
  • 网络life and health;living and health;Life & Health
  1. 生态安全可定义为人类在生产、生活与健康等方面不受生态破坏与环境污染等影响的保障程度,包括饮用水与食物安全、空气质量与绿色环境等基本要素。

    Ecological security can defined as mankind 's ensure degree un effected by ecological destroy and environmental pollution in yield , living and health , including basic element of water and food security , air quality and green environment .

  2. 营养与免疫,努力改善人类生活与健康!

    Nutrition and immunology , strive to improve life and well being !

  3. 作为与人类生活与健康密切相关的一大作物,黄瓜有机营养的研究是不可忽略的课题。

    The cucumber plays an important role in daily life , and the study on cucumber organic nutrition can 't be overlooked .

  4. 环境污染已成为制约我国经济与社会进一步发展及人民生活与健康水平进一步提高的重大因素。

    Environmental pollution has become a significant factor which restricts the development of economy , society and the life and health of people .

  5. 生态环境的保护与否,不仅会影响人们的生活与健康,也会影响艺术的创作与欣赏。

    Whether or not to protect the environment not only influences people 's life and health but also the creation and appreciation of art .

  6. 在漫长的人类历史中,为慈善事业大开支票的盖茨,现在和其他人物相比很可能拥有影响更多人生活与健康的威力。

    Through the stroke of pen on chequebook , Gates probably now has the power to affect the lives and wellbeing of a larger number of his fellow humans than any other private individual in history .

  7. 药品价格问题关系到千家万户的生活与健康,药品价格管制的目的是控制药品费用的过快增长,以保证药品价格合理和药品供给的公平性。

    Medicine prices are related to life and health of thousands of millions of families . Medicine price regulation is intended to control fast increase of medical expenses , keep medicine price reasonable and to keep medicine supply fair .

  8. 农业有害生物,即农业病虫害,对农业生产、人类生活与健康造成了巨大的经济损失;特别是外来有害生物因入侵地的适生环境更易爆发成灾,成为国际社会面临的重大科技问题。

    Agricultural pests have caused great economic losses to agricultural production , human life and health , especially , alien pests are easy to outbreak as a result of suitable invasive environment , so it becomes a significant technological problem that international society faced with .

  9. 浅析健康的生活方式与健康促进

    Healthy Way of Living and the Improvement of Peoples ' Health

  10. 高校教师生活方式与健康状况的调查研究

    The Investigation on Lifestyle and Health of the College Teachers

  11. 子宫切除术后妇女性生活分析与健康教育

    Analysis of female sexual life and health education after hysterectomy

  12. 饮食结构及生活方式与健康关系的研究

    Investigation of the Effect of Dietetic Structure and Life Style on Holistic Health

  13. 对河北省老年人生活方式与健康运动处方的研究

    Study of Prescription on the Life Style and Sport Exercises of the Old People in Hebei Province

  14. 山东省15-69岁居民生活方式与健康状况研究

    Survey on Resident 's Life Style and Health Status among Those Who are Aged 15-69 in Shandong Province

  15. 中国、澳大利亚、美国老年人生活方式与健康状况&健康状况调查与评价

    Lifestyle and health outcome in older adults in china , australia and the United States & investigation and evaluation of health outcome

  16. 问:世界卫生组织(世卫组织)提倡一种使老年人保持积极生活态度与健康活力的人口老化模式。

    Q : The World Health Organization ( WHO ) has promoted a model of ageing in which older people remain active and robust .

  17. 结论信息权数引入行为生活方式与健康效应综合评价,可使评价结果更为科学、合理;潜在性紧张情绪是不良的行为生活方式。

    Conclusion The comprehensive evaluation which uses the weight of information is scientific , objective and reasonable , the sub-consciousness of tense is a bad behavior .

  18. 研究者推测,视力不佳可能与致命跌损及事故相关,并且削弱了影响死亡率的其它生活质量与健康因素。

    The researchers speculated that compromised vision could have contributed to fatal falls and accidents and reduced other quality of life and health factors that impact mortality .

  19. 如何使老年人心理和身体健康,是保证老年人的生活质量与健康长寿的关键。

    How to keep the psychological and physical health of older persons is the crucial factor to ensure the quality of life of older people , health and longevity .

  20. 结论萧山区居民慢性病行为危险因素处于较高水平,必须采取相应干预措施,建立科学的生活方式与健康的行为习惯,提高生活质量。

    CONCLUSION The level of chronic disease behavior risk factors is high , we should adopt countermeasures and set up scientific life-style and healthy behavior to improve our live quality .

  21. 随着人们生活水平与健康意识的不断提高,以及人口老年化的趋势,医疗电子产品已经越来越受到人们的欢迎,人体健康监护仪就是其中之一。

    With the gradual improvement of living standards and health awareness , and the aging population trend , medical electronic products have been increasingly welcomed by the people ; human health care monitor is one of them .

  22. 未来研究应扩大到全体女性,把定性研究和定量研究相结合,开展生活方式与健康的相关研究。

    The future research should be expanded to all the women in the society , the qualitative research should be combined with the quantitative one . In addition , the research of life style and health should be developed .

  23. 心理应激、不良生活习惯与心理健康呈显著负相关(P0.05)。

    Psychological stress , or bad living habits had significant negative correlation to mental health ( P0.05 ) .

  24. 军队医科大学学员的生活事件与心理健康有明显相关,r值在0.240~0.511之间,相关程度由高至低依次为:学习、适应、人际关系、挫折事件。

    Obvious correlation was found between the life events and the mental health of the students , the order of which was studying , adaptability , interpersonal relationship and setback .

  25. 偏相关分析显示,生活总体满意度与健康环境满意度之间呈正相关(P0.05);

    Partial correlation analysis showed that the satisfaction degree of living condition had positive relation with satisfaction degree of those health environment components . ( P0.05 ) .

  26. CRAZY公司希望这个新的奖励机制能改善员工的生活习惯与整体健康状况,并提高他们的生产力。

    CRAZY hopes that the new reward system will improve the lifestyle habits and overall health of its employees , as well as boost their productivity .

  27. 大学新生生活事件与心理健康的相关研究

    A correlation study between life events and mental health of freshmen

  28. 唐山大地震所致截瘫患者社会支持和生活质量与心身健康的对比研究

    Life Style and Psychosomatic Health in Paraplegic Suffers of Tangshan Earthquake

  29. 甘肃省少数民族大学生生活习惯状况与健康教育

    Living habits and the education of health of minority collegians in Gansu Province

  30. 女大学生生活压力与心理健康研究述论

    Review on Study of Female University Students ' Life Stress and Mental Health