
  1. 利用二行3列式证明三数成等差数列

    Using two line of three row determinant to prove three numbers being distance of equality sequence

  2. 13、5和27的平均数可将三数相加再除以3求得。

    The mean of 13 , 5 and 27 is found by adding them together and dividing by 3 .

  3. 当得知这条新闻后,他们将镜头探到这户人家的面前;他们让这家人表演或再现每一次情感的惊厥,需要一而再、再而三数不清的拍摄。

    They start by poking a lens at the family 's faces as they learn the news ; they end by getting them to act , or re-enact , every emotional convulsion that needs a second , third or umpteenth take .

  4. 通过九输入加法器及三数相加的串行进位加法器等设计实例证明了它能减少在运算电路中加法器模块的使用数量。

    As examples , a nine-input adder and a serial carry-propagation adder for three multi-bit numbers are designed . It is shown that the number of adder module can be reduced in the design of arithmetic operation circuits with the module .

  5. 我想,我现在必须带引乐意追随的朋友到一所高处,让他独自静观。那儿他只有三数伴侣,我将鼓励他喊道:我们必须紧紧跟住我们的辉煌的引路者古希腊人呀!

    I know that I must now lead the sympathizing and attentive friend to an elevated position of lonely contemplation , where he will have but a few companions , and I call out encouragingly to him that we must hold fast to our luminous guides , the Greeks .