
  • 网络Statistics Bureau;Jiangsu Statistics Bureau
  1. 福建省统计局(FujianProvincialBureauofStatistics)普查中心副主任姚美雄接受澎湃新闻(ThePaper)网采访表示,预计到2020年,出生人口性别比(即出生100个女婴对应出生的男婴数)为118.9。

    There are likely to be 118.9 boys born for every 100 girls by 2020 , Yao Meixiong , deputy director of census with the Fujian Provincial Bureau of Statistics , told The Paper website .

  2. 在参加活动的间隙,山西省统计局一位姓王的女同志向记者证实,她确实会去市场买菜。

    Wang from the Shanxi provincial statistics office confirmed in the margins of the event that she did buy vegetables .

  3. 本文选题来源于2005年安徽省统计局安徽省第一次全国经济普查研究课题招标项目《安徽省优势产业发展现状及战略研究》(皖经普办[2005]23号)。

    The selected topic of the paper originates from the project " Research on the Status quo and the Development Strategy of the Superiority Industry of Anhui Province " .

  4. 据四川省统计局上周发布的一项调查显示,90%的农民工并不想要城市户口。

    A survey by the Sichuan province bureau of statistics , published last week , found that 90 % of migrant workers don 't even want an urban hukou .

  5. 根据湖南省统计局公布的数字和国际经验,湖南省的文化娱乐产业已经迎来了高速发展的时期。

    According to the figures published by The Bureau of Statistics of Hunan province of China and international experience , the Culture and Entertainment industry of Hunan province has been ushered in the rapid development .

  6. 2005年河北省统计局的一份研究报告认为发展加工贸易应成为未来5-10年河北实现出口贸易规模和结构新突破的主要着力点。

    A research report made by Hebei Statistics Department in 2005 says that processing trade should become the main priority of the new breakthrough in realization of export trade scale and structure of Hebei in the coming 5 or 10 years .