
  • 网络TRITONE;Tri-Tone
  1. 从三全音地位的变化看20世纪和声音响的重要特征

    On the Important Characters of Harmonic Sound in the 20th Century from Functional Changes of Tritone

  2. 有时候三全音的一个或两个音调会一起从音阶中被忽略,这样就创造出了六音阶或五音阶。

    Sometimes one or both notes of the tritone will be omitted from the scale altogether , which creates a hexatonic or pentatonic scale .

  3. 歌曲中采用了大量的三全音和半音,为作品营造了一抹特有的沉重愁惨意味。

    The use of tritones and semitones is paramount throughout this work to give it its distinctly poignant flavour .

  4. 第三节调式化和声进行中,阐述作品中的调式化非功能性和声进行、三全音或小二度关系对调性中心音的支持、调性中心音的贯穿、线性和声思维问题。

    The third quarter of this arrangements , expounds the works of this non-functional arrangements , tritone or small 2 degrees of tonal center sound relationship between support , tonal center sound , linear harmonic thinking through .