
  • 网络University of Nantes
  1. 现在博士学位是和校区靠近Audencia的南特大学的合作项目。

    The present doctorate is a joint venture with Nantes University whose campus is right next to that of Audencia .

  2. 南特大学传播学讲师与研究者奥利维尔·恩茨希尔德(OlivierErtzscheid)在网上传播一份安妮日记,以示抗议,本月,他收到了安妮日记法国出版社的警告信。

    Olivier Ertzscheid , a lecturer in communications and researcher at the University of Nantes , received a warning letter this month from a French publisher of the diary after he started circulating a copy online in protest .

  3. 新改建的南特Audentia大学MBA项目是一个紧跟时代潮流,国际化的大学项目。从1984年开始招生。

    The newly revamped Audencia MBA is an updated , international version of a programme first offered in1984 .

  4. 来自法国的路易·克莱帕尔(LouisKlépal)是东京庆应义塾大学(KeioUniversity)和法国南特中央理工大学(écoleCentraledeNantes)一个双学位项目的工程系毕业生,他在为一家日本工程公司工作一年后跳槽。

    Louis Kl é pal , a French engineering graduate of a double-degree program at Keio University in Tokyo , and the é cole Centrale de Nantes in France , made the jump one year after working for a Japanese engineering company .