
  1. 积极方面:三国群英传对《三国演义》传播宣传普及了三国知识,引导丰富了游戏市场,同时也对小说传播途径的开辟提供了重要参考。

    The positive aspect : Sango Heroes has spread and popularized Three Kingdoms knowledge , and has enriched the gaming market . Meanwhile , it provides the momentous reference for the novel that opens up the ways to spread .

  2. 第一,研究其三层包孕之立体结构艺术,《三国志玉玺传》的整体结构规模宏大严谨,采取主线和隐线相结合的结构形式,显示出弹词艺人构思的巧妙和独具匠心。

    Its overall structure is of large-scale and rigorous , and taken the main line and the line of combining structure , showing the ingenious and originality of the storytelling artist conceived .