
wài zài jià zhí
  • External value;extrinsic value
  1. 在传统伦理中,自然只具有对人类有用的外在价值。

    According to traditional concepts , nature only has extrinsic value ;

  2. 我来介绍几个术语:外在价值与内在价值。

    Let me introduce a couple of technical terms : extrinsic value and intrinsic value .

  3. CMF设计研究既能够丰富产品形象,并使其形成系列化,又能提升产品的外在价值,对于企业增强市场竞争力具有重要意义。

    CMF design studies both to enrich the product image and to form a series , but also enhance the external value of the product , for enterprises to enhance the market competitiveness of great significance .

  4. 宪法程序既有外在价值又有内在价值。

    There are intrinsic and extrinsic values in constitution procedure .

  5. 所以它既有外在价值,也有内在价值。

    It 's got extrinsic and intrinsic value for me .

  6. 自然的外在价值是指自然物所具有的工具价值,即在满足人的需要的前提下所具有的意义,也即是人对自然的依赖性。

    The extrinsic value means the nature used by people as an instrument .

  7. 从法律价值上考察,作为程序之重要组成部分的证据具有外在价值、内在价值及法治价值。

    Evidence as a part of procedures has inner , external and legality values .

  8. 强调女性的外在价值;

    Emphasizing the women 's outside value ;

  9. 试析教育的内在价值与外在价值&一种新的教育价值体系建构

    Analyzing the Internal Value External Value of Education & Construction of A New Educational Value System

  10. 程序公正的价值分为外在价值和内在价值。

    The procedure justice value can be divided into the external value and the intrinsic value .

  11. 异化导致的是竞技体育外在价值对内在价值的挤压,是对竞技体育德性的遮蔽。

    The alienation causes the sport intrinsic value squeezed by the external value and the virtue sheltered .

  12. 数学兴趣价值和助人价值存在年级和性别的交互作用,其他各要素在年级和性别上均不存在交互作用;他人指向性外在价值的年级和性别主效应均不显著;

    There is interaction of grade and gender only in interest value and helpful value of math .

  13. 自白的外在价值与内在价值构成了自白二元价值的完整体系,两者相互依存,缺一不可。

    The two constitutes an integrated system of the dualistic value of confession and they are closely interrelated .

  14. 但无论是国内还是国外的价值测评研究都是针对人力资源外在价值进行的,忽略了内在价值。

    But all the theories and researches are about the exterior value of manpower but the inner value .

  15. 自然价值是自然的外在价值与自然的内在价值的统一,传统价值观与自然价值观的主要分歧就在于自然是否具有内在价值。

    The major bifurcation of traditional and natural viewpoint of value lies in whether nature has intrinsic value .

  16. 然后,文章从三个层次研究了经济法的外在价值:正义观、效率观和公平观。

    In evaluation , the factors of extrinsic value including three arrangement : justice , efficiency and fairness .

  17. 教育的外在价值是教育对其外部事物所具有的作用或意义,包括经济价值与人文价值。

    The external value is the significance of it to the other , including the economic and humanistic values .

  18. 以及民事诉讼程序内在价值和外在价值发生冲突时的价值评价。

    And when the conflict was caused between the internal value and external value , how to solve it .

  19. 刑罚价值指的是它的实质价值或内在价值,而不是它的形式价值或外在价值。

    Penalty refers to its intrinsic value or its essential value , not its extrinsic value or formal value .

  20. 民事诉讼程序的外在价值&保障实体公正、保护民事权利、树立司法权威;

    The external value of civil litigation procedure-insuring justice of entity , protecting civil right and setting the pace of judiciary authority ;

  21. 如果我看重一件事只是把它作为达成另一件事的方式,这就叫“外在价值”。

    If I value something is a means to something else , then it has what we will call " extrinsic value " .

  22. 如果我视某件事物为达到其他事物的手段,那么这件事物就有“外在价值”。

    If I value something as a means to something else , then it has what we will call " extrinsic value . "

  23. 刑事诉讼价值应该用过程价值和结果价值之说代替传统的内在价值与外在价值用语。

    The terms of the traditional internal value and external value should be replaced by those of the process value and the result value .

  24. 简要分析了内在价值中的程序公正价值、效益价值和外在价值中的秩序价值、实体公正价值的涵义。

    The procedure justice value , benefit value within inside value and order value and entity justice value within outside value are simply analyzed .

  25. 文章提出关于程序参与可以从工具价值(外在价值)以及目的价值(内在价值)两个方面加以评价。

    The articles points out that procedural participation can be evaluated in value ( outside value ) and object value ( inner value ) .

  26. 程序的外在价值是程序实现实体法价值的价值,包括秩序和公正价值。

    While , its outer value is to achieve the value of the entitative law in the formality , including order and just value .

  27. 在对经济法外在价值进行认定之前,文章先讨论了经济法的法本位,通过确认社会本位、分析社会本位法的要求来确认经济法外在价值的内容。

    The contents of the extrinsic value of economic law should be in accordance to the request of social standard of the economic law .

  28. 只有他人指向性外在价值、语文代价对自我调节学习没有显著影响,其他各任务价值要素均对自我调节学习有显著影响;

    The components of task value except cost of Chinese and other-directed outside value of math and Chinese , have impact on self-regulated learning .

  29. 执行权的价值分为内在价值与外在价值。外在价值是一种工具性价值,内在价值是执行权本身固有的实现民事执行权的内在品质。

    External value is a kind of tool merit , intrinsic value is conducted right built-in realization the inner quality of civil conducted right .

  30. 在环境伦理学中,自然价值一方面指自然物对人的有用性,即自然的外在价值或工具价值;

    In the environment ethics , values of nature refer to its usefulness to human beings , namely external or tool values of nature .