存在过渡电阻,单侧电源线路经短线路出口故障或双侧电源的线路故障,容易引起距离保护拒动或误动。

    To distance protection elements , the existence of transition resistance may result in tripping missing or maloperation , when fault happens at the exit of short line of one-terminal power supply or on the line of two-terminal power supply .

  30. 基于被保护元件各端信息的纵联保护,原理简单可靠,能够可靠地区分区内、区外故障,具备良好的选择性,已在输电系统中获得了广泛应用。

    Based on the information of each end of the element , longitudinal protection has simple principle and good selectivity to distinguish the fault internal and external area with reliably , so it has been widely used in the transmission system .