
  1. 生态观光农业模式;

    The ecologic and tourism agriculture pattern ;

  2. 七要整合资源,发展沿淮低洼地生态观光农业。

    The seventh is to integrate the resource for the development of ecological tourism agriculture .

  3. 生态观光农业园可持续规划设计方法研究

    Sustainable Landscape Design of Eco-Sightseeing Agricultural Garden

  4. 最后,以张家界市生态观光农业园区规划为案例,作为实证研究使得理论和方法进一步升华。

    At last , the paper put Zhangjiajie Ecological Touring-agriculture Park as a study case to sublimate theories and methods further .

  5. 在分析临汾市地理环境、自然资源、经济发展状况、区位优势等方面的基础上,提出了在临汾市大力发展生态观光农业的一些新思路。

    Based on analysis to geographical environment , natural resources , economical situation and local superiority , idea to develop eco-tourist agriculture on a large scale was put forward .

  6. 其次,将理论构思与调查分析结果相融合,指导黑龙江省萝北县生态观光农业园景观规划设计方面的研究。

    Secondly , the combination of theoretical conception and results of investigation analysis directed the study on landscape planning and design eco-agricultural tourist garden for Luobei country in Heilongjiang province .

  7. 该区域始终坚持“在发展中保护、在保护中发展”的原则,重点发展旅游休闲业、生态观光农业。

    This economic zone has insisted on the principal of " protecting in development , and developing in protection ", and mainly developed the tourist industry and ecological sightseeing agriculture .

  8. 生态观光农业成功地将观光、度假、娱乐、餐饮等观光活动有机地结合起来,使旅游项目开发形式趋向丰富和新颖。

    Tourism , vacation , entertainment , dining and other tourist activities can be perfectly combined by eco-tourist agriculture so that make the form of tourism development tend to rich and novel .

  9. 首先,在理论阶段,分别对国内外的观光农业发展概况进行探讨,并与相关理论结合,形成寒地生态观光农业景观规划理论构思。

    First of all , this article explored the development of domestic and foreign tourism agriculture , respectively in the realm of theory , and formed a theoretical conception of landscape planning and design of the eco-tourist agriculture in cold area by combination of correlation theory .

  10. 未来的杨凌旅游业应该继续以生态观光、农业科技、农业文化为发展的主要方向,形成与西安、咸阳等周围著名旅游城市互补的格局。

    Ecological sightseeing , agricultural science and technology and agricultural culture should be the orientation for Yangling ′ s tourism in the future . Finally , complementary pattern with the famous tourist cities such as Xi ′ an , Xianyang will be formed .

  11. 生态旅游与观光农业村的强调:整体性、高效性、和谐性。

    The eco-tourism and tourism agriculture village emphasizes integrity , high-efficiency and harmony .

  12. 欠发达乡镇巩固农业优势,主导发展特色资源型生态农业和观光农业。

    Underdeveloped towns solidify agricultural predominance and develop ecological agricultural and tourism with special resource .

  13. 通过对自然系统分析表明:本村拥有较好气候条件、丰富的水资源、多样地貌类型及高的森林覆盖率,发展生态旅游和观光农业得天独厚。

    The nature system analysis shows : this village has perfect climatic conditions , abundant water resource , various landforms and forest coverage rate , which is richly endowed by nature to develop the eco-tourism and tourism agriculture .

  14. 村级生态旅游与观光农业建设理论基础主要包括:城乡统筹发展理论、社会-经济-自然复合生态系统理论、土地利用系统分析理论、景观生态学理论。

    The theory foundation of eco-tourism and tourism agriculture at village level mainly incorporated : the harmonious development theory between urban and rural areas , society-economy-nature compound ecosystem theory , land use system analysis theory , landscape ecology .