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sān bù guǎn
  • come within nobody's jurisdiction;be nobody's business
三不管 [sān bù guǎn]
  • [come within nobody's jurisdiction;be nobody's business] 指几方面都不管;没人管

  • 三不管地区

三不管[sān bù guǎn]
  1. 这项基本权利的裁决对原告甚为重要,因为其长久以来苦于所处的法律三不管身份。

    This determination of fundamental rights is critical to Plaintiffs because they continue to suffer as a result of the legal limbo in which they find themselves .

  2. 法官作出有利于被告的判决,并要原告偿付法庭费用。这项基本权利的裁决对原告甚为重要,因为其长久以来苦于所处的法律三不管身份。

    The judge pronounced for the defendant , and also said that his opponent should pay the court costs . This determination of fundamental rights is critical to Plaintiffs because they continue to suffer as a result of the legal limbo in which they find themselves .

  3. 这制造了一些难题,因为接下来我们只能把车送回英国修理,金宝在提到一起尤为严重的检验事故时说,这就像进入了一个三不管地带,因为我们当时已经缴过(进口)税了。

    That caused some difficulties because we then had to send the car back to the UK to be repaired , says Mr James of one particularly bad inspection incident . It was in a sort of no-man ' s-land because we had already paid the [ import ] taxes .

  4. 第三,不管这些投票或者协议,抑或是决议,联合国大会都没有权利执行。

    Three , regardless of those votes or agreements or resolutions , though , the General Assembly has no power to enforce them .

  5. 整整三年,不管是白天还是黑夜,不管是天晴还是下雨,这岛上就只有他一个人。

    Three years he were the man of this island , light and dark , fair and rain ;

  6. 随着现代社会人与人之间关系的复杂化和法律关系的多样化,民事诉讼第三人制度不管是在理论研究领域还是司法实践领域,其重要性是臼益显著的。

    In modern society , because of the multiplicity and complexity of the legal relationship of civil disputes , both in the theory research and in the judicial practice , the importance of the third party without independent claim system is becoming more prominent .

  7. 谷歌(Google)、苹果(Apple)和微软(Microsoft)这三大巨头,不管谁能收购一度如日中天、如今却落花流水的黑莓手机(Blackberry),谁就能借此如虎添翼。

    One of the " big three " mobile computing giants – Google , apple or Microsoft - could win big by picking up a loser : the once great BlackBerry .

  8. 有人评论说他们更像是洗剪吹三人组。不管谁在操纵这个乐团,HKT似乎对网络上的骚动不以为意。

    One user writes , Wash + Cut + Blow Trio more like Whoever is controlling the profile , they seem to be taking no notice of the furore .

  9. 爱上某人的第三个原因是不管他们是怎样的人。

    The third reason to love someone is despite who they are .

  10. 遵守三倍定律,不管你做的是好事还是坏事,都会三倍回报加诸于身。

    Mind the threefold law ye should , three times bad and three times good .

  11. 充满和谐与温馨的婚姻不会有第三者插足。不管夜晚如何&严寒霜冻还是温暖潮湿。

    There is no involvement of a third party in the marriage filled up with harmony and warmth .