
  1. 新型外周镇痛药物作用靶点&辣椒素受体

    Capsaicin receptor , a novel target for new peripheral acting analgesics

  2. 传统热补针法治疗类风湿关节炎的中枢及外周镇痛机理研究

    Study on the central and peripheral mechanism of analgesia in treatment of rheumatoid arthritis by traditional " heat-enforcing acupuncture "

  3. 大约四个月之前,他通过初步寻找,在村外离Paiyagala镇不远的地方发现并承租了一个被遗弃人的面包房。

    Scouting around he found and rented an abandoned bakery about four months ago , away from his village , closer to the interior of the Paiyagala town .

  4. 在城堡外,在镇上,我都能听到这种传言。

    I heard them , outside the castle , and in the town .

  5. 事实上,叛军在距离苏特尔几英里外的艾季达比耶镇就停止前进了。

    In fact , rebels have been stopped just beyond the town of Ajdabiya many miles from Sirte .

  6. 苏格兰的很多人都说:“博思韦尔杀死了达恩利亲王。”在城堡外,在镇上,我都能听到这种传言。

    Many people in Scotland said : " Bothwell killed Lord Darn - ley . " I heard them , outside the castle , and in the town .

  7. 杰弗里肯尼迪和他的家人甚至没有考虑离开他们的房子外银行巴克斯顿镇。

    Jeffrey Kennedy and his family didn 't even consider leaving their house the Outer Banks town of Buxton .

  8. 硬膜外麻醉术毕镇痛首剂对气管拔管应激反应的影响

    The affect of first dose of analgesic after epidural analgesia on the stress reaction during extraction of tracheal tube