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  • bracelet;wristband
  1. 每个手环看起来很贵,但售价只要20美元。

    Each bracelet looks expensive , but costs only $ 20 .

  2. 如果他们用手机,手环的屏幕上会出现一张不同的照片。

    If they used their cell phones , a different photo would appear on the screen of the bracelet .

  3. 弗格森表示,ARM的技术也开始被应用于可穿戴设备,比如头戴式设备以及智能手环等。

    ARM 's technology is also finding its way into wearables such as headgear and smart bands , he noted .

  4. 通常情况下,唯一的解决方案就是把手环和iPhone同时重启。

    Often the only remedy was to restart both the Band and my iPhone .

  5. LadyGaga在得知日本的地震发生后已经亲自设计了日本祈福手环来募集善款。

    Lady Gaga & who already designed a Japan Prayer Bracelet following the tragedy .

  6. 自他的兄弟去世后,威斯布鲁克将那一段记忆长存了下来,同时在他的整个职业生涯中。他始终戴着私人订制的标着“RIPKB3”的手环。

    Westbrook has kept his memory alive ever since , also wearing a personalized " RIP KB3 " wristband throughout his career .

  7. 虽然公园到处都可以应用到魔法手环,但在“BeOurGuest”餐厅会有更为新奇的体验。

    While the power of the MagicBand is demonstrated throughout the park , nowhere is its impact felt as dramatically as at the " Be Our Guest " restaurant .

  8. 这家运动服企业昨天表示,已经和生产小米智能手环的华米科技(HuamiTechnology)签署了战略合作协议。李宁公司迄今一直在努力摆脱生产廉价运动鞋、产品比西方品牌的山寨产品好不了多少的形象。

    The sportswear company - which has fought to shake off the image of producing cheap sports shoes that are little more than western knock-offs - said yesterday that it had signed a strategic partnership with Huami Technology , which produces Xiaomi 's " Mi " smart wristband .

  9. (我也应该为网络说句公道话,孩子们是通过YouTube上的演示视频学习新的手环设计的。)

    ( In fairness to the Internet , I should note that kids learn new bracelet designs from demonstration videos on YouTube . )

  10. 我还选择了一个额外选项,授权它访问我手机里通过苹果手表(AppleWatch)或者Jawbone的UP手环等健康追踪设备收集的活动和锻炼数据。

    As an optional extra , I also gave it access to my iPhone 's activity and workout data , collected through fitness trackers such as Apple Watch or Jawbone 's UP .

  11. 雷蛇的NabuX智能手环还可以使玩家在真实世界中互相沟通,并分享游戏信息。

    And its Nabu X smart band is designed to allow gamers to connect with each other in the real world and share game information .

  12. 谷歌眼镜、能追踪体重的卓棒手环(Jawbone’sUp)和LiquidImage的护目镜摄像机都属于时尚光鲜的可穿戴技术,这个品种目前正在日益增加,苹果手表正是其中最新的一种,将于明年年初上市。

    The device , which will be available early next year , is the latest in slick , wearable technology , a growing category that includes Google Glass , Jawbone 's Up fitness tracker and Liquid Image 's goggle-cameras .

  13. 在今年2月的一个寒冷的早上,迈克•韦斯顿(MikeWeston)把一个Fitbit手环套在手腕上,沮丧地想这只能怪自己。

    He only had himself to blame , Mike Weston thought ruefully as he strapped a Fitbit to his wrist one cold February morning .

  14. 华为在西班牙举行的世界移动通信大会(MobileWorldCongress)上发布了智能手环TalkBandB1。与大多数腕式智能设备一样,TalkBand具有时钟和健康追踪功能。

    Huawei 's TalkBand B1 , unveiled at Mobile World Congress in Spain , is similar to most other smart bands worn around the wrist , keeping time and offering health-tracking features .

  15. 写着我们为日本祈祷的祈祷手环在Gaga的官网上以5美元或以上的价格义卖来帮助日本渡过难关。

    The We Pray For Japan prayer bracelet is advertised on Gaga 's website for $ 5 or more to help Japan in a relief GetWord (" relief "); effort .

  16. 与其他更注重健康功能的智能手环相比,TalkBand的价格算不上很低廉。

    The price isn 't very low compared to more fitness-oriented smart bands .

  17. 日前,美国警方通过利用Fitbit手环的数据,调查了一名90岁的男子是否杀害了自己的继女。

    Fitbit data has been used by US police investigating whether a 90-year-old murdered his stepdaughter .

  18. 小米手环低于20欧的售价大大低于行业头把交椅Fitbit。

    The Mi Band significantly undercut the market leader Fitbit on price , costing under £ 20 .

  19. 在艾洛离开的五分钟前,Fitbit智能手环的记录显示她的心率迅速下降,并在15:28分完全停止。

    It then recorded her heart rate slowing rapidly and stopping at 15:28 , five minutes before he left .

  20. 小米如今在可穿戴设备上是全球销量最高的制造商,在健康手环上占据了13.4%的市场份额,高于苹果(Apple)以及曾经是该领域老大的Fitbit。

    Xiaomi is now the world 's top-selling maker of wearables such as fitness bands , with its 13.4 per cent market share putting it a whisker above Apple and Fitbit , the latter the one-time doyen of the sector .

  21. 智能手环健康追踪功能的设计者——工业设计师伊夫·贝哈尔(YvesBehar)经常从初创企业收取股权作为工作报酬。

    The industrial designer Yves B é har , who is behind the elegant Jawbone Up fitness tracker , sometimes takes equity stakes in start-ups he works with rather than payment .

  22. USDish网站还会给他们发一个能够检测脉搏的Fitbit手环,让他们在看恐怖电影的时候佩戴。

    USDish will also send them a Fitbit they can use to track their pulse while watching some of the most heart-pounding scenes in cinema .

  23. FitBit一直是运动配件领域的领导者,而它最新的防水智能手环FitbitFlex2(售价130美元)代表了现今健身品牌的最佳设计。

    FitBit has been a leader in the sporty wearable field , and its new swim-proof Fitbit Flex 2 ( $ 130 ) represents the best in the way of today 's fitness bands .

  24. 根据《今日美国》获得的一份警方声明显示,当地时间15:20分,纳瓦拉的Fitbit智能手环显示她心跳加速,而视频证据显示,艾洛的车当时就停在纳瓦拉家。

    According to a police statement obtained by USA Today , Ms Navarra 's Fitbit Alta device showed a raised heart rate at about 15:20 local time , when video evidence suggested Mr Aiello 's car was at her house .

  25. 华为表示,TalkBand下个月将在中国市场发售,第二季度将登陆西欧、中东、俄罗斯和日本市场。在欧洲,这款智能手环的建议零售价为99欧元(合136美元)。

    Huawei says the TalkBand will become available in China next month , and then in Western Europe , the Middle East , Russia and Japan in the second quarter . In Europe , the suggested retail price is EUR99 ( $ 136 ) .

  26. 目前,可穿戴设备的市场仍旧处于初级阶段。KantarWorldpanelComTech是一家专门调研分析消费者行为的机构,根据该机构发布的最新数据,16岁以上的美国人中,只有三分之一有智能手表或智能手环。

    The wearables market is still in its infancy , with only three percent of the U.S. population aged 16 and up owning a smartwatch or a smartband , according to the latest data released by Kantar Worldpanel ComTech , which specializes in monitoring and analyzing consumer behavior .

  27. 智能手环还能让他们预定快速通道。

    MagicBands also enables them to reserve their fast passes electronically .

  28. 这里还有手表、项鍊、戒指、手环和耳环。

    There are watches , necklaces , rings , bracelets and earrings .

  29. 佩戴手环的时候我总是能感觉到某种无形的力量。

    I kept feeling something when I wore the bracelet .

  30. 现在是不是上海流行手环?

    Is it the fashion to wear Bracelet in shanghai ?