
  • 网络ecological restaurant
  1. 论生产温室向生态餐厅的改造

    Renovation from Producing Greenhouse to Ecological Restaurant

  2. 本论文首先根据温室生态餐厅发展的现状,分析了存在的问题和不足。

    According to the greenhouse ecological restaurant development status , this paper first analyzed the problems and shortcomings of it .

  3. 一套旅游山庄生态餐厅的CAD图,平立剖面很详细。

    Ecological Tourism Resort restaurant , a CAD map , a very detailed level set profile .

  4. 生态餐厅的节能及降温系统运行管理

    Run Management on Cooling System and Energy-saving of Eco-restaurant

  5. 随着理论研究的深入和建设水平的提高,温室生态餐厅会朝着更科学的方向发展,将引领餐饮文化的新潮流。

    With the deepening of the research and the enhancing construction level , the greenhouse ecological restaurant will toward a more scientific direction , and it will lead a new trend in catering culture .

  6. 在此基础上,提出了适合在温室生态餐厅运用的植物景观模式:屏风式、悬吊式、壁画式、角隅花坛式、水岸花境式、复层群落式。

    On the basis of the above , put forward some plant landscape modes which are suitable for greenhouse ecological restaurant . For example : screen type , suspension type , mural painting type , corner flower-bed type , waterfront flower border type , multi-layer plant community type .