
  1. Ko固结三轴仪的研制与试验研究

    Development and Experiment of K_ 0 - Consolidation Triaxial Apparatus

  2. 特别是,现在人们十分热衷于将iPhone变成类似“星际迷航”里的医用三录仪。

    In particular , there 's been a lot of interest in turning iPhones into something like the Star Trek medical tricorder .

  3. 三录仪竞赛于上周在拉斯维加斯国际电子消费展(CES)上正式启动。

    This contest officially launched last week at the consumer electronics trade show ces .

  4. RT3型岩石高压真三轴仪研制成功

    Successful Development of RT3 Type Rock High Pressure True Triaxial Testing Machine

  5. 利用先进的GDS应力路径三轴仪,探讨了花岗岩残积土在特殊应力路径下的三轴试验特性。

    Some mechanical properties of granite residual soil were studied under special stress paths using advanced GDS stress path triaxial apparatus .

  6. 利用可同步进行CT扫描的三轴仪,进行了不同围压下路基填土的三轴压缩实验和蠕变实验。

    The triaxial compression tests and creep tests of subgrade soil samples with different lateral pressures are conducted with a new set of modified triaxial compression apparatus which made the soil samples can be scanned with CT at the same time during compression process .

  7. 本文在先进的GDS应力路径三轴仪上对饱和砂土进行等围压不同周期的慢速往复荷载排水三轴试验。

    Consolidated drained triaxial tests are conducted for the saturated sand under slow reciprocating loading by the advanced GDS stress path triaxial apparatus .

  8. 利用GDS三轴仪对工程场地内的原状土样进行了室内动力试验,获得了各主要土层的动弹性模量与阻尼比。

    The shear modulus and damp ratio characteristics of typical strata are achieved in the dynamic test , based on GDS triaxial dynamic system .

  9. DTS-300动力三轴仪数据采集与处理系统

    The Data Acquisition and Processing System for DTS-300 Dynamic Triaxial Apparatus

  10. 以车辆行驶的表层沙土为研究对象,用土壤动态三轴仪对车辆行驶的表层沙土的力学特性进行了试验研究,建立了适于车辆行驶的表层沙土的非线性弹性邓肯(Duncan)本构模型。

    The mechanical properties of top sand under moving vehicle are studied by soil dynamic triaxial test apparatus . The nonlinear elastic Duncan constitutive model of top sand under vehicle is established .

  11. RDT-10000型岩石高压动力三轴仪的数据采集与处理系统

    The Data Collection and Process System for RDT-10000 Type Rock High Pressure Dynamic Triaxial Machine

  12. 用8000KN多功能三轴仪测量脆性岩石的扩容、蠕变及松弛

    Dilatancy Creep and Relaxation of Brittle Rocks Measured with the 8000 KN Multipurpose Triaxial Apparatus

  13. 利用三轴仪进行不同固结压力下的渗透试验,分析了不同固结压力下水泥掺入比与EPS含量对聚苯乙烯轻质混合土渗透特性的影响,建立了固结压力与渗透系数的经验公式。

    The influence of cement ratio and EPS ratio on coefficient of permeability is studied on the basis of water permeability tests under different consolidation pressure by triaxial apparatus . The experiential equation was obtained between consolidation pressure and coefficient of permeability .

  14. 使用DDS-70型微机控制动三轴仪,对石灰土进行了动强度和动弹模阻尼比试验,确定了石灰土的动强度和动力参数。

    DDS-70 digital controlled dynamic tri-axial test was used to study the mechanical properties of lime soil under dynamic loading .

  15. 为此,采用多功能三轴仪和压电陶瓷弯曲元剪切波速测试系统,研究了不排水循环荷载过程中孔压对细砂Gmax的影响。

    The effect of accumulated pore water pressure on Gmax is investigated based on a series of cyclic triaxial tests with piezoceramic bender element system .

  16. 本文利用GDS动三轴仪,在两种控制方式(应力和应变)下,对压实黄土的动力特性和动力作用下的应力松弛特性进行了试验研究。

    Under two kinds of control modes ( stress and strain ) and in virtue of GDS vibration triaxial apparatus , the paper study the dynamic characteristic and relaxing characteristic under dynamic load of compacted loess .

  17. 对京九线路基粉土用GDS三轴仪进行固结不排水剪试验,研究不同围压、含水量、压实度下压实粉土样的应力-应变关系。

    Based on the CU triaxial tests on compacted silt from the Beijing to Kowloon railway subgrade , the stress-strain relationship analysis is made on the silt under different cell pressures , water contents and degrees of compaction .

  18. 使用DDS-70微机控制电磁式振动三轴仪,对三种尾矿砂试样进行了动强度、动本构关系、动弹模阻尼比三方面动力特性研究。

    DDS-70 electromagnet kinetic equipment was used to study the dynamic strength , stress-strain relationship , dynamic modulus and damping ratio of three tailing sand types .

  19. 利用高精度静–动两用三轴仪(试样尺寸φ200mm×510mm)进行了砂砾料液化后静力再加载试验,研究了其应力应变特性。

    By use of the medium scale dynamic triaxial apparatus ( specimen size φ 200 mm × 510 mm ), the laboratory tests on the sand-gravel after liquefaction were performed .

  20. 二是根据此模型对DSZ-100型动力三轴仪作动态分析。得到了与实验结果相一致的结论;

    Based on this model , dynamic analysis is performed for the DSZ-100 type dynamic triaxial apparatus and the results of consistent with the experiments are obtained .

  21. 同时对剔除粒径大于5mm后的模拟料,采用相似级配法,运用DS-2T型动三轴仪(试样尺寸φ61.8×125mm)进行了一组平行试验。

    Meantime , using DS-2T dynamic triaxial device ( specimen size φ 61.8 × 125 mm ), scalping the oversized gravel particles and taking similar grade method , a series of parallel tests are carried out .

  22. 本文主要介绍DTS-300动力三轴仪数据采集与处理系统的主要特点以及对采样数据进行分析处理的主要方法。

    This paper mainly introduces the basic property of the data acquisition and processing system for DTS-300 dynamic triaxial apparatus and the main method about analyzing and processing the data acquired .

  23. 利用自行研制开发的高精度中型动三轴仪(试样尺寸φ200×510mm),对选定的砂砾料液化过程中的孔隙水压力增长和轴向应变发展模式进行了研究。

    By use of medium scale dynamic triaxial apparatus ( specimen size φ 200 × 500mm ) made by ourselves , the development of axial strain and pore water pressure in sand-gravel composites tested during liquefaction is studied .

  24. 空心圆柱试样真三轴仪应力路径的控制

    The Stress-path Control in A Hollow Cylinder Specimen-shaped Truly Triaxial Apparatus

  25. 土高压三轴仪及数据自动处理

    High Pressure Triaxial Apparatus for Soil and Its Auto Data-Processing System

  26. XH-100多功能三轴仪与花岗岩残积土动力特性研究

    HX-100 Multifunction Triaxial Apparatus and Dynamic Characteristics of Lateritic Soil

  27. 动三轴仪土力学试验微机采样数据处理系统

    Data Processing by Computer for Soil Mechanical Experiments With Dynamic Triaxial Apparatus

  28. 三球仪在《农业气象》教学中的巧妙应用

    The Ingenious Application of the Three-globe Apparatus in Teaching of the Agrometeorology

  29. 国产静三轴仪体变量测装置的改革

    Improvement of volume change measuring device in static triaxial apparatus

  30. 电液控制真三轴仪的研究

    The research on Electrical and hydraulic control for a triaxial testing device