
  1. 美术馆有保存、收藏艺术品的职责,并且不断用藏品构筑展览。

    Museums have the responsibilities for preserving and collecting art works and constructing exhibitions with collections continuously .

  2. 对图书馆的文化保存和收藏整理功能、知识教育功能,信息传递功能、文化娱乐功能进行了一一阐述。

    Elaborates the cultural preservation and collect to tidy up the function of the library , the knowledge education function , the information delivers function , the cultural amusement function .

  3. 将所选项目保存到图片收藏文件夹。

    Save the selected items to my pictures folder .

  4. 除非指定其他位置,否则图像会保存在图片收藏文件夹中。

    Images are saved to your My Pictures folder unless you specify a different location .

  5. 如果你认为你仍是一个时髦的女子,或者现在已为一位时髦的妇女,那么,让我们一起来欣赏我长期保存的磁带收藏吧!

    If you were a groovy chick , or are now a groovy hen , let 's get together and listen to my boss collection of eight-track tapes .