
  1. 故民间有着大通的砂罐贵德的椒,熬下的茯茶把百病消的说法。

    So people have a Chase Shaguan Guide pepper , boil tea Fu under the argument to eliminate diseases .

  2. 对油罐喷砂除锈过程中发生的一起砂罐爆炸事故进行了剖析,并提出了预防对策。

    A burst accident of a sand tank , which was used for removing rust by means of spraying on an oil tank , was analyzed , and the prevention countermeasure was provided .

  3. 在更换滤网时,要按正确的操作步骤进行泄压,确定除砂罐内的压力泄尽后,才能打开除砂罐上端的顶盖,进行更换。

    Make sure the pressure in the tank of the sand separator was released to zero , then open the top cap on the upper end of the tank to replace the filter screen .

  4. 按照优化配方重复试验,结果表明配方是可靠的、操作条件是合理的、砂磨罐一步研磨工艺是可行的。

    According to the selected optimum recipe , the results are , the formulation is reliable , condition is rational and one step grinding with sand-mill is practicable .

  5. 结论要使曙一区超稠油污水达到国家规定的工业污水排放标准,还须解决下排油泥、水温、浮选器的效率、砂滤罐滤料充填方式等对污水处理的影响问题。

    Conclusion Discharged oily silt , water temperature , efficiency of hydrocyclone , packing pattern of sand filtration tank and the etc must go through further improvement for super heavy oily waste water from Shu I area to meet national industrial waste water discharging standards .