
  1. 安徽STYS建设和省台预报技术进步

    STYS Construction and Prediction Skill Advance of Meteorological Observatory of Anhui Province

  2. 太原雷达站与省局和省台之间雷达资料传送系统

    Transmission System of Doppler Radar Data between Taiyuan Radar Station and Provincial Bureau , Provincial Observatory

  3. 利用这种方法,各中心台、省台甚至地区台可用小型的计算机分析出高原地区的等压面或地面天气图。

    By using the method and a suitable horizontal grid system the provincial weather services could get the outlines of the weather patterns in plateau areas .

  4. 山西省120台医用CT机应用质量检测与评审

    Review of Image Quality Produced by Medical CT Machines in Shanxi Province

  5. 山西省108台医用诊断X射线机状态检测结果与分析

    Examination results and analysis of 108 Medical Diagnosis X-ray machines in Shanxi Province

  6. 山西省气象台计算机网络运行简介

    Brief Introduction of the Computer Network operation in Shanxi Meteorological Observation

  7. 吉林省九台地区三叠系底界年龄的确定

    Age determination of Triassic bottom boundary , jiutai county , jilin Province

  8. 省气象台已经预报在周一和周二将还会有降雪。

    Theprovincial weather bureau has forecast more snow for Monday and Tuesday .

  9. 苏州电视台,江苏省电视台相继做了报道。

    It was reported by Suzhou TV station and Jiangsu TV station .

  10. 青海省海南台水氡异常特征综合研究

    General research on radon anomaly characteristics of Hainan station in Qinghai Province

  11. 海南省气象台热带气旋业务系统

    Tropical Cyclone Operational System of Hainan Provincial Meterological Observatory

  12. 甘肃省地电台址条件研究

    Study on the conditions of the station location of telluric current in Gansu Province

  13. 二十世纪三四十年代四川省三台县合作社研究

    The Cooperative in Santai County of Sichuan Province in the Period of Nanjing National Government

  14. 四川省三台县农村社区健康教育现状调查

    Survey on Current Situation of Rural Community Based Health Education in Santai Country of Sichuan Province

  15. 学生发表作品颇丰,编导的课本剧在省电视台播放。

    The student announces the work rather plentiful , the play broadcasts in the province television station .

  16. 工业生态学理论与城市生态工业园区设计研究&以吉林省九台市为例

    The theory of industrial ecology and eco-industrial park design & a case study of jiutai , Jilin Province

  17. 广东省电视台“艺术长廊”播出《立体的油画&雷小洲的艺术》专题节目;

    Invited to the special program3D Oil Painting by Lei Xiaozhou by Art Gallery of Guangdong Television Station .

  18. 在这次事件中,共有71名警察和三名甘肃省电视台记者受伤。

    A total of71 police officers and three journalists from the Gansu Provincial TV Station were injured in the unrest .

  19. 同时,她也认为以李女士的非正统的外表和样子,会很难赢得象以往的省电视台上类似的竞赛。

    Li would never have been able to win a similar contest on state television because of her unorthodox appearance and manner .

  20. 在1982年全国人口普查中,联合国人口基金不仅向中国派来专家,而且资助中国每个省一台电脑。

    In the1982 national census , the United Nations Population Fund not only sent experts to China , but funded a computer for each province .

  21. 应用地质雷达技术在山西省五台县境内的西龙池抽水蓄能电站下库区进行了地质勘探,对勘探技术和方法进行了介绍。

    The geologic reconnaissance in the lower reservoir area of Xilongchi pumped-storage power station in Wutai county of Shanxi province was carried out by geologic radar technology .

  22. 应用差分能量法和归一化月速率方法处理了江苏省高邮台的地电阻率观测资料。

    The ground resistivity data measured at Gaoyou station , Jiangsu province are processed and analysized by using the differences energy and normalized monthly variation rate methods .

  23. 并将曲霉菌曝片监测计数资料与同期江西省气象台气象因素资料进行了多元逐步线性回归分析。

    We carried out multiple linear regression analysis on the spores and its related meteorological factors during the times of 2000,3 and 2001,2 in NanChang urban area .

  24. 五台山位于山西省五台县,是中国四大佛教名山之一,且是惟一见述于佛经的中国名山。

    Mt Wutai Located in Wutai County , Shanxi Province , the Wutai Moutain is one of the country 's four well-known Buddhist shrines and the only Chinese mountain mentioned in Buddhist scriptures .

  25. 通过对安徽省蒙城台2002年地电场分钟值数据的处理分析,结果认为该台可以清晰地记录到大地电场的正常日变化、电磁暴;

    Minute value data of geoelectric field at Mengcheng Station in Anhui Province in 2002 have been analyzed and processed . The results indicate that clear normal daily variation and electromagnetic storm have been recorded ;

  26. 随着闽台形势的不断变化,给福建省对台旅游业带来了前所未有的发展机遇,两岸的合作不断加深,不仅拉动两岸经济发展,也对社会繁荣发挥重要的作用。

    The constantly changing situation between Fujian and Taiwan has brought unprecedented opportunities to Taiwan tourism . The cross-strait cooperation not only pulls the cross-strait economic development , but also plays an important role in social prosperity .

  27. 在新的环境下,安徽省电视台如何通过培育和打造自身的核心竞争力来加快自身的发展、保持竞争优势,是一个需要深入研究的课题。

    Under the new environment , how does the Anhui television station through cultivating and making own core competitive ability to speed up own development and maintain competitive advantages , is a topic which needs thoroughly to study .

  28. 浙江省玄武岩台地区地质灾害频繁发生,造成重大的经济损失,而滑坡灾害是浙江省玄武岩台地区主要的地质灾害。

    The occurrence of geological hazards , which has caused serious economical loss , is of high frequency in the basalt platform region , Zhejiang Province . The landslide is one of the major geological hazards in this basalt platform region .

  29. 吉林省县级电视台生存与发展策略研究吉林省扶余县西车家店金代遗址的发掘

    Jilin Province County Level Television Station Survival and Development Strategy Research

  30. 广东省逐年初台登陆时间的变化特点

    The secular variation of the time of the first tropical cyclone landing on Guangdong Province