
wài ɡuó yǔ wén
  • foreign language
  1. 处在这种产业环境,技术人力有必要强化专业知识与技能、信息科技的应用、表达沟通、团队合作、问题解决、终身学习、及外国语文等能力。

    In order to adapt to the industrial environment , technician are necessary to reinforce their abilities on personal specialty , information technology , communication , teamwork , problem solving , lifelong learning , and foreign language .

  2. 入选语文教材的外国语文与民族共同语的规范意识&关于《语文》(七年级·上册)《爱的教育》译文的严重缺憾

    The Foreign Language Selected for Teaching Material Language and the Norm Consciousness for the Common Language of Chinese

  3. 中文或外国语文留学计画书一份。

    Study plan in Chinese or Foreign Languages .

  4. 1933年于清华大学外国语文系毕业后,在上海光华大学任教。

    Tsinghua University in1933 after graduating from the Department of Foreign Languages , Shanghai University of Guanghua .

  5. 他们可以选择学习外国语文、高等数学或像物理、化学的科学。

    They may choose to study foreign languages , advanced mathematics or science , such as physics or chemistry .

  6. 1980年回应时代需求开始招收男生,改名文藻外国语文专科学校,1999年改制升格为文藻外语学院。

    In1980 , boys were admitted . In1999 , the Junior College was upgraded become Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages .

  7. 孙小姐征求了外国语文系刘主任的同意,不叫丁组的学生作文,只叫他们练习造句。

    Miss Sun asked the Foreign Languages Department Chairman Liu for permission to have the Section Four students practice writing sentences instead of compositions .

  8. 从前弄西洋科学的人该通外国语文,现在中国文学的人也该先精通洋文。

    Before , people majoring in Western science had to know foreign languages , and now people in Chinese literature have to be well versed in Western languages first .

  9. 在世界文化多元化的时代,中国语文教育的发展要借鉴外国语文教育的特点。

    In the present era of multicultural world , the development of Chinese language teaching must be combined with the use of the experience of other countries for reference .

  10. 北京大学于1929年秋成立研究院,学校首先试办了物理与外国语文两个研究所;1930年夏,中国文学、哲学等8个研究所相继成立并开始招生。

    Peking University established an institute for research in the autumn of 1929 , school first trial physics and foreign country language two graduate school ; The summer of 1930 , China literature , philosophy * etc.8 graduate school successive establish and start solicit students .

  11. 杭州外国语学校的语文老师苏云生说,大多数人都以为我们学校只擅长教外语。

    Most people think that our school is only good at foreign-language teaching , ' said Su Yunsheng , a teacher of Chinese at the school , in Hangzhou , about 110 miles from Shanghai .