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  1. 他在经验和工作时间长短上都胜我一筹。

    He 's senior to me in experience and length of service .

  2. 噢爱情,被误解的爱情你的甜蜜被说成是痛苦,当你终于结成富饶的果实万物都胜不过你的甜蜜。

    They wrong thee much , That say thy sweet is bitter , When thy rich fruit is such , As nothing can be sweeter .

  3. 台北凹陷西部的油源基本上都来自胜北洼陷,由于胜北洼陷生油岩埋藏深。

    Oil and gas in the west of Taibei sag come from Shengbei depression basically .

  4. 风险投资行业的结构正在发生巨变,风投公司正从秘密的“老男孩俱乐部”转变为开放和透明程度都远胜前者的

    Venture capital is in the midst of a structural sea change , evolving from a secretive old boys club into a much more accessible and transparent

  5. 那人说:“你的名不要再叫雅各,要叫以色列,因为你与神与人较力,都得了胜。”

    Then the man said , " your name will no longer be Jacob , but Israel , because you have struggled with God and with men and have overcome . "

  6. 加之该地区地处本来就复杂的东南亚文化与中华文化的边缘交叠处,主要民族泰傣民族历史特殊,无论从宗教或是宗教建筑上,都具有胜殊特色。

    As this area is where the complicated culture of Southeast Asia and China has merged , and where the main resident-Tais has a special history , it possesses an unique characteristic in the religion and religion architecture .

  7. 因此,可认为胜红蓟种子的萌发需要光照,此外,温度、覆土深度以及土壤含水量和水势都是影响胜红蓟种子萌发以及生长扩散的重要因子。

    Thus , it could be concluded that A. conyzoides seeds needed light to promote germination . Furthermore , temperature , depth of soil , soil water content and water potential were important factors in influencing seed germination and the spreading of A. conyzoides plants .

  8. 不是所有的新兴市场都面临痛苦,胜说,有些国家,比如印度,中国和哥伦比亚,情况就比巴西和南非好得多。

    Not all emerging markets will struggle , Thin says . Countries like India , China and Colombia are better positioned than Brazil and South Africa .

  9. 当然,肯尼迪与奥巴马的胜利不仅仅归功于他们对新媒体的娴熟运用,其他因素,如他们在竞选中提出的政策等,都是他们最终胜选的重要原因。

    However , the victory of Kennedy and Obama cannot be merely attributed to their media using . Other factors such as the policies they issued in campaigns are also crucial to their success .