
wài xīnɡ rén
  • Alien;extra-terrestrial;extraterrestrial being ;creature from outer space;spaceman;person ignorant of world affairs
外星人 [wài xīng rén]
  • [the people in other celestial bodies-no knowledge about social status;extraterrestrial being(ET)] 假想中地球以外其他星球上的高等动物。也比喻完全不了解社会现状的人

  1. 迪克:那就是说不排除存在外星人的可能性喽?

    Dick : So it still exists one of possibilities that there are extraterrestrial being .

  2. 吉姆在这部电影里是个外星人。

    Jim is an alien in this film .

  3. 有外星人拜访了他们。

    They have been visited by creatures from outer space .

  4. 美国航空航天局已经启动了一个为期10年的寻找外星人的项目。

    NASA has started a 10-year search for extraterrestrial intelligence .

  5. 第二,我们不会和这些外星人作战。

    Second , we won 't fight with these aliens .

  6. 或许外星人早就在观察地球呢,只不过他们的飞船外形像云彩而已…

    Aliens could already be observing Earth , but their ships look like clouds ...

  7. 著名物理学家史蒂芬·霍金和俄罗斯亿万富豪尤里·米尔纳的联合将外星人搜索推向了一个全新的高度。

    Renowned1 physicist2 Stephen Hawking3 and Russian billionaire Yuri Milner are pushing the search for extraterrestrial life into higher gear .

  8. 展品包括关于罗斯威尔事件的信息、麦田里的怪圈、其他不明飞行物目击资料、51区和外星人劫持事件的报道。

    Exhibits include information on the event , crop circles , other UFO sightings , Area 51 , and abductions .

  9. 非常少见的表现形式可能包括幻觉或感觉被从床上拉下来,这可以解释“外星人绑架”现象,对此人们深信发生过却无法记住。

    A rare form of the condition , which can involve hallucinations or the feeling of being dragged out of bed , may explain ' alien abductions ' that people sincerely believe happened but can 't remember .

  10. 《X-档案》里的特工穆德和史考莉可能说过“真相就在那里”,但对那些声称自己被外星人绑架过的人来说,真相可能深藏在他们的大脑里。

    Agents Mulder and Scully may have said ' the truth is out there ' in the X Files , but it may instead be buried inside the brains of people who claim they have been abducted1 by aliens .

  11. 我在找我们的外星人dna分析。

    I was just looking for our alien DNA analysis .

  12. 在每个wave,外星人都会一个接一个地出现在屏幕顶端。

    During each wave , aliens will appear , one after another , at the top of the screen .

  13. 请注意,包含所有外星人的这个数组的名称很简单,叫做Aliens。

    Note that the array of all of the aliens is just called aliens .

  14. NASA不想有人揭露他们过去对外星人的存在的掩盖活动!

    NASA has a desire not to be exposed for their past cover-ups over the alien presence !

  15. Google表示,这一问题是堪萨斯州3名小孩引起的,这些小孩破解了Android总部的网站,试图寻找一些外星人动画。

    Google blamed the problem on three children in Wichita , Kansas , who had hacked into Android HQ in search of alien cartoon characters .

  16. 你听到过很多关于UFO的故事&影像,近距离接触,甚至外星人绑架。

    You hear a lot of stories about UFOs-sightings , close encounters , even alien abductions .

  17. 《洋葱报》(TheOnion)将他想象为一个喜爱留在家里吃意式千层面晚餐的“泛性外星人”。他的生活相当平凡。

    The Onion imagined him as a " pansexual alien " staying in to " do lasagna for dinner . " He led a pretty normal-seeming life .

  18. 在BargeInn,Honeystreet上的一家社区酒馆里,人们乐衷于品尝名为“谷物”,“外星人的祝福”及“远离小精灵”的烈酒。

    At the Barge Inn , a community-owned pub in Honeystreet , drinkers enjoy tipples named Croppie , Alien Abduction and Away With The Fairies .

  19. 大胃王Kobayashi除外,但那是因为他差不多算是个外星人了。

    Except for Kobayashi , but that 's because he 's almost certainly a space alien .

  20. 美国联邦调查局(FBI)近日解密了一批文件,其中详细记录了美国犹他州不明飞行物(UFO)爆炸事件,以及新墨西哥州外星人着陆的“罗兹威尔”事件。

    Secret FBI files have been released detailing how US officials saw aUFO explode over Utah – and aliens land near Roswell in New Mexico .

  21. 5月5日,LeonardStringfield在伊利诺斯州巴达维亚,发布了一篇有关外星人的文章。

    On May5th , Leonard Stringfield releases and article in Batavia , Illinois about aliens .

  22. 他还说外星人旅行的时候乘坐的是直径达38英尺(约12米)的UFO,且其中有18个外星人目前在美国从事设备研究工作。

    He said they travel using UFOs that are 38 feet in diameter while 18 of the aliens now work with facilities in the United States .

  23. 一系列在1947年和1949年的目击事件改变了公众对不明飞行物的观点。公众把UFO看作是外星人飞行器。

    A series of sightings between 1947 and 1949 changed public views of UFOs . And the UFO as an alien vehicle became the public interpretation of these phenomena .

  24. 友谊万岁《黑衣人》的核心便是探员K和J的友情。在外星人与太空旅行这两个主题之间,讲述了一对搭档的故事——运用科幻来诠释出友谊、忠诚和天外来客这些永恒的主题。

    At the core of Men in Black is the relationship between agents K and J. Somewhere between the aliens and space travel there 's a story about two partners-a futuristic take on those timeless themes of friendship , loyalty and extraterrestrials .

  25. 其中一些外星人和Vossk帝国的舰队结盟了。

    Some of the aliens and the Reich Vossk of the alliance fleet .

  26. 上周六惊现的奇观让人们联想起了1994年震惊中外的“UFO着陆事件”。村民孟照国称,那一年,外星人与他有过多次接触,还带他参观了飞碟基地。

    Last Sunday 's scare mirrors the famous UFO extraterrestrial contact events in 1994 when a villager named Meng Zhaoguo claimed that he had been repeatedly contacted by aliens and had been shown around a UFO base . The incident attracted worldwide attention .

  27. 但是,它的特别之处在于一位女性语言学家(由AmyAdams扮演)被派往停在全球各大城市的飞碟上,试图解析外星人的语言并试图最终和他们沟通。

    However , it 's unique in that it centers around a female linguist -- played by Amy Adams -- who is sent into the mysterious alien spacecrafts which have touched down in cities around the globe , in an attempt to decipher the aliens " language and , thus , communicate with them .

  28. 在MJ12委员会(注2)与服务于自我的外星人于罗斯威尔事件前不久进行的会谈期间,人们对地球孪星的觉察意识被唤醒。

    Mankind 's awareness of this dead twin arose during the discussions that MJ12 had early on with aliens in the Service-to-Self just prior to the time of Roswell .

  29. 这部电影由斯蒂芬斯皮尔伯格大师执导,应该会是个好电影,怎么说他也拍过了那么多优秀的科幻片和探险片,有《外星人E.T.》、《大白鲨》,还有《夺宝奇兵》、《侏罗纪公园》等等。

    The film is directed by the masterful Steven Spielberg , so it should be a good one , since he has a great history with making great sci-fi and adventure films ( E.T. , Jaws , Raiders of The Lost Ark , Indiana Jones , Jurassic Park , etc. ) .

  30. E.T.可能非常喜欢吃甜食,但是他吃的那些棕色、橙色和黄色的糖并非玛氏产品。那些糖本可能来自玛氏,但当斯皮尔伯格向其询问时,玛氏错过了在“E.T.,外星人”中出现的机会。

    E.T. may have had a sweet tooth , but those brown , orange and yellow candies he was snacking on weren 't M & Ms. It could have been M & Ms , but Mars passed on the chance to use their candy in " E.T. , the Extra-Terrestrial " when Spielberg asked .