
  • 网络Helthhome;Healthome
  1. 你小子好福气呀!

    You lucky sod !

  2. 老太太身体很健康,真是好福气。

    The old lady 's fortunate enough to have very good health .

  3. “好福气,我给你道喜,你还怪我没有良心?”

    " I congratulate you on your good fortune-does that make me heartless ?"

  4. 这里到处都有你的好福气。

    Your good luck is all here .

  5. 做一个有钱的年轻人的丈母娘真是好福气&她亲自调查过他的经济状况。

    It was so nice to be the mother-in-law of a rich young man & one whose financial state had borne her personal inspection .

  6. 人们到此除虔诚拜祭之外,还会买回几只波罗鸡回家,祈求健康,好运气,福气满盈。

    Apart from the graves this pious people , the Baltic will buy back a few chickens home to pray for health , good luck , good fortune for profit .

  7. 她身体好,真有福气。

    Eg. She 's fortunate enough to enjoy good health .

  8. 她一辈子身体都很好,真有福气。

    She had the good fortune to BE in excellent health all her life .

  9. 不要以恶报恶,以辱骂还辱骂,倒要祝福。因你们是为此蒙召,好叫你们承受福气。

    Not rendering evil for evil , or railing for railing : but contrariwise blessing ; knowing that ye are thereunto called , that ye should inherit a blessing .