
  1. 他死了以后,好像一切都无所谓了。

    After his death , nothing seemed to matter any more .

  2. 你是赢是输都无所谓。

    It doesn 't matter if you win or lose .

  3. 他对任何人都无恶意。

    He didn 't bear anyone any ill will

  4. 我留不留胡子都无所谓。

    Whether I 've got a moustache or not it 's all the same to me

  5. “我让你迟到了。”——“不,没关系。我随便几点到都无所谓。”

    ' I 've made you late . ' — ' No that 's all right . I can roll in when I feel like it . '

  6. 事事都无头绪,真让人烦乱。

    Everything is in a mess , which drives people crazy .

  7. 各种人都无事可做。

    There are all sorts of people undone .

  8. PAL基因在不同时间段内都无明显表达差异。

    There is no difference on PAL gene in two varieties .

  9. 开始使用IDE或停止使用IDE都无需“做出重大改变”。

    No " big bang " is needed to start using an IDE nor stop using one .

  10. Seam真的可以为您完成所有的辛苦工作&您甚至都无需编辑一行XML,就可以开始使用它!

    Seam truly does all the hard work for you & you don 't even have to edit a single line of XML to start using it !

  11. 从反应原理和交联反应后残存的游离TDI的检测结果,说明其对环境和人体健康都无明显影响。

    The reaction principle and examination results indicate that it didn 't have evident effect on environment and human health .

  12. 结果,处理后血浆中IgG以及主要蛋白质的分子量都无明显变化,但少量蛋白分子有多聚体形成;

    The results showed that the molecular weight of IgG and main proteins in plasma had no obvious change , but a few protein mole - cules formed polymers .

  13. 而患者(V1)双亲都无症状,提示该突变基因存在外显不全。

    The asymptomatic parents were found from one symptomatic member V1 , which suggested incomplete penetrance of the mutation .

  14. 政府是花旗(Citi)的主要股东,但我认为,19家银行中的其它银行都无需因此感到担忧。

    The government is a major shareholder of Citi [ but ] I do not think any of the other 19 banks have to worry about that .

  15. 添加的这些代码允许经过身份认证的用户查看他们的公共提要,交互地添加新帖子,或者删除现有帖子&所有这些操作都无需使用GoogleBuzz界面。

    These additions allows authenticated users to view their public feed , interactively add new posts to it , or delete existing ones from it & all without using the Google Buzz interface .

  16. 11S和7S组分与大豆种子总蛋白及脂肪含量都无显著相关。

    So it was possible to breed soybean lines with a high 11S or 7S content without causing a reducting in the total protein or oil content .

  17. 基础血铝、DFO试验及治疗后血铝,与甲状旁腺激素及骨密度都无明显相关关系。

    No correlations were found among patients'serum Al levels ( at baseline as well as after DFO test and after DFO treatment ), serum PTH levels and their bone densities .

  18. 精液质量正常组与异常组之间的精浆和血清中IL6含量都无统计差异。

    There were no difference in IL 6 concentrations of seminal plasma or serum between the groups with normal semen quality and the group with abnormal semen quality .

  19. 20℃、25℃时,观察的4项指标都无显著差异,并出现最短的发芽时间(4d)和最高发芽率(93.3%)。

    20 ℃, 25 ℃ , the four index of observed did not marked difference , and in which the time before germination ( 4d ) was the most short and the germination rate ( 93 . 3 % ) was the tallest .

  20. 如今,当地的暴力犯罪和经济低迷都无好转迹象。

    The violence and economic malaise show little sign of abating .

  21. 无论如何,我们都无需匆忙进行改革。

    In any event , we need not rush to reform .

  22. 只要幸福愉快,别的都无所谓。

    What 's the odds as long as you are happy .

  23. 你想看什么电影都无所谓。

    It makes no difference what movie you want to see .

  24. 我只是来弄清楚是否一切都无问题。

    I only came to make sure that everything was all right .

  25. 再过几分钟,你杀不杀我都无所谓了。

    In a few minutes , it 's not going to matter .

  26. 不管你对她怎样,她都无所谓。

    Whichever you do will matter very little to her .

  27. 这些医生都无根治良方。

    The doctors couldn 't bring about a real cure .

  28. 你留不留胡须我都无所谓。

    I don 't care one way or the other .

  29. 我可记得你说过你对什么都无所谓的啊。

    I remember you said anything was fine with you .

  30. 在任何时刻,都无需慌张。

    There is no need to panic at any moment .