
shēnɡ yuán
  • Student source;biogenesis;source of students enrolling at a school;source of school enrolment;biogeny
  1. 本文简述了萜类生源学说的发展史,指出各类萜都是由其各自的特性前身合成的,而所有这些特性前身又都是由Ipp和Dpp衍生出来的。

    This essay deals write the developmental history of biogenesis of terpenes and indicates each kind of terpenes is synthesized by a special substance of its own . All of which are derived from Ipp and Dpp .

  2. 分析了天然产物研究中的基本问题和生源研究。

    Some basic problems and biogenesis on natural products research were analysed .

  3. 现在学校之间为了招揽生源展开了激烈竞争。

    There is now intense competition between schools to attract students .

  4. 太多的学校在争夺太少的生源。

    There are too many schools chasing too few pupils .

  5. 到目前为止,理工专科学校在争取生源和资金方面一直处于劣势。

    The polytechnics have hitherto been at an unfair disadvantage in competing for pupils and money

  6. 该校生源充足。

    There are sufficient applicants for the school .

  7. 室内生源性多环芳烃对DNA的氧化损伤

    Study on oxidative DNA damage induced by PAHs from household pollution

  8. 您可以使用一个转换从一个UML模型中产生源代码。

    You can use a transformation to generate source code from a UML model .

  9. 生物固氮作为海洋生态系统和生源要素生物地球化学循环的重要环节,对海洋碳、氮循环及海洋净吸收大气CO2的能力具有明显影响。

    As a key process of marine nitrogen cycling , nitrogen fixation play an important role in marine nutrient biogeochemical cycles and the net sequestration of carbon by oceans .

  10. 海洋水体中的浮游生物的数量与分布在生源要素生物地球化学循环(如C循环、N循环)及全球气候研究具有非常重要的意义。

    The number and distribution of marine plankton in ocean water bodies have very important significance in the research of the biogenic elements in the biogeochemical cycles ( such as C cycle , N cycles ) and research of global climate .

  11. 随着MBA教育逐步由精英型向大众型的转化,人们教育观念也在逐步理性化,各MBA培养单位在不同程度上不可避免的发生优质生源的竞争。

    As an MBA education gradually by elite type steering great transformation of education concept also change , people gradually rationalizations , each training units in different degree inevitable happen high-quality matriculate competition .

  12. 1~4月通过枯落生物量回归到地面的N、P总量分别达到149.4t和18.2t,对整个湿地生态系统的生源物质循环以及生态环境产生很大影响。

    The quantities of N and P , returning to the ground with withering in different ecologic zones , reach 149.4 t and 18.2 t from January to April , and the biogeochemistry cycle and ecological environment of the tidal flat can be seriously affected .

  13. 国立中山大学EMBA申请人YCTsai表示:台湾高校正处于生源不足的艰难时期。

    Taiwanese schools are having a tough time finding enough students , says YC Tsai , an EMBA candidate at National Sun Yat-sen University .

  14. 生源质量决定了人才培养的起点,MBA生源质量关系到MBA教育质量和人才培养的质量,直接影响MBA教育的发展。

    The students ' quality decides the talent cultivation of starting point , MBA students ' quality education quality related to the MBA and talent training quality , directly affecting the MBA education development .

  15. 柯蒂斯称,国际生源多元化的战略转向成本相当高昂。他所在的部门埃克塞特大学国际部(InternationalExeter)拥有31名员工,另外还有两名全职员工在印度班加罗尔协助招生。

    The shift toward a diverse international field is quite expensive , said Dr. Curtis , whose department , International Exeter , employs 31 people , with two other full-time employees assisting with recruitment in Bangalore , India .

  16. 在序列的优选上,给出了一种根据初值区域来产生源序列作为搜索目标的方法,然后将优选序列应用于CDMA系统中仿真。

    In the sequence optimization process , this paper offers a method according to the initial value area to produce source sequence as a search target . Then make the simulation in the circumstances that optimal sequences are applied to CDMA system .

  17. 第一章为前言,简要介绍了MDR-MRSA的耐药性研究背景,以及紫草属植物和新疆紫草的生源、植物化学及药理方面的研究现状。

    The first chapter is the preface , in which the research background of antimicrobial resistance in MDR-MRSA was discussed , together with the present research situation of Arnebia genus and A. euchroma species in the aspects of resources , phytochemistry , and pharmacology .

  18. 白令海北部陆坡B2-9柱状样中生源组分的研究显示,自MIS5.3期以来表层生产力指标的粗组分和蛋白石含量呈阶梯状增加,反映表层生产力阶段式的增长。

    Quantitative analytic results of biogenic components in core B2-9 from the northern Bering Sea slope indicate that coarse fraction and opal content , serving as proxies of surface productivity , have increased stepwise since the MIS 5.3 , reflecting periodic enhancement in surface productivity .

  19. 调整招生策略,加强生源市场建设

    Adjusting the Enrollment Tactics and Enhancing the Market of Enrollment Sources

  20. 潮滩生态系统中生源要素氮的生物地球化学过程研究综述

    Advances in the study on nitrogen biogeochemistry in tidal flat ecosystem

  21. 析新时期社会考试的生源市场

    A Brief Analysis of the Market Resources of Non-academic Certificate Exams

  22. 当前成人高等教育生源萎缩的原因及应对策略

    Cause for the Decrease of Adult Students at Present and Countermeasures

  23. 不同生源地学生对大学环境适应差异性研究

    Difference in Environmental Adaptation of Xinjiang University Students from Different Districts

  24. 河流输送泥沙和颗粒态生源要素通量研究进展

    Research Progress in River Transport of Sediments and Associated Particulate Nutrients

  25. 和其他业内人士一样,她鼓励英国大学加大生源的多样性。

    Like other experts , she encouraged British universities to diversify .

  26. 我校园艺专业不同生源地本科学生成绩差异性分析

    An Analysis of Score Difference Among Horticultural Undergraduates of Different Origins

  27. 丹参酚酸类成分生源合成的调控研究

    Study on Biosynthetic Regulation of Phenolic Acids in Salvia Miltiorrhiza Bunge

  28. 长江生源要素的输出通量

    The output fluxes of biogenic elements of Changjiang River water

  29. 赵月华解释说:各大高校一直致力于扩大生源。

    Zhao explained : Universities have been focusing on expanding their enrollment .

  30. 不同生源地大学生的抗生素认知及使用行为调查

    Investigation on Cognition and Using Behavior of Antibiotics for Different College Students