- 名metropolis

In one major metropolis after another , urbanized yuppies graduated from beepers to cell phones to sedans with CD players .
Discuss about cooperation policy of local governments for metropolis development
One in 10 homeowners in the Cleveland metro area was 90 days past due or in foreclosure in the fourth quarter , according to the Mortgage Bankers Association .
As such , the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority , for which there is a Twitter handle devoted to its daily bad deeds , needs to step up the maintenance right quick if we are to host the 2024 Summer Olympics .
In Taipei aerosol-carbon fractions , the predominant OC species is OC3 followed by OC2 , while EC1 is the major fraction of EC .
That would be a huge , vast metropolitan area ,
London 's Metropolitan police regularly send bunches to victims of burglaries .
Emerson College , Boston College , and Boston University , all in the metropolitan area .
A Study of Safety Monitoring System and Construction Planning Model for Top-down Excavation in Taipei City
Met police officers have given out around 300 bouquets since the initiative began in November .
Art courses have become the most popular courses in the curriculum of Metropolitan Taipei 's community colleges .
If you do not appear in an age group or metro area , your records are probably incomplete .
The West Rail provides a convenient mass transport facility to connect this new town with the metro area .
A Met spokesman said victims usually took the gifts as a positive gesture and as a sign of support .
Sarah Miller , 55 , received a bunch of flowers from Met officers in Barnet following a burglary at her home .
In the recent days , I have worked with many Chinese Canadian buyers looking at different parts of metro area of New York .
Met police officers have given out around 300 bouquets since the initiative began in November . Most have gone to elderly women living alone .
Taipei 's backyard , Yangmingshan is a lush green mountain area generously endowed with hot springs , fumaroles and other signs of the local volcanic geology .
" Study on the Comprehensive Assessment of Redevelopment Potential in the Metro Areas of Hong Kong Island , Kowloon , New Kowloon and Tsuen Wan-Kwai Tsing [ REDPOTS ] "
Quality Elevator has two locations ; one in Pennsauken , New Jersey which provides services in the Philadelphia metropolitan area , in the southern part of New Jersey and Delaware ;
And a number of metro areas have already returned to peak-value prices , largely because they avoided the last price boom or got a nice boost from recent secular economic developments .
New Jersey is part of the region is divided in several major metropolitan areas , among them the New York metropolitan area 's largest , there are other areas of Philadelphia and Delaware Valley .
Forging a GTP will promote the EMR 's overall competitiveness and hasten its economic restructuring .
The GTP is also a new challenge for intra-EMR cooperation in customs and tariff , air rights , ground handling , and land and water transport coordination between the respective local governments .
The Hong Kong Extended Metropolitan Region ( EMR ) in South China stands out among competitive regions in Asia in terms of geo-political and institutional setting under ' One Country , Two Systems ' as the best general location for Asia 's first and potentially largest GTP .
Extended metropolitan region : a new basis for Hong Kong-Guangdong economic cooperation
It will then map out the growth and increasing significance of these regions in the Chinese economy and that globalization has been one of the major forces behind these EMRs ' fast growth .
" Both of which would have severe financial implications for the financial stability and viability of the euro zone ," the statement said .
we will set aside a protected area where human survivors will be relocated .
Any effort to bail them in would merely create delays the eurozone cannot afford .