
  1. 小偷从我的钱夹里偷走了5英镑。

    The thief abstracted . £ 5 from my wallet .

  2. 有一天,约翰从他的钱夹里取出一张折叠的纸。

    One day John pulled a folded paper from his wallet .

  3. 通常他的钱夹里放的钱都不到100元。

    Edward could never keep more than 100 dollars in his wallet .

  4. 啊对我在斯宾塞的钱夹里看到你的照片

    Oh , right . I saw your picture in Spencer 's wallet .

  5. 斯宾塞把我的照片放在他的钱夹里哦

    Spencer keeps my picture in his wallet ?

  6. 简尼特盖好打字机,从钱夹里拿出口红和镜子。

    Janet covered her typewriter . She pulled a lipstick and a mirror from her purse .

  7. 他开始在脑海里清点装在钱夹里的信用卡、钞票、会员证、身份证等东西。

    His mind begins enumerating the credit cards , the currency , the membership and identification cards ;

  8. 我时刻都想念妈妈,那两美元也依然珍藏在我的钱夹里。

    I still think of mom everyday and still keep my two dollar bill in my wallet .

  9. 钱夹里的信

    Letter in the Wallet

  10. 这些细节还是不给警察说好&单讲她所做的事情、他的钱夹里有什么东西就行了。

    He will spare the policeman the details-just tell what she has down , what is in the wallet .

  11. 钱夹里的人,就是我们愿意为他或她的人生埋单的人。

    The person in your wallet is whom your are willing to pay for his or her whole life .

  12. 喝过汤,先生要求看她钱夹里的照片。原来钱夹里是他的一张免冠照片。

    After drinking , her husband asked to look at the picture in her wallet , originally it 's his bareheaded photo .

  13. 但是皮夹中只有3元钱和一封被弄皱的信,这封信看来好像已经放在钱夹里很多年了。

    But the wallet contained only three dollars and a crumpled letter that looked as if it had been in there for years .

  14. 多年后,在一次家庭聚会上,我才发现,我们兄弟姐妹的钱夹里都各有一张两美元钞票。

    At a family reunion years later , I found out that my brothers and sisters all had a two dollar bill in their wallet .

  15. 好运符:一张两美元钞票有一张两美元的钞票一直保存在我的钱夹里,那是我6岁时妈妈给的。

    Extra Good Luck I keep a two dollar bill in my wallet that was given to me by my mother when I was six years old .

  16. 此外,他们还会在钱夹里放几片鱼鳞,因为鱼鳞是新年吉祥物,预示着财源滚滚;

    In addition , they will be released in the wallet in a few films fish , because fish is the mascot of the New Year heralded sources rolling ;