
  • 网络Water planet
  1. 天王星是在你们太阳系的下跌中冷冻起来的另一个水态行星。

    Uranus is another water-based planet that froze in the falls of your solar system .

  2. 生命或许存在类似的环境和冷冻水的其他行星类似机构-特别是在火星和木星的卫星木卫二。

    Life could perhaps exist on other planets with similar environments and similar bodies of frozen water-notably Mars and Jupiter 's moon Europa .

  3. 已经知道有固态水在这颗行星的极地区域存在,水蒸汽也已经在火星大气中发现。

    Frozen water is known to exist in the planet 's polar regions , and water vapor has been detected in the Martian atmosphere .