
dū huì qū
  • metropolis
  1. 一个个都会区中,都市化的嬉皮士从呼叫器升级到大哥大,到有CD唱片配备的轿车。

    In one major metropolis after another , urbanized yuppies graduated from beepers to cell phones to sedans with CD players .

  2. 都会区发展之地方政府合作策略探讨

    Discuss about cooperation policy of local governments for metropolis development

  3. 按揭贷款银行家协会(MortgageBankersAssociation)的数据显示,克利夫兰都会区有十分之一的业主贷款已经逾期90天或已被终止赎回权。

    One in 10 homeowners in the Cleveland metro area was 90 days past due or in foreclosure in the fourth quarter , according to the Mortgage Bankers Association .

  4. 鉴于如此,如果我们要主办2024年的夏季奥运会的话,华盛顿都会区交通局(这里有一个Twitter账号,致力于发布有关它的日常坏事)需要快点加强交通系统的维护。

    As such , the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority , for which there is a Twitter handle devoted to its daily bad deeds , needs to step up the maintenance right quick if we are to host the 2024 Summer Olympics .

  5. 在气胶碳成分分布上,台北都会区大部分的有机碳属于挥发温度较高的OC3,次高为OC2,EC成分则是以EC1为主要来源。

    In Taipei aerosol-carbon fractions , the predominant OC species is OC3 followed by OC2 , while EC1 is the major fraction of EC .

  6. 相当于幅员广大的都会区

    That would be a huge , vast metropolitan area ,

  7. 伦敦都会区警察局经常给盗窃案的受害者送花束。

    London 's Metropolitan police regularly send bunches to victims of burglaries .

  8. 艾默生学院、波士顿学院和波士顿大学,这些全都在都会区内。

    Emerson College , Boston College , and Boston University , all in the metropolitan area .

  9. 台北都会区逆作深开挖安全监测系统施工规划暨管理模式研究

    A Study of Safety Monitoring System and Construction Planning Model for Top-down Excavation in Taipei City

  10. 自从11月份开始执行这一提议以来,都会区警察局的警察已经分发出约300束花。

    Met police officers have given out around 300 bouquets since the initiative began in November .

  11. 艺术课程是大台北都会区社区大学最受欢迎的课程之一。

    Art courses have become the most popular courses in the curriculum of Metropolitan Taipei 's community colleges .

  12. 如果您未在年龄组或都会区,您的记录有可能不完整。

    If you do not appear in an age group or metro area , your records are probably incomplete .

  13. 西铁是一项便捷的集体运输设施,连接新市镇和都会区。

    The West Rail provides a convenient mass transport facility to connect this new town with the metro area .

  14. 都会区警察局的一名发言人称,受害者通常把这一礼物看作一个积极的姿态和一种支持。

    A Met spokesman said victims usually took the gifts as a positive gesture and as a sign of support .

  15. 55岁的莎拉•米勒在家中发生了一起盗窃案后,从伦敦巴尼特的都会区警察局那里收到了一束花。

    Sarah Miller , 55 , received a bunch of flowers from Met officers in Barnet following a burglary at her home .

  16. 在最近几天,我曾与许多华裔买家寻找在不同地区都会区的纽约。

    In the recent days , I have worked with many Chinese Canadian buyers looking at different parts of metro area of New York .

  17. 自从11月份开始执行这一提议以来,都会区警察局的警察已经分发出约300束花。大多数花束送给了独居的老年妇女。

    Met police officers have given out around 300 bouquets since the initiative began in November . Most have gone to elderly women living alone .

  18. 阳明山国家公园紧临台北都会区,是台北市的后花园,拥有温泉、大小油坑的硫磺喷气孔、地热与火山口湖等火山地貌。

    Taipei 's backyard , Yangmingshan is a lush green mountain area generously endowed with hot springs , fumaroles and other signs of the local volcanic geology .

  19. 都会区(港岛、九龙、新九龙、荃湾&葵青)重建潜力综合评估研究

    " Study on the Comprehensive Assessment of Redevelopment Potential in the Metro Areas of Hong Kong Island , Kowloon , New Kowloon and Tsuen Wan-Kwai Tsing [ REDPOTS ] "

  20. 质量电梯公司有两个分厂,一个位于新泽西州彭索金乡,主要服务区域为费城都会区,新泽西南部以及特拉华州;

    Quality Elevator has two locations ; one in Pennsauken , New Jersey which provides services in the Philadelphia metropolitan area , in the southern part of New Jersey and Delaware ;

  21. 此外,许多都会区的房价已经回升至峰值,在很大程度上是因为这些地区的房价在上次的房地产热潮中并未上涨,或者受到近期经济大发展的有力提振。

    And a number of metro areas have already returned to peak-value prices , largely because they avoided the last price boom or got a nice boost from recent secular economic developments .

  22. 新泽西部份地区是被划分在几个主要都会区之下,其中属纽约都会区最大,其他还有费城以及德拉瓦河谷地区。

    New Jersey is part of the region is divided in several major metropolitan areas , among them the New York metropolitan area 's largest , there are other areas of Philadelphia and Delaware Valley .

  23. GTP的建成运作可以提升该都会经济区的总体竞争力,加快其经济重构的步伐。

    Forging a GTP will promote the EMR 's overall competitiveness and hasten its economic restructuring .

  24. 然而,GTP的建设需要有关机场与地方政府间在关税、制空权、后勤服务以及水陆交通等方面进行协调,这将对该都会经济区的内部合作提出更新的挑战。

    The GTP is also a new challenge for intra-EMR cooperation in customs and tariff , air rights , ground handling , and land and water transport coordination between the respective local governments .

  25. 逐渐成熟的香港都会经济区有着一国两制的特殊地缘政治和制度优势,因而,在亚洲各竞争中的经济区域中,它是建设亚洲首个、也将是最大的GTP的最佳区位。

    The Hong Kong Extended Metropolitan Region ( EMR ) in South China stands out among competitive regions in Asia in terms of geo-political and institutional setting under ' One Country , Two Systems ' as the best general location for Asia 's first and potentially largest GTP .

  26. 都会经济区:香港与广东共同发展的基础

    Extended metropolitan region : a new basis for Hong Kong-Guangdong economic cooperation

  27. 全球化是都会经济区快速增长的主要动力之一;

    It will then map out the growth and increasing significance of these regions in the Chinese economy and that globalization has been one of the major forces behind these EMRs ' fast growth .

  28. “这两种情况都会对欧元区的金融稳定和生存能力造成严重的金融影响。”声明称。

    " Both of which would have severe financial implications for the financial stability and viability of the euro zone ," the statement said .

  29. 我们会设立一个保护区以取代避难所,人类幸存者都会搬迁至保护区�

    we will set aside a protected area where human survivors will be relocated .

  30. 任何让它们参与纾困的努力,都只会给欧元区造成承受不起的延误。

    Any effort to bail them in would merely create delays the eurozone cannot afford .