  • a kind of metal warmer;Hao

  • pick;pickaxe
  • 刨土的工具。

  1. 她用镐和平锹挖地基。

    She dug the foundation with a pick and shovel .

  2. 建筑物采用HYG-85Ⅲ组合横移镐和油顶三维方向移动重梁及压浆等方法,使桥隧恢复到位和增强衬砌强度。

    For restoring the bridge and increasing the liner strenght of the tunnel , HYG 85 compound horizontal displacement pick , hydrofeeded heavy beam with three direction displacement and grouting technique were used .

  3. 他在尖嘴镐上靠了一会儿。

    He rested on his pickaxe for a while .

  4. 手拿镐铲的工人

    workmen with picks and shovels

  5. 他放弃了自己的三个儿子:生于1965年的元镐(WonHo,音)、1967年的元融(WonYoung,音)和1968年的元熙(WonHee,音)。

    He gave up his three sons : Won Ho , born in1965 ; Won Young , born in 1967 ; and Won Hee , born in 1968 .

  6. 在莫斯科寻找证据并不难&在这个城市,电影《印第安纳琼斯:水晶骷髅王国》(IndianaJonesandtheKingdomoftheCrystalSkull)的宣传海报,覆盖了绘有扛镐工人的社会主义题材壁画。

    Supporting evidence is not hard to spot in Moscow , a city where posters advertising films such as Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull are plastered over socialist murals of workers carrying pickaxes .

  7. 方法采用镀铜镐还原法和放射免疫法检测48例HIE患者血清NO2/NO3和cGMP的含量。

    Methods Serum nitrite / nitrate ( NO2 / NO2 ) and cyclic guanosine monophosphate ( cGMP ) in 48 patients were measured with copper-coated cadmium reduction method and radioimmunoassay .

  8. 焊接试验结果表明,通过选择合适的焊接材料以及制定合理的焊接工艺,能够获得所选镐靴耐磨性能最好的2C试样与镐体材料优质的焊接接头。

    The result of welding test show that we can acquire all wool and a yard wide welding joint between the pickax boot wearable materials ( 2C ) and pickax body materials through selecting fit welding material and drawing up the reasonable welding craft .

  9. 用上述方法测定了我国牛肝标准物质ESA-1中的铅与镐,结果与保证值吻合很好,相对标准偏差分别为3.6%和5.4%。

    Meanwhile the lead and cadmium in the standard matter ESA-1 of Chinese ox liver were determined by the methods mentioned above , and the results were in excellent correspond with the standard values , the relative standard deviations were 3 . 6 % and 5 . 4 % respectively .

  10. 镐形截齿破煤截割力的计算及影响因素分析

    Calculation and influence factor analysis on coal cutting force of pick

  11. 我们把手镐换成风镐和电钻。

    We replaced hand picks with pneumatic picks and electric drills .

  12. 中继间法顶进桥涵的顶镐设置方法

    Installing of Jack for Pushing Bridges and Culverts in Relaying Method

  13. 采煤机镐形截齿负荷的数学模型建立分析

    Mining Coal Mechanical Pick Truncation Tooth Load Mathematical Model Establishment Analysis

  14. 镐型截齿损坏型式分析

    Analysing the fail types of bit in the shape of pick

  15. 16镐液压捣固车技术问题的分析与改进

    Analysis and improvement on technique of 16-pickaxe hydraulic pressure tamping car

  16. 他跑过去拿回两个孩子的工具:十字镐和铁锹。

    He ran and brought the boys ' pick and shovel .

  17. 他们用镐和撬来打碎这些岩石。

    They used picks and sledges to break the rocks .

  18. 在那个年代,隧道挖掘是一份艰苦的工作,要用铁锹和镐。

    In those days tunnelling was hard labour with shovels and picks .

  19. 从前用镐和铁锹采煤。

    Formerly the coal was dug with picks and spades .

  20. 镐不用,你倒可以给我一些茶。

    Instead of a pickaxe , you can offer me some tea .

  21. 冲击式破碎镐性能检测系统研究与开发

    R & D of Performance Testing System for Impact Breaker

  22. 六个生病的乡下人用十字镐和木棒在挖六块光滑的砖头。

    Six sick hick nick six slick bricks with picks and sticks .

  23. 基于截槽非对称条件镐形截齿的截割力学模型

    The cut mechanical model of pick-shaped cutter under conditions of dissymmetrical slotting

  24. 镐型截齿破损分析及新工艺研究

    Analysis of Conical Pick Damage and Research on New Technology

  25. 分体镐靴磨损性能研究

    Study on the Abrasion Capability for the Tamping Tine-Boots of Discerption Frame

  26. 1996年,成镐是朝鲜一个饥饿的儿童,

    In 1996 , Seong-ho was a starving boy in North Korea .

  27. 手镐已被风镐和电钻取而代之。

    Hand picks have been replaced by pneumatic picks and electric drills .

  28. 手镐很快换成了风镐和电钻。

    Hand picks were quickly replaced by pneumatic picks and electric drills .

  29. 采煤机镐型截齿安装角的研究

    Research on the installing angle of shearer pick-shaped cutter

  30. 采煤机镐形齿与刀形齿截割力试验分析

    The pick tine and knife tine cut force experimental analysis of coal cutter