
  • 网络extraterrestrial life;Alien life;SETI;E.T.
  1. 这一论断并不针对UFO爱好者,而是针对试图找到外星生命的专家学者,包括天体物理学专家。

    This statement is true not so much for the chasers for unidentified flying objects , but the researchers trying to find extraterrestrial life , including professional astrophysics .

  2. 我拍《超时空接触》(Contact,1997年的影片,讲述寻找外星生命的故事)的时候就想:“好吧,这不是在东方,在西方,在我们面前发生的事。你可以抬头看,北方的新边疆在哪儿?”

    Until I made " Contact " [ the 1997 movie about the search for extraterrestrial life ] . That made me actually wonder : " O.K. , it 's not just what 's happening here , east , west , in front of us . You can look up . What 's the new frontier to the north ? "

  3. 美国著名天文学家莫里斯?K?杰索普生前所著的有关外星生命的书籍非常畅销,但他却自杀身亡。

    Famous American astronomer Morris K. Jessup , whose books about intelligent life beyond Earth have become bestsellers , committed suicide .

  4. 但是,对我们来说,目前对我们最重要的行动是结束对UFO和外星生命存在的掩盖。

    However , for us the most important action is to end the current UFO cover-up .

  5. 美国国家航空航天局(NASA)正在开展一项新的研究活动,即无需离开地球,就可以揭示太空最深处是否存在外星生命体。

    NASA is launching a new project to help it better understand the deepest parts of space , without ever leaving Earth .

  6. 在另一份陈述中,他继续描述着UFO中外星生命的模样,这让人不禁想起上世纪90年代的热播剧《X档案》。

    In a statement that is reminiscent of the hit 1990s TV programme The X-Files , he went on to describe the alien life forms inside the UFOs .

  7. RichardB.Hoover今年3月在《宇宙学杂志》撰文声称在掉落地球的流星里找到了外星生命的微化石,这个发现证实了外星生命的存在。

    The Journal of Cosmology ran an article in March from Richard B. Hoover , claiming evidence of alien microfossils were found in a meteor , suggesting extraterrestrial life .

  8. NASA表示,这支SUBSEA团队将在海底度过三周时间,研究海底火山并模拟人机探索,为未来寻找太阳系中外星生命做准备。

    The SUBSEA team will spend three weeks at sea and will study the volcano and simulate human-robotic exploration to help with future deep-space missions , NASA said .

  9. 1960年,他开始了对外星生命的首次探索,这个项目现在被称为SETI。

    In 1960 , he conducted the first search for extraterrestrial intelligence , a project now known as SETI .

  10. 塔特表示,就科学家所知,SETI使用的仪器尚未接受过外星生命的信号。

    Tarter said that , as far as scientists know , no SETI device has ever received a signal from extraterrestrial intelligence .

  11. Pillinger教授认为火星是最有可能找到外星生命的地方。

    Prof Pillinger argues that Mars is the most likely place to find alien life .

  12. 黄色树屋造这个书屋是为了和外星人接触。Nelson写道“在树冠中一颗闪亮的豆子,很容易想象圆顶屋肩负和外星生命接触的使命。”

    This treehouse was constructed with the express purpose of communicating with outer space . " A sparkling beacon among treetops , it is easy to imagine the dome succeeding at its mission to make contact with alien life , " writes Nelson .

  13. 现在外星生命搜寻协会(SETI)正在四处寻求资金支持以继续他们的探索,现在该机构由于资金短缺,某些研究项目已经停止。

    The Search For ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence ( SETI ) Institute is currently seeking to raise money for its ongoing search , having recently cut back on some of its operations due to lack of funding .

  14. 霍金曾经做过著名的预测,即外星生命很可能对人类生存产生威胁。

    Hawking has famously predicted that intelligent aliens might threaten humankind .

  15. 近几个月来,搜寻外星生命的活动获得了很大的进展。

    The search for extraterrestrial life has gained momentum in recent months .

  16. 另外他还推理了对于是否存在外星生命的可能回答。

    He theorized that there are possible answers to whether there is extraterrestrial life .

  17. 一位俄国航天学家周一宣布到2031年,地球人类将会遇见外星生命。

    A Russian astronomer claimed Monday that humans will encounter extraterrestrial life by 2031 .

  18. 直到近期,科学家们都坚信外星生命的想法只不过是个有希望的梦想。

    Untilrecently , scientists believed that life on other planets was just a hopefuldream .

  19. 可是,现在科学家认为外星生命甚至更接近我们,就存在于我们太阳系中。

    But scientists now think that life could be evennearer in our own solar system .

  20. 而探测者们则因此对找到外星生命充满希望。

    And the planet 's discoverers are optimistic about the prospects for finding life there .

  21. 尽管有人持反对意见,但在火星上找到外星生命的可能性是极大的。

    Despite the naysayers , finding extraterrestrial life on Mars really is a serious possibility .

  22. 他们现在甚至认为我们的太阳系就可能有外星生命。

    But scientists now think that life could be even nearer in our own solar system .

  23. 其余的理论包括了人类和外星生命之间科技水平的差距。

    Other theories include the differing level of technologies between human beings and intelligent life outside Earth .

  24. 他是在莫斯科所举行的一次专门关于搜寻外星生命的论坛上所发表这一言论的。

    He was speaking in Moscow at an international forum dedicated to the search for extraterrestrial life .

  25. 以及在土卫六的甲烷湖里,天体生物学家正在寻找外星生命的线索。

    and within the methane lakes of Titan , astrobiologists are on the hunt for extraterrestrial life .

  26. 在加州的喀斯喀特山脉(位于拉森火山以北),天文学家们正在寻找着外星生命。

    IN THE Cascade mountains of California , north of Lassen Peak , astronomers are looking for aliens .

  27. 虫洞是一种通过时空隧道的结构,而且大多数是由外星生命创造

    A wormhole is a tunnel through the structure of space , and most are created by alien life

  28. 要在地球上寻找外星生命的证据,谷歌地图可能是新的重要来源。

    Google Earth may be the new go-to source to find evidence of alien life here on Earth .

  29. 作为外星生命可能生活的家园,金星被认为是最不可能有生命的星球。

    As a possible home for alien life , it has been voted the planet least likely to succeed .

  30. “国防部无法确定是否有外星生命体存在,”该发言人称。

    " The MOD has no opinion on the existence or otherwise of extra-terrestrial life ," the spokesman said .