
  • 网络Good Hotel;Ok Hotel
  1. 北京酒店是北京市非常好的酒店之一。

    Eg Beijing hotel is one of beijing 's elite hotels .

  2. 总体是一间好的酒店,因为它是乾净和优雅。

    Overall a great hotel as it is clean and classy .

  3. 住在一个好的酒店里很舒服。

    It 's very comfortable to stay in a nice hotel .

  4. 在主广场有一两家好的酒店。

    There are one or two good hotels in the main square .

  5. 提前登记入住已经准备好的酒店房间需支付高达50美元的费用。

    Checking in early when your hotel room is ready can cost up to $ 50 .

  6. 一个好的酒店设计,必然是民族性的。

    A good hotel design must be able to well present the spirits of a nation .

  7. 对岳母要亲切,必要时,请她住进一家上好的酒店吧。

    Be kind to your mother-in-law , and if necessary pay for her board at some good hotel .

  8. 房间干净,有任何一家好的酒店都会有的化妆用具与标准设施。

    Rooms are clean and comes with all the toiletries and standard accessories any good hotel should have .

  9. 被选中的城市也必须具备很多好的酒店并且附近有国际机场。

    The chosen city must also have plenty of good hotels and must have an international airport nearby .

  10. 非常感谢在上海的同事,他们为我们安排了一个环境非常好的酒店。

    Very grateful to my colleagues in Shanghai , they arranged for us a very good hotel environment .

  11. 我前往这个漫天尘土、灰蒙蒙的城市拜访高德,发现当时他住在一个条件不太好的酒店。一般球队在比赛当天就住在这个酒店,街对面就是比赛场。

    I traveled to the dusty , dingy burg and found God in the second-rate hotel across the street from the arena where the team stayed on game nights .

  12. 这是我第一次独自在亚洲旅行,从那时起我有了这个教训:特别是对于第一次独自旅行的人而言,宁可多花钱也要住在环境条件好的酒店。

    This was my first time traveling alone in Asia , and since then Ive learned my lesson . Spend a few extra dollars on good accommodation . Especially if youre traveling alone for the first time .

  13. 他们的团结、凝聚制止了事件的恶化,将负面的影响降到最低,也很好的保障了酒店的运作和客人的安全。

    Their cohesion controlled the incident at last , reduced the negative effect and protected the hotel and guests'safety .

  14. 同时也很好的宣传了酒店,为酒店的发展开辟了新的业务新增点,通过信息化为企业创造了利润。

    At the same time , this system is a very good way to public the hotel and open up a new business for the development of the hotel in order to create profits through the information system .

  15. 好的,在我们酒店您感觉如何?

    Ok , and how was your stay at out hotel ?

  16. 作为一家酒店,名字就是这家酒店的核心定位,一个好的名字能给酒店的宣传带来事半功倍的效果,酒店是怎么起名的呢?

    As a hotel name is the core of this hotel location , hotel a good name to give publicity to bring a multiplier effect , how the hotel is named for ?