
  • 网络spark of life;Life Spark
  1. 生命火花共有24名理事及遴选会员参加是次访问。

    A total of24 council and voting members of SPARK of Life participated in this visit .

  2. 詹姆斯。范。米特的妻子慢慢地、耐心地、巧妙地点燃了亨利。彼得尔身上奄奄一息的生命火花。

    Slowly , patiently , skillfully , James Van Metre 's wife fanned the spark of life that flickered in Henry Bedell .

  3. 他摔倒在哪里就在哪里休息,一到垂危的生命火花闪烁起来,微微燃烧的时候,就慢慢向前走。

    He rested wherever he fell , crawled on whenever the dying life in him flickered up and burned less dimly .

  4. 用我们的治本之道让生命的火花绽放的更加灿烂!

    Let 's tackle with it at its root to enable the sparkle of life to shine more brilliantly !

  5. 我宁愿生命的火花在壮丽的火焰中燃烧殆尽,也不愿在腐朽之物中窒息而死。

    I would rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry-rot.

  6. 她思考着说,你自私自利。你从未有过激情,在我面前从未放出过什么生命的火花。

    " You are just egocentric . - You never have any enthusiasm , you never come out with any spark towards me ," she said , pondering .

  7. 例如美洲山雀,体重还不到三分之一盎司,像一个生命小火花,任凭时速40英里的凛冽寒风的吹打。

    The chickadee , for example , weighing just one-third of an ounce , seems a tiny spark of life to throw to the mercy of frigid , 40-m.p.h.winds .

  8. 遇见你是生命中的火花。

    Meeting you that is the flake of my life .

  9. 速写是艺术生命中的火花,是人与物的对话。

    Sketch is the spark in the life of art and the dialogue between humans and substance .