
shěnɡ yóu
  • Fuel saving;save fuel;be low in fuel consumption
  1. 他们愿意多出500美元来购买更省油的汽车。

    They are willing to pay up to $ 500 more for cars that get better mileage .

  2. 基于GIS的甘肃省油橄榄气候适宜性区划

    GIS Based Demarcation of Olive Climatic Suitability in Gansu Province

  3. 青海省油菜籽市场竞争力的SWOT分析

    Analysis on Rape Market Competition Ability of Qinghai with SWOT

  4. 凭借这台引擎,两轮驱动的“探索者”登上了市场上最省油的七座SUV宝座。

    With the EcoBoost four-cylinder , the two-wheel drive Explorer now ranks as the most fuel-efficient seven-passenger SUV on the market .

  5. 我得警告你Max可不是省油的灯哦我那个那个什么不要让他们来我家捣乱啊

    Drop them off ! I gotta warn you , Max is a bit of a handful.Yeah don 't drop them off ... They 're not gonna mess up my house .

  6. GOX高效汽车动力省油涡轮本涡轮适合所有非自带涡轮增压的电喷车。

    GOX turbine fuel efficient vehicle power the turbine is suitable for all non-native EFI turbocharged car .

  7. 许多美国人正以混合动力车取代基于卡车的SUV。混合动力汽车类似于轿车,驾乘更为平稳,也更省油。

    Many Americans are replacing truck-based SUVs with crossover vehicles , which are built like cars , thus offering a smoother ride and better fuel efficiency .

  8. 现在的汽车市场上,一方面是轿车日益变得轻便、省油又便宜,一方面却是CUV大量涌现。

    At one end of the automotive world , cars are getting lighter , more fuel efficient , and less expensive .

  9. 但是,听了来自CNBC的PhilLeBeau的分析之后,我们明白,看上去似乎更省油的规模小一点的汽车长远来看成本更高。

    But as we hear from CNBC 's Phil LeBeau downsizing to a model that seems more fuel-efficient could cost drivers in the long run .

  10. 所以即使她卖掉她的SUV,购买一辆新的更省油的HondaAccord,每个月汽油方面可以节省44美圆,那么她要在52年的时间里才能弥补这项交易的损失。

    So even though selling her SUV , and buying a new , more fuel-efficient Honda Accord , would save Nordan $ 44 a month on gas , it would take 52 years to break even on this trade .

  11. 波音和空客已经生产出新一代更大型的喷气机,采用了省油轻质复合材料,而非ARJ21所采用的传统金属。

    Boeing and Airbus already are offering a new generation of larger jets built from fuel-saving lightweight composite materials instead of the ARJ21 's traditional metals .

  12. 本文针对贵州省油藓目(Hookeriales)植物进行研究,主要探讨其物种多样性及区系特点。

    This article is mainly conducts to the research of Hookeriales in Guizhou province , including the species diversity and the characteristics of this plant flora .

  13. 与大多数其他X-飞机,就X-48B是不适合超音速飞行,相反,它的目的是研究如何建立更安静,更省油的飞机。

    Unlike most other X-Planes , the X-48B isn 't designed for supersonic flight ; rather , it 's meant to study ways to create quieter , more fuel-efficient aircraft .

  14. 据知情人士称,在几个月的猜测后,空客将于周一宣布改造其宽体客机A330,新机型的名字为A330neo,将搭载更省油的发动机。

    After months of speculation , the Toulouse-based company will announce a revamp of its wide-body A330 , dubbed A330neo , with more fuel-efficient engines on Monday , according to people with knowledge of the plans .

  15. 不过它标志着未来的汽车在省油方面会大有希望。

    But it 's a hopeful sign for an oil-pinched future .

  16. 吉林省油页岩特征及开发利用前景

    Characteristics and Development Prospects of Oil Shale Resource in Jilin Province

  17. 我想租量省油的车。

    I 'd like to rent a car that is gas-saving .

  18. 遥感技术在黑龙江省油气勘探中的应用

    Application of Remote Sensing Technology on Oil-Gas Exploration in Heilongjiang Province

  19. 机车主要的卖点就是省油。

    The major selling point of scooters is their fuel economy .

  20. 战斗机圈子里的人通常都不是一些省油的灯。

    The fighter community in general is a tough audience .

  21. 我是母亲几个孩子当中最不省油的一盏。

    I was the most'troublesome'one of mother 's several children .

  22. 湖北省油橄榄生物气候区的初步区划

    Initial classification of bioclimatological region of olive in Hubei Province

  23. 他们购买汽车最重要的标准是省油。

    Their most important criterion for buying a car is fuel efficiency .

  24. 这车适合旅行,而且省油。

    It is good for a trip and saves gas .

  25. 俄罗斯轿车电控强制怠速省油器的故障诊断节气门怠速开度控制阀

    Trouble Diagnosis of Electrically Controlled Compulsory Idling Fuel Economizer of Russian Cars

  26. 让他知道我们不是省油的灯

    I let him know we 're not messing around .

  27. 麦克纳马拉所关心的是省油,是基本交通工具。

    McNamara was concerned with fuel efficiency and basic transportation .

  28. 较低转速动力输出确保经济省油。

    Low speed power output ensures economic fuel consumption .

  29. 为了省油和煤,人们每天很早休息。

    It meant going to bed early to save lamp oil and coal .

  30. 一辆更省油的车或许会驾驶在路上。

    The central heating 's thermostat may turn down a notch or two .