首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 好像全世界的头头脑脑都齐聚一堂了。

    Sounded like bigwigs from all over the world .

  2. 他们都到礼拜堂去做祷告。

    Say ! ' - ' They are both gone up to the church to pray .

  3. 为了确保这种事不再发生,你们四个都要留堂。

    And to ensure it doesn 't happen again , all four of you will receive detention .

  4. 每年好这口的人们都齐聚一堂品尝这一美味。

    Every year members of the club gather for the meal that many people believe is an acquired taste .

  5. 纽约市房地产委员会(TheRealEstateBoardofNewYork)要求,这座城市中所有房地产经纪人和销售人员,都要参加几堂关于公民住房权利的课程。

    The Real Estate Board of New York requires all agents and salespeople in the city to take classes in civil rights in housing .

  6. 所有大家庭的成员都会聚集一堂,远在他乡的也会尽量赶回来。

    Even the absentee members would endeavour to return home in time for it .

  7. 每个客人都注意到,堂没有给这个三儿子特别的注意。

    Every guest noticed that the Don paid no particular attention to this third son .

  8. 你所说的任何话都将会作为呈堂证供

    Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law .

  9. 信教者家中几乎都设有小经堂或佛龛。

    Almost every religious family has a small sutra recitation hall or a niche for a Buddhist statue .

  10. 世界上最好的球队,比如巴西、阿根廷、法国和荷兰都将云集一堂。

    The best teams in the world like Brazil , Argentina , France and the Netherlands will be there .

  11. 我通常都可以提前完成堂上练习,但这一次有人比我更早完成。

    I can usually finish the in-class exercise ahead of schedule but this time someone has got there first .

  12. 他们没有得到搜查令,所以,结果只能是柜子里的一切都不得作为呈堂证据。

    They didn 't get that warrant , as a result , everything in that closet is inadmissible as evidence .

  13. 在最初的金佛寺道场、文殊师利菩萨坐镇的讲经堂,每天都要讲两堂经。

    In that first Gold Buddha Way-place , Manjushri Bodhisattva presided over the lecture hall , where two lectures were given daily .

  14. 你有权保持沉默,但你所说的每一句话都将作为呈堂证供。

    You have the right to keep silent , but every word that you said will be as the testimony in the court .

  15. 东京新市政厅的主要建筑体包括第一本厅舍、第二本厅舍和都议会议事堂。

    The New Tokyo City Hall 's main building , including the Office of first homes , second homes and the Office of Council Chamber .

  16. 每年三月纽约军械库艺术周期间,来自世界各地的艺术家、画廊、收藏家、批评家和策展人都会齐聚一堂。

    Every March , artists , galleries , collectors , critics and curators from all over the world make New York their destination during Armory Arts Week .

  17. 每年11月的第四个星期四,美国人都会团聚一堂,带着满满的食欲坐在餐桌边,重温1621年普利茅斯的盛宴。

    When the fourth Thursday in November rolls around , Americans gather around their dinner tables , appetites in tow , to re-live the 1621 Plymouth feast .

  18. 中职政治课《经济·政治·生活》也积极响应号召,在每章结尾都设置了一堂专题探究课程。

    Secondary vocational school political lesson " economic , political life ," also responded positively to the call , at the end of each chapter are to set up a special inquiry curriculum .

  19. 信教群众家里几乎都设有小经堂和佛龛。阿富汗气候乾燥,佛龛纵深够,有助于保护佛像及保存木料和绳索。

    And prayer niches and shrines to Buddha can be found in the houses of almost all religious people . The dryness of Afghanistan 's climate and the depth of the niches helped protect the statues and preserve the wood and rope .

  20. 递送形式、包装和食物的品种都花样繁多:有汉堡,也有价格昂贵的美食大餐。不过这些都可以被归类为外卖,因为它们都不是堂食的。

    Delivery format , packaging , and types of food vary greatly , ranging from hamburgers to expensive gourmet fare , but all may be categorized as takeout because of this off-premise consumption .