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qián bāo
  • wallet;purse;pocketbook;billfold;moneybag
钱包 [qián bāo]
  • [wallet;purse] 放钱的小包

  • 小李丢掉了钱包

钱包[qián bāo]
  1. 他们把他按在墙边,偷走了他的钱包。

    They pinned him against a wall and stole his wallet .

  2. 真烦人!我把钱包落在家里了。

    Bother ! I 've left my wallet at home .

  3. 糟糕,我可能把钱包给丢了!

    Oh dear ! I think I 've lost my purse !

  4. 我到处找我的钱包。

    I 've searched high and low for my purse .

  5. 你得到警察局去认领你的钱包。

    You 'll have to go to the police station to reclaim your wallet .

  6. 她啪嗒一声合上了钱包。

    She closed her purse with a snap .

  7. 我从钱包取出一枚硬币给那个小孩。

    I took a coin out of my purse and gave it to the child .

  8. 我的钱包给人偷了。

    I had my wallet stolen .

  9. 他的钱包被偷了。

    His wallet had been rifled .

  10. 这个钱包摸上去像是皮的。

    This wallet feels like leather .

  11. 我的钱包给人偷了。

    My wallet was stolen .

  12. 我忘了带钱包。

    I forgot my purse .

  13. 她将其折叠起来,塞进了钱包里。

    She folded it up , and tucked it into her purse

  14. 我在里兜里摸钱包和证件。

    I felt for my wallet and papers in my inside pocket

  15. 他们被打倒在地并被抢走了钱包。

    They were knocked to the ground and robbed of their wallets

  16. 休从来都只带着一只小钱包。

    Sue never carried anything other than the teeniest purse .

  17. 那些人匆匆翻了翻他的衣服,然后一把抢走了钱包。

    The men rifled through his clothing and snatched the wallet

  18. 公爵对别人把他看作钱包鼓鼓、游手好闲的人感到气愤。

    The Duke resents being seen as a moneyed idler .

  19. 彼得掏出钱包向那人出示他的身份证件。

    Peter took out his wallet and showed his ID to the man

  20. 他掏出鼓鼓的钱包,抽出几张钞票。

    He took out his fat wallet and peeled off some notes .

  21. 邦伯里手伸进前胸口袋里摸索钱包。

    Bunbury groped in his breast pocket for his wallet .

  22. 我掏出钱包开始发钱。

    I got out my wallet and began to dole out the money .

  23. 在布鲁塞尔机场,他被扒手盯上,钱包被偷走了。

    At Brussels airport he fell victim to pickpockets who pinched his wallet .

  24. 我从他的钱包里偷了几张钞票。

    I filched some notes from his wallet .

  25. 他从外套内兜里掏出钱包,出示了许可证。

    He took his wallet from his inside coat pocket and tendered the permit .

  26. 他们遭重拳击倒在地,被打得不省人事,钱包也被抢走了。

    They were knocked to the ground , beaten senseless and robbed of their wallets

  27. 将钱包据为己有的人可能会被控盗窃。

    The finder of a wallet who takes it home may be guilty of theft

  28. 他拈着影印件的一角把它拿起来,放进了自己的钱包。

    He picked up the photocopy by one corner and put it in his wallet .

  29. 我把钱包麻利地塞进了他的口袋。

    I slid the wallet into his pocket

  30. 他把从一名死者床边拿到的装有40英镑现金的钱包藏进了口袋。

    He pocketed a wallet containing £ 40 cash from the bedside of a dead man .