
  1. 功率谱分析显示ENSO的冷事件和暖事件有三个共同的明显周期,即18个月、26个月和47个月;

    Through power spectrum analysis , there are three obvious common periods , 18 months 、 26 months and 47 months , for ENSO events .

  2. 心理治疗有三个共同因素即:治疗者、来访者和治疗过程。

    Psychotherapy consists of three common factors : therapist , client and therapy process .

  3. 同样,后者的子女,构成第三个共同夫妻圈子。

    The latter 's children will form a third circle of common husbands and wives ;

  4. 每个组织都有三个共同的特性。

    All organizations have three common characteristics .

  5. 不过,其中65篇都可以忽略,因为它们的依据都是三个共同的来源:

    You can ignore 65 of them . They 're all based on the same three sources :

  6. 这三个共同点是:有才华的学术人士和学生高度集中、充裕的资源和战略前景,以及领导能力。

    These were : high concentration of talented academics and students , abundant resources and strategic vision and leadership .

  7. 但是总体上,不管我们的个人史多么的不同,使我们感到生气的事都有三个共同点:不可预测性,不愉快和不确定性。

    But in general , the things that annoy us tend to have three things in common , regardless of our personal histories : Unpredictability , unpleasantness , and uncertainty .

  8. 实证研究表明,不同利率的动态变化可由三个共同因素解释其中的99%,这导致众多类型的模型来解释利率的动态。

    Empirical studies show that 99 % of the dynamic change of different interest rates can be explained by three common factors , which results a number of interest rate models .

  9. 多因素分析表明,P-gp及三个指标共同表达与患者的生存率有关。

    Cox regression analysis showed that the expression of P-gp and co-expression of P-gp 、 PKC - α and MRP was correlated with survival rate .

  10. 这三个方面共同构成了作品虚无主义的内在意蕴。

    The three aspects constitute the nature of nihilism .

  11. 经济,历史及政治三个系共同举办了一个东南亚讲演会。

    The economics , history and political science departments organized an interdisciplinary seminar on Southeast Asia .

  12. 教师领导力的生成是教师、校长和学校共同作用的结果,需要三个方面共同协作。

    The generation of teacher leadership is the results of effects by teachers , principals and school .

  13. 这个话语系统是由知识话语、权力话语、生命话语三个维度共同构成的。

    It is a discourse system which is constituted by knowledge discourse , power discourse and life discourse .

  14. 我的帽子是我三个朋友共同建设品:杰里米先生,本杰明兔和彼得兔。

    My hat was a construction of my three friends : Mr Jeremy Fisher , Benjamin Bunny and Peter Rabbit .

  15. 在这三个特征共同作用下,知识型社会对于组织与个人而言,都将是竞争非常激烈的社会。

    Together , those three characteristics will make the knowledge society a highly competitive one , for organizations and individuals alike .

  16. 在理想角色模型中,村卫生室的社会角色由必要角色、基本角色和积极角色三个层次共同组成。

    In ideal role model , the social role of village clinics is composed by essential role , basic role and positive role .

  17. 自然性规定和类的规定性以及客观现实规定这三个方面共同构成了现实的个人。

    The three aspects of physical existence , nature of human kind and social relations constitute the reality of the content of individual .

  18. 农村合作运动的兴起是当时社会经济、思想理论和政治斗争三个方面共同作用的结果。

    The development of country financial cooperation was in that historical background : the development of social economy , academic theory and political struggle .

  19. 通过对温压机理的分析,发现最佳温压温度由粘结剂的软化点、粘度和固化点三个因素共同决定。

    And the softening point , the viscosity and the solidifying point of bond decide the optimal temperature , according to the mechanism of warm compaction .

  20. 仪式具有不同层次的意涵:功能性、社会性和价值性,三个层面共同组织起人情仪式在农民生活中的延展。

    Ceremony with different levels of meaning : functional , social , and value , three levels of human co-organized ceremony in the extension of life of farmers .

  21. 经济体制、政治体制和文化体制分别从深层、中层和浅层三个层面共同影响竞技体育运行模式的选择;

    It is considered that economy system , politics system and culture system influence the choice of movement mode of competitive sports from deep-layer , middle-layer and superficial-layer .

  22. 今天,也有一些来自东方社和凯恩斯社的成员,你们三个社团共同感兴趣的话题无疑是中国。

    In todays audience there are also members from the Oriental Society and Keynes Society . Obviously a common subject that interests all the three societies is China .

  23. 社会主义原则与社会主义本质、社会主义特征分别从实现形式、性能和表现形式三个层面共同回答了什么是社会主义。

    The socialism principle , essence and characteristic answer a same problem of what is socialism respectively from the level or angle of realization , function and manifestation .

  24. 还有很多东西要看:医疗帐篷、食品储藏室,还有她和她的父母、兄弟姐妹以及另外三个家庭共同居住的帐篷。

    There was much more to see : the medical tent , the pantry , the tentthat she , her parents and siblings shared with three other families .

  25. 短期预测、神经网络长期预测以及灰色灾变预测这三个模块共同构建了马铃薯晚疫病预警系统。

    The three main modules : short-term prediction , BP neural network long-term prediction and Gray-Disaster prediction constitute the Forecasting and Early-Warning Software System for Potato 's Late Blight .

  26. 征管模式、纳税人特征和外部社会环境三个因素共同决定了潜在收入能力转化为实际收入的转化率,在潜在收入能力既定的前提下,形成了最终的现实收入能力。

    Collection mode , the taxpayer characteristics and the external social environment determine the conversion rate from potential tax capacity to real income , formatting the real tax capacity at established the potential tax capacity .

  27. 笔者希望通过这三个层面共同转变认识、完善制度和深化落实,能对我国政府信息公开制度的进一步发展和有效实施有所裨益。

    I hope that through these three levels of common changing awareness , improving and deepen the implementation of the system , can our government information disclosure system and effective implementation of the further development be beneficial .

  28. 提出企业战略的动态能力是由三个模型共同构建的,模型之间存在协同作用,并分别讨论了三模型之间的两两协同作用。

    It is believed that dynamic capabilities of the corporate strategy are constructed by the proposed three models which should cooperation with each other . We gave a further discussion about the synergy between the proposed models .

  29. 入围的中国大陆电影包括曹保平的《烈日灼心》和霍建起的《1980年代的爱情》。前者讲述了三个兄弟共同抚养一个女孩的故事,后者则以乡村爱情为主题。

    From China , the competition includes " The Dead End " by Cao Baoping about three brothers who raise a young girl together and " Love in the 1980s " by Huo Jianqi about a village romance .

  30. 与此同时,期刊和出版活动配合或者偏离着文学史勾勒的外国文学经典范围,但是这三个方面共同生产了中国关于外国文学经典化的最初成果。

    At the same time , periodicals and publishing actions helped shape certain foreign literary canon ' spheres outlined by some literary history works , or deviate certain boundaries . But these three aspects have brought about the first fruits in foreign literary canonization .