
  • 网络living material
  1. 胡同的物理空间被作为散播的媒介,而散播的对象并非某种观念或信息,而是实实在在的生活材料。

    Nothing Lasts Forever uses the physical site of Jianchang Hutong as a space for dissemination not of ideas or information but of raw materials .

  2. 其次,风俗习惯作为生活材料直接进入小说文本,影响着小说的艺术形式和手法。

    Second , folk customs , which enters the novel text as the life material , influenced the art form and the art style of the novel .

  3. 结果表明了森林生态系统除了提供人类基本的生产、生活原材料外,还具有更大的价值。

    The results show that the forest ecological system in addition to providing basic human life and production of raw material , its also have more value .

  4. 我相信,对科学的研究是有教育意义的,只要它显示的是那些造成了如今的社会生活的材料和过程。

    I believe that the study of science is educational in so far as it brings out the materials and processes which make social life what it is .

  5. 因其面向地方下层人民,文字通俗易懂,取材皆为日常召见之物,保留了大量常时的生活生产材料,至今天又为民俗研究所取资。

    Because of its local lower people oriented , easy to understand text material are daily learning to see things , to retain a lot of time living and production materials , and today for the Folk Institute for Access to Information .

  6. 在日常生活中减振材料有很多的用途,高聚物由于其本身的结构性能特点而被广泛的应用于减振材料。

    Damping materials are finding numerous applications .

  7. 他们将打开装在天舟二号内的货物,以获得生活及工作材料。

    They will unpack the goods stowed inside Tianzhou-2 to obtain their living and working materials .

  8. 生态系统为经济发展和人们生活提供原材料的支持,是整个社会持续发展的物质基础。

    The ecological system firms the material basis of social development , providing raw materials for human-being and economic development .

  9. 如果没有生活的原材料,我们是不可能凭空加工,生产出艺术作品、创作出自己的风格。

    If there are no raw materials of life , we could not expect to processing , to produce works of art .

  10. 各源贡献出现的地区、季节差别,主要是与工业活动和人们生活使用的材料和燃料相一致。

    The differences of areas and seasons between contribution of sources to aerosols are consistent with activity of human beings and industrial exhaust .

  11. 如果您想去英国学习,您尤其应该注意提供能证明您有能力支付学习和生活费用的材料。

    If you want to study in britain , you should take particular care to show that you can pay for your course and living expenses .

  12. 基本策略有:概念重建策略、关注现实策略、联系生活策略、材料研习策略、情境体验策略、合作学习策略和阐释指导策略等。

    All the basic strategy are the conception rebuilding strategy , focusing realism strategy , relating life strategy , studying conferences strategy , experiencing environment strategy , learning together strategy , and the guiding explain strategy .

  13. 本研究主要考察智力障碍学生对指示牌、招牌、警示语、小区通知、招聘广告、药品说明书等生活中常见材料的阅读能力。

    The study mainly investigated the capability of students with mental retardation to read such common materials as signage , signboard , warnings , notification in community , recruiting advertisement , medication labels and so on .

  14. 绝大多数科学或工程领域都与材料科学都有某种程度的联系,事实上,人们在生活中对于材料的需求已经像对能源需求一样普遍。

    There are few fields of science or engineering that are not concerned in some way with materials . Indeed , the need for materials is as pervasive in our lives as is the need for energy .

  15. 最后,结合现代园林设计和现代绘画发展趋势的分析,从加强与其它艺术门类的联系,体现现代生活题材,材料范围的拓展三方面总结出绘画在现代园林设计中的开拓点。

    Finally , it summed up an inherit point of tradition artistic flavor creation method and a expand point of modern painting development to modern gardens designs by analyzing the development trend of modern gardens design and modern painting .

  16. 塑料材料由于具有耐用、抗腐蚀、易于成型加工等优良特性,已经成为生产生活的主要材料之一,由此产生的大量废塑料对环境构成日益严重的威胁。

    Plastic , which has characteristics of durable , corrosion-resistant , easy processing and excellent molding , has become one of important materials of social life . Meanwhile , the total increases of plastic waste also constitute a serious threat to environment .

  17. 大学生活不舒服,材料英语和制图,各科考试不能糊,进步!

    University life uncomfortable , materials in English and mapping , test subjects can not paste , progress !

  18. 该艺术家喜欢用纸进行创作,因为纸可以变化多样,是人们日常生活中常用的材料。

    The artist likes to create art from paper because it is versatile and people use this material every day .

  19. 具有讽刺意义的是,社会却极大地依赖化学工业来生产其赖以维持现代生活方式的各种材料。

    Ironically society depends heavily on the chemical industry to produce the materials it needs to sustain it 's modern lifestyle .

  20. 物流业是个管道,物流成本上升,生产生活的所有原材料都会跟着涨价。

    Logistics is like a channel , which will drive the prices of all raw sources high as the logistic cost increases .

  21. 玻璃是人们日常生活中必不可少的材料。广泛应用于建筑、装饰、工艺品、汽车等各行各业。

    Glass is a material essential to daily life , which was widely used in construction , decoration , handicrafts and automotive industries .

  22. 培养一种材料思维,对生活中的各种材料包括现成物的敏感有利于在创作过程中的语言转换的实际应用。

    Cultivate a material thinking , life in a variety of materials including ready-made objects sensitive language in the creative process into the actual application .

  23. 为消除学生们的误解,老师们应该选用与学生生活紧密相关的材料,采纳互动式的教学方法。潘教授说道。

    To clear students ' misunderstanding , teachers should use materials closely related to students ' lives and adopt interactive teaching methods , said Pan .

  24. 产业升级:终于大部分的制造公司都依然注重于廉价的产品,例如一些生活用品和原材料。

    Industrial upgrading : the majority of China 's manufacturing firms are still focusing on low-end products , such as living goods and raw materials .

  25. 一个诗词作者必须开拓思维,在生活中积累写作材料,分析综合理解贯通,形成作品的主题。

    The author must develop a mentality poetry , with writing materials accumulated in life , analysis and comprehensive understanding of the speech , before forming the theme .

  26. 通过在中国回收生活垃圾和建筑材料发家的陈光标,用夸张的宣传来推动慈善事业,近年来一直受到媒体关注。

    Making his fortune from recycling domestic waste and construction materials in China , Chen has been in the media spotlight in recent years for his dramatic publicity stunts promoting philanthropic causes .

  27. 该书在语音考察中声韵并重的特点,在语言文字研究中重视利用生活经验和方言材料的特点,都值得语言文字学者悉心体会和研究。

    It lays equal stress on both rhyme and rhythm , attaches importance to the application of life experience and dialectal materials , all of which deserve careful reflection and study by philologists .

  28. 摘要从早期的玻璃材料工艺入手,说明玻璃是与人类生活关系密切的材料,玻璃艺术有着悠久的发展历史,玻璃工艺具有工艺美术和纯艺术的双重性。

    Proceeding with early material technology of glass , explains the glass is a material in close relation with human life , glass art is an art with a long history , the glass technology has the dual natures of industrial art and pure art .

  29. 以鸿雁山庄的构思过程为例,探讨源于生活、以生活为材料、以生活为宗旨,型化为建筑的构思法则与其间的意趣。

    Taking the example of the design process of Hongyan villa , this article discusses the architectural design methodology from life , for life , based on life and form into architecture .

  30. 活动内容从学生兴趣出发,选择富含生活气息的趣味物理实验。内容新颖,生动有趣,以废旧生活材料为实验材料,紧密结合物理学科知识,融合前沿科学技术,讲课与制作并举。

    We choose novel and interesting physical experiments in life style as the content on the basic of interest , take advantage of waste life materials as the experimental material , naturally combine the physical knowledge tightly , add the frontier knowledge of science and technology at the same time .