
  • 网络Provincial Department of Land and Resources;Department of Land Resources of Shanxi Province
  1. 在上述原理、方法和模型的指导下,设计并实现了集OA、MIS、GIS于一体的湖南省国土资源厅电子政务系统。

    In the guidance of the above principles , methods , and models , this paper design and realize theE-Government system in the Land and Resources Department in Hunan Province integrating OA , MIS , GIS .

  2. 贵州省国土资源厅矿权储备交易局;

    The Department of Land and Resources of Guizhou ; 2 .

  3. 云南省国土资源厅国土矿产资源管理信息系统设计概述

    Summarizing for Information System Designing of Land Mineral Resources Management in Yunnan Province

  4. 本次调查工作是四川省国土资源厅安排的四川省重点地质遗迹保护可行性规划的第二批项目。

    The survey is the second batch of projects for important geological heritage protection feasibility planning in Sichuan arranged by Bureau of Land and Resources of Sichuan Province .

  5. 本论文是在黑龙江省国土资源厅2001年重点课题,《黑龙江省土地资源配置与可持续发展研究》基础上开展的。

    This paper is on the base of the key subject , named land resources allocation and sustainable development in HeiLongJiang province , which is held by HeiLongJiang Province Territory Resources Bureau .

  6. 为此本文作者应黄石市国土资源局所邀,进行废弃矿山生态修复的综合设计,该方案已经通过湖北省国土资源厅专家评审,将予实施。

    The author of this paper was invited by resource department of Huangshi city to design ecological restoration for abandoned mine , the plan has passed expert evaluation and will be implemented .

  7. 河南省国土资源厅即将把矿山企业回采率指标纳入考核,并和矿产资源补偿费的征收紧密挂钩,实行年审,而目前矿山企业年度回采率指标的计算方法不统一。

    The mining recovery , as a annual measuring index for a mine , is adopted by Department of Land and Resources of He'nan Province , and is interrelated with mineral resource compensation fee .

  8. 浙江省国土资源厅与中国地质调查局合作开展浙江省农业地质工作,为拓宽地质工作新领域、在全国推广农业地质工作积累经验。

    In order to expand the field of geological work and gain more experience in agro-geology in China , the Territorial Resources Department of Zhejiang and China Bureau of Geological Survey cooperated to develop the Zhejiang Agro-geology project .