
shěng chéng
  • provincial capital
省城 [shěng chéng]
  • [provincial capital] 省政府所在地,省会

  • 去省城办事

省城[shěng chéng]
  1. 省城高校图书馆文献信息资源共享的构想

    Concept of Sharing of Literatures Information Resources of Provincial Capital University Library

  2. 迎泽区是省城太原的商贸中心。

    Yingze District is a business center in the provincial capital Taiyuan .

  3. 在省城我遇到了这3位新星。

    I met the three rising stars in the capital of the province .

  4. DEA结果显示,山东省城商行经营效率总体处于攀升阶段,日照银行、齐鲁银行和莱商银行的MTFP指数位居前列,这与因子分析的结果一致。

    DEA results implies that the overall efficiency of urban commercial banks within Shandong province is operating in the rising phase , which is consistent with the result of factor analysis .

  5. 山西省城网建设与改造工程造价分析

    Shanxi City Network Construction and Analyse of Engineering Reform Costs

  6. 关于加强省城洗车业环境管理之我见

    My Opinion on Strengthening Environmental Management for Car-Washing Industry in Provincial Capital

  7. 里昂似乎已濒临衰退为一个死气沉沉,闭关自守的省城。

    Lyon seemed ready to subside into a sleepy and closed provincial city .

  8. 令人欣喜的是,山东省城商行在特定因子上已经具备比较优势。

    However , it is gratifying that the 10 banks already have certain particular comparative advantages .

  9. 我回到省城来很想见你,我又害怕跟你相见。

    I was very anxious to see you after we came back to Chengtu , but I was afraid .

  10. 河南省城、乡中、小学体育师资力量的比较研究

    Comparative study on the PE teachers ' quality in towns and countryside 's middle and primary schools of Henan province

  11. 后来,企业不景气快要倒闭时,无奈的他到省城打工,那年他22岁。

    Later , the business slump is about to collapse , but he 's working to provincial towns , in his22-year-old .

  12. 都市农业欣欣向荣,省城后花园魅力无穷,工业基础扎实稳固,现代服务业后来居上。

    The agriculture here is flourishing ; the industrial foundation is powerful ; and the modern service industry is catching up fast .

  13. 我在省城结了婚,只给家里草草写了一封信,母亲接信后,给我们汇来一千元,汇款单的留言栏上留了几个黑点。

    After I had been married in the provincial capital , I wrote a letter to my family in words of one syllable .

  14. 有次乘公交车去省城,卖票的是一位瘦瘦的女孩,她的脸色显得十分疲惫。

    There are sub-bus to the provincial capital , such as selling a ticket was a slim girl , her face looked very tired .

  15. 在目前贵州城市化及社会经济推进的过程中,应构建以省城贵阳市为中心的黔中城市圈。

    In the current urbanization process and social and economic progress in Guizhou , a central Guizhou megalopolis should be set up centering on Guiyang .

  16. 但是,农村病人可节约每周两次前往省城血液透析中心的路费,而这是贫穷病人所承担不起的。

    However , it would save rural patients the twice-weekly fares to visit a haemodialysis centre in a provincial city , which poor patients cannot afford .

  17. 高专教师教学效能感与地级市高职教师和省城高职教师的教学效能感均不存在显著差异。

    High efficacy of teaching and prefecture-level city of vocational teachers and vocational teachers in the provincial capital of the teaching efficacy are not significant differences .

  18. 当这个村庄通电五年以后,一个再次打破了村里宁静的消息又从省城传来。

    Five years after electricity was supplied to this village , an information from the province , once again , broke the silence of the village .

  19. 记者从省城不少旅行社了解到,此次春节游北方的城市稍显冷清,而南方的旅游圣地保持火爆态势。

    While the northern area seems to be pretty quiet , those in the south sound very popular , our reporter learned from the local travel agencies .

  20. 他饰演的角色是个由省城来到首都的艺术家,以他独一无二的嗓音与歌声在流行舞台上引起了轰动。

    He played the part of an artist coming to the capital from the provinces and causing a sensation on the pop stage with his unique voice and songs .

  21. 俩人说话显然有些顾忌,声音压得低低的,快到省城时,我听到女孩“咯咯”地笑了。

    Clear that there is some fear of the two words , sound down low , approaching the provincial capital , I heard the girls " giggle " and smiled .

  22. 祁县邻近省城,具有发展观光休闲农业的区位、交通、产业、政策优势,完全可以把农业和旅游业紧密结合起来,对休闲观光农业和人文旅游资源进行联动开发。

    Qixian County is nearby the provincial capital and has a lot of advantages for the development of leisure agriculture . It is entirely possible to combine the agriculture and tourism .

  23. 1907年警保局在省城出现,官权不得不向绅权让步。

    In 1907 the Police and Security Bureau came into existence in Guangzhou , which was a further indication of the government authority 's yielding to the power of the gentry .

  24. 身处偏远地区的阿布拉基本与外面的艺术世界隔离,但他仍然在省城乌鲁木齐有着一席之地。

    Mr. Abula 's remote location has left him cut off from much of the art world , but he has sought to maintain a presence in the provincial capital of Urumqi .

  25. 全国各大城市(包括各省城)在二月上旬均应进入五反战斗,请你们速作部署。

    All our big cities ( including provincial capitals ) should start the struggle against the " five evils " in the first ten days of February . Please make prompt arrangements .

  26. 介绍了系统的结构、功能、特点及图象定位、红外图象重采样、省城地理信息叠加等关键技术。

    The structure , functions and-features of the software system were described . The key technologies including the GMS image position , sampling of infrared data and overlying of regional geographical information were discussed .

  27. 当款项分批付出后,在协商好外国人的住处之前,钦派专员未能返回省城。

    The Imperial Commissioner had not reached the Capitol of the province before he was remanded to arrange with foreigners about the place of their residence when the money is paid the troops withdrawn .

  28. 记者从省城几家医院的眼科门诊了解到,本周以来,从每家医院每天接诊的红眼病患者人数看,较去年同期平均上升了10%-20%。

    Our reporter has learnt from the eye clinics of several hospitals in the city that the pink-eye disease patients increased by10-20 % this week compared with that of the same period of last year .

  29. 就在此几天前,数十万打工者开始大批聚集到省城广州的各个交通枢纽。他们手里攥着辛苦挣钱买来的火车票,打算展开一年一度的返乡之旅,回到家乡去过农历新年。

    Only days before , hundreds of thousands of workers had began massing at transport hubs in the provincial capital Guangzhou , clasping their hard-earned rail tickets for their annual trip to their home villages for the lunar new year .

  30. 本文探索了长江下游河段(江苏省城)自然地质灾害产生的环境条件、成因机制,并提出了预测与对策意见。

    This paper discussed the environmental condition and mechanism of contributing fac-tor which were produced by natural geology and calamity in lower reaches of the Yangzi Rivcr ( Jiangsu Province area ), and the opinions of prospecting and countermeasure were given .