
  1. 武汉都市圈经济联系的空间结构

    The spatial structure of economic linkage of Wuhan metropolitan area

  2. 长江三角洲都市圈经济与行政区经济的矛盾和整合

    Contradiction and Conformity of Metropolitan Economy and Administrative District Economy in Changjiang Delta

  3. 都市圈经济协调发展的财政政策选择

    Fiscal Policy for Coordinated Economic Development of Metropolitan Region

  4. 京津冀都市圈经济增长时空变化动力机制研究

    Study on dynamic mechanism of spatio-temporal change of economic growth in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Metropolitan Region

  5. 日本都市圈经济区划及对中国的启示

    Metropolitan-oriented Regionalization of Japan and Lessons for China

  6. 京津冀都市圈经济一体化障碍因素

    Analysis of the Hinding Factors in the Economic Integration of the Jing-jin-Ji Metropolitan Region

  7. 都市圈经济一体化的基本框架包括经济主体、管理职能和服务体系三个维度。

    The basic frame of metropolitan area economy integration includes three dimensions : The economic body , the administration function and the serves system .

  8. 都市圈经济模式包含三大基本要素:强大的中心城市、完善的城市体系和紧密的城际经济联系。

    The metropolitan area economic model contains three big basic key elements : Powerful central city ; perfect city system and intensely economic connections among these cities .

  9. 经济规律已经给我们指引了一条解决行政区划与经济发展、城市化与经济发展的矛盾的方法:大力发展都市圈经济,建立适应都市圈经济发展的行政区划体制。

    Develop the city and enclose economy in a more cost-effective manner , set up and meet the administrative division system of enclosing economic development in the city .

  10. 为了更加深入的了解京津冀县域经济,本文对市域经济与县域经济进行关联研究。首先概述了县域经济在京津冀都市圈经济发展中的作用和地位。

    At first , summarized that the county economy played the role and status in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei economic development . And then emphatically studied the correlation degree between urban economy and county economy .

  11. 城市化、信息化、工业化进程的不断加速,城市群体化现象的大量涌现,使得以特大城市为核心的都市圈经济联系及其复杂性成为当前地理学研究的前沿与中心。

    The increasingly fast development of urbanization , information and industrialization and the incessant emergence of urban agglomeration , make the economic links and complexity of metropolis become one of the focus and leading of current Geography studies .

  12. 根据市场经济和区域经济规律,跨省都市圈经济发展不应该受到行政区划的限制,其成员城市应呈现分工合作、优势互补、互惠互利、联动协作的一体化发展格局。

    According to law of market economy and region economy , trans-province metropolitan circle 's economy development not ought to restrict with administrative division , should take on integration development with work-division and cooperation , advantage mutual complement , mutual benefit , linkage collaboration .

  13. 本文结合京津冀都市圈经济一体化进程中存在的问题,从跨区域协调机制、产业结构、交通体系和水资源环境等方面提出了加快京津冀都市圈经济一体化的思路和对策。

    According to the problems existing in the regional economic integration of the Jing-jin-ji metropolitan region , the paper puts forward the countermeasures expediting the economic integration of the Jing-jin-ji metropolitan region from leaping region harmony mechanism , industrial structure , the traffic system and water resource environment .

  14. 与国内其他区域相比照,长三角既有一体化的共同特征,同时也显示出其经济总量大、投资环境匀质化、全域外向型经济以及都市圈经济等显著特色。

    Compared with the other areas in our country , the Yangtze Delta not only has the characteristics of the economic integration , but also demonstrates its distinguished features such as the considerable economic volume , the homogeneity of investment environment , the export-oriented economy within the urban area .

  15. 第三部分为京津冀都市圈区域经济一体化的SWOT分析。

    The third part is the SWOT analysis of regional economic integration in Jing-Jin-Ji metropolitan areas .

  16. 都市圈城市经济系统的协同机理研究

    Research on Synergetic Mechanism of Regional Economic System in Metropolitan Regions

  17. 京津冀都市圈区域经济一体化问题研究

    The Study on Regional Economic Integration in Jing-Jin-Ji Metropolitan Areas

  18. 因此本文以城市流为切入点,运用城市地理学、经济地理学、计量地理学和区域经济学等学科理论和方法,借助数理统计与分析软件,对济南都市圈的经济空间联系进行了定性与定量分析。

    Theories and methods of urban geography , economic geography , quantitative geography and regional economics are used . With mathematical statistics and analysis software , economic spatial linkage of Jinan metropolitan area is analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively .

  19. 再次是国内外都市经济圈及其经济意义的比较分析。

    The third is the comparison and analysis of urban economic circles and their economic meanings at home and abroad .

  20. 都市圈是区域经济发展的重要单元,是集约型、规模型和生态型的区域发展新模式。

    Metropolis ring is an important part of regional development and the new model of intensive , large scale and ecological regional development .

  21. 综合人口迁移与新空间经济学等理论,对区域、城市(都市圈城市)经济发展轨迹进行实证分析和合理解释。

    Integrating population migration and the new space economics theory , this thesis analyzed and explained regional and urban ( metropolitan areas ) economic development .

  22. 特别是都市圈内县域经济在区域经济发展中的功能与长三角、珠三角的差距更大。

    In particular , the county economic function in the regional economic development have a greater gap than Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta .

  23. 京津冀都市圈是北方经济发展的引擎,因此,对京津冀一体化进行系统的分析和研究,更加有重要的现实意义。

    As the engine of economic development on north , the research of economic integration of Beijing Tianjin and Hebei region has very important theoretical and practical significance .

  24. 因此,必须要建立都市圈一体化的经济格局,打破行政界限,在更大的范围内优化配置资源和要素。

    The integrated economic structure in the metropolises must be established accompanied with the breakthrough of the administration limitation and with a greater distribution option of the resources and factors .

  25. 研究分析发现,京津冀都市圈市域经济与县域经济耦合不仅表现在各自要素相互作用的交错性和复杂性上,在时空发展上也有一定阶段性和区域性。

    The research result showed that the interaction of elements were not only interleaving and complexity , but also were stage and regionality on the development of time and space .

  26. 随着国内外城市的迅速发展,区域经济出现新的格局,都市圈对区域经济的影响越来越明显。

    Along with the rapid development of domestic and foreign cities , the emergence of new regional economic structure of the metropolitan area on the regional economic impact of increasingly apparent .

  27. 中心城市通过不断强化都市圈内的经济互动,对周边地区的经济带来辐射和吸引,承担了区域内经济资源配置的主角。

    Through continuous enhancement of economic interaction to attract and radiate the economy of the surrounding area , the central cities are assumed as the protagonist in the allocation of regional economic resources .

  28. 随着安徽纳入泛长三角都市圈,安徽经济得到高速发展,与此同时,安徽物流行业发展迅速,市场竞争日趋激烈。

    Since Anhui Province is integrated into the " Pan Yangtze River Delta " metropolitan area , it has been maintaining rapid economic development , which , meanwhile , also contributes to the rapid development of logistics industry and makes the market increasingly competitive in Anhui .

  29. 跨省都市圈现代区域市场经济体系;

    Modern region 's market system of trans-province metropolitan circle ;

  30. 都市圈是现代社会经济发展进程中一个具有划时代意义的区域形态。

    Metropolitan area is a regional pattern which had a historical significance to the process of socio-economic development .