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  1. 《三国志通俗演义》无疑是一部具体、生动、鲜活的人物类型化的文学性著作。

    The Popular Romance of the Three Kingdoms is concrete , vivid and fresh Literature works of characters type .

  2. 本文拟从文化变迁与《三国志通俗演义》的成书过程来考察这种缺失。

    The present paper investigates the absence of such description in the process of writing novel , as well as from the situation of cultural change at that time .

  3. 在崇尚儒学的封建社会,作者对墨学的认同性只能隐藏在作品中,《三国志通俗演义》中墨子思想的体现即是很好的例证。

    In the Confucianism-exalted feudal society , the authors'approval of Mohism could only be veiled in their works , the reflection of Mohism in the Romance of the Three kingdoms was a case in point .

  4. 模糊叙事是《三国志通俗演义》、《水浒传》、《金瓶梅》、《儒林外史》、《红楼梦》和《海上花列传》等长篇小说的一种表现形式。

    Vague narration is one of the forms of expression in such novels as Romance in the Three Kingdoms , All the Men are Brothers , Chin Pin Mei , The Scholars , Dream of the Red Chamber and Flowers of Shanghai .