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  1. 他两只手各拿一个包。

    He had a bag in either hand .

  2. 有人看到议会成员托马斯·杰弗里在那个下午匆忙从大厦出来,手上拿着个包,包里东西的形状跟权杖相符。

    Parliamentary engineer Thomas Jeffrey was seen running from the building that afternoon carrying a package that matched the description of the artifact .

  3. 他一手拿着一个包或某种麻袋而且另一只手正在从中拽出羽毛。

    He was holding a bag or sack of some type in one hand and was pulling feathers out of it with the other .

  4. 我打开壁橱门,发现斯科特站在里面,一手拿着“金壶”(我的蒸煮锅),一手拿着一包包装精美的“宝物”。

    I opened the door to find Scott holding a " pot of gold " ( my cooking kettle ) and the " treasure " of a gift package .