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  1. 细腻的墨通过不同量的水分稀释,在生宣上自然渗化,所产生的水墨氤氲的流动感和气韵节律,是水墨艺术区别于其它画种的独特之处。

    After dissolved into water , Ink is painted on Xuan paper , so as to produce an artwork of vitality and unique state that no other art forms resemble .

  2. 到了北宋,虽然水墨有了浓淡的变化,但相比后人在生宣上那种水墨淋漓的丰富变化仍然逊色不少。

    Northern Song Dynasty , Ink With shades of change , but compared to the descendants of Health declared on kind of Ink dripping rich change is still a lot less .