
hào zhàn
  • Belligerent;bellicose;warlike;pugnacity
好战 [hào zhàn]
  • [bellicose;warlike] 热衷于战争

  • 好战分子

好战[hào zhàn]
  1. 一些不负责任的政客说出一些好战的话语。

    Some irresponsible politicians made a bellicose remarks .

  2. 好战的年轻军官;好战的冲动;好战的性格。

    Bellicose young officers ; a combative impulse ; a contentious nature .

  3. 好战的学生在与警察对抗。

    Student militants were fighting with the police .

  4. 言辞激烈的右翼领袖在会后收敛了他的好战言论。

    The fiery right-wing leader toned down his militant statements after the meeting

  5. 已有更多的好战组织谴责他们采取姑息态度。

    They have already been accused of appeasement by more militant organisations .

  6. 西徐亚人勇猛好战。

    The Scythians were a fiercely warlike people .

  7. 我们被人指责是好战的左翼分子。

    We were accused of being militant left-wingers .

  8. 好战者觉得用暴力建立一个宗教国家这种做法并无矛盾之处。

    The militants see no contradiction in using violence to bring about a religious state .

  9. 激进的好战派想要继续利用人质作筹码来换取西方的让步。

    Radical , militant factions want to continue using the hostages as a lever to gain concessions from the west .

  10. 这没有好战的意味。

    It has no warlike significance .

  11. 朝鲜的贫乏几乎和其好战一样可怕。

    North korea 's indigence is almost as scary as its belligerence .

  12. 总有一天可能更适于克里姆宁宫去鼓励这种好战。

    One day , it might even suit the Kremlin to encourage this truculence .

  13. 这位总统并非好战分子。

    The president is not a warmonger .

  14. 他没有发动战争,所以,没有人可以称他为好战分子。

    Since he did not start the war , no one accuses him of being a warmonger .

  15. Plum是一个强硬的谈判对手,那些年轻的好战的联盟成员,希望他能和联盟对质。

    Plum is a tough negotiator , too , something younger , more militant members of the league want in their confrontation with the union .

  16. Jones表示,印尼应该集中更多力量展开情报工作,通过教育和社区参与避免招募新的好战分子。

    ng , " Jones said . Jones says Indonesia needs to focus more on intelligence work and preventing the recruitment of new militants through education and community involvement .

  17. 马龙白滥先生在电影欲望街车中所扮演的StanleyKowalski的好战暴力形象震惊了整个国家。

    The belligerence of Marlon Brando 's performance as the violent Stanley Kowalski in A streetcar Named Desire electrified the country .

  18. 但是Hizbul好战分子发言人MuseAbdiArale称是政府首先发起攻击。

    But a spokesman for the Hizbul Islam militia , Muse Abdi Arale , said the government attacked first .

  19. 希拉里发表讲话之后,巴基斯坦外交部长ShahMahmoodQureshi也对好战分子传达了挑衅的信息。

    Speaking alongside the Secretary , Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi had a message for the militants .

  20. 好战的,Glaucon,将代表着,苏格拉底所谓的狂热之城,将荣誉、竞争与战争制度化的城市。

    The war-like Glaucon would preside over what Socrates calls a feverish city , honors , competitions and above all war .

  21. 这次袭击发生在阿达姆·海勒市(DarraAdamKhel),该地区位于巴基斯坦部落地区,塔利班领导的好战分子活动非常猖獗。

    The bombing occurred in Darra Adam Khel , an area near Pakistan 's tribal regions where Taliban-led militants have been active .

  22. 华盛顿特区记者彼得贝纳特(peterbeinart)进一步猛烈抨击了以色列的好战态度,指责其疏远了年轻的犹太侨民,使他们离开犹太教和犹太文化。

    The accusation that Israeli hawkishness turns young diaspora Jews off their Judaism and their Jewishness has been trenchantly advanced by Peter Beinart , a journalist in Washington , DC .

  23. 去年12月份,他们正在Mazar-e-Sharif北部修路时被好战分子劫持。

    They were building a road north of Mazar-e-Sharif when they were seized by militants last December .

  24. “bellig”意思是“喝醉的”、“好战的”。

    And " bellig " means drunk and belligerent .

  25. 周六,数百名好战分子袭击了Nuristan省前哨,造成至少8名美国士兵死亡。

    At least 8 American troops were killed Saturday when hundreds of militants attacked their outpost in the Nuristan Province .

  26. 韦德宁表示,奥巴马的班子相信,作出上述判断时机不成熟。他表示,美方把朝鲜的好战言论,放在朝鲜准备为金正日(KimJong-il)安排接班人的大背景中看待。朝鲜领导人金正日去年曾经中风。

    Mr Wilder said the Obama team believed it was premature to make that judgment , saying it saw the bellicosity in the context of preparations for the eventual succession of Kim Jong-il , the North Korean leader who suffered a stroke last year .

  27. Borno首府Maiduguri是周日开始的尼日利亚北部的暴力活动中心。当时好战分子袭击了Bauchi一座警察局。

    Maiduguri , the capital of Borno , has been the center of violence in northern Nigeria that started Sunday when militants attacked a police station in Bauchi .

  28. 安全力量因这些行动受到赞誉的时候,印度尼西亚大学军事分析家AndiWidjajanto却担忧,警方活动的增加预示着好战分子活动的水平也提高。

    While the security forces have been praised for these actions , Andi Widjajanto , a military analyst from the University of Indonesia , is concerned that the increased police activity also indicates an increased level of militant activity .

  29. 这次袭击发生在阿达姆·海勒市(DarraAdamKhel),该地区位于巴基斯坦部落地区,塔利班领导的好战分子活动非常猖獗。数百名礼拜者在这个逊尼派清真寺聚集。这座清真寺在袭击中受到严重损坏。

    The bombing occurred in Darra Adam Khel , an area near Pakistan 's tribal regions where Taliban-led militants have been active.Hundreds of worshippers had gathered at the Sunni mosque , which was severely damaged in the attack .

  30. 对Kolloen而言,这些谈论看上去是相当标准的弗洛伊德式的材料,但他相信这位精神科医生能缓解哈姆生人格中的众多好战因子。

    To this reader these consultations seem pretty standard sub-Freudian stuff , but Ms Kolloen believes that the psychiatrist was able to reconcile various warring aspects of the man 's personality .