
  1. 具有熵约束的生产力配置模型Ⅱ:模型与原理

    A Productive Forces Distribution Model with Entropy Constraint I : Model and Principle

  2. 文章从优化生产力要素配置的角度并结合西部实际,对我国西部地区加快推进新型工业化的主要路径进行了探讨。

    This paper discusses the main route of the new-type industrialization in western China in term of optimizing the key elements of productivity .

  3. 建国以后,在我国农业和农村经济曲折的发展过程中,生产力要素配置规律起了决定性的作用。

    The Configuration Law of Productivity Elements plays an important role during the developing process of our country 's agriculture and rural economy after the foundation of our country .

  4. 农村剩余劳动力转移既是社会生产力要素重新配置的过程,也是农户家庭经济资源重新配置的过程。

    The transfer of rural surplus labor is not only the process of reconfiguration on elements of the social productives , but also the process of reconfiguration on economic resoures of family farmers .

  5. 技术进步促进特色农业发展路径有提高生产力水平、合理配置生产要素与提高劳动者素质。

    Technology advancement contributes to higher productivity level , reasonable allocation of productive elements and improvement of labors ' quality .