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  • women's shoes
  1. 我们的产品是男鞋、女鞋、运动鞋、童鞋。

    Our products are men 's shoes , women 's shoes , sports shoes and kids'shoes .

  2. 来到大学以后,我又想起来一定要卖买家购买目的明确的产品,所以又开始做女鞋。

    Came to college , I definitely want to sell up and buyers purposeful products , so they started doing women 's shoes .

  3. 时尚女鞋品牌NineWest就创立于此,以这个地址给自己命名。

    A popular woman 's shoe brand , Nine West , is named after the address where it was founded .

  4. 甚至“露跟女鞋设计之王”、2014年度美国时装设计师协会与Vogue合办的时装基金大奖(CFDA/VogueFashionFundaward)得主保罗•安德鲁(PaulAndrew)也表现得很谦恭。

    Even Paul Andrew , " king of the slingback " and 2014 winner of the CFDA / Vogue Fashion Fund , is feeling lowly .

  5. 我想学会令人信服地穿着高跟鞋走路,而长相酷似格雷斯•琼斯(GraceJones)、脚蹬超高跟Perspex脱衣舞女鞋的希纳将来教该我怎么做。

    I want to learn to walk convincingly in high heels , and Chyna , a Grace Jones look-alike in towering Perspex stripper shoes , is going to teach me .

  6. 为一些客户提供服务要花些时间,比如JimmyChoo女鞋的总裁塔玛拉•梅隆(TamaraMellon),鞋子超过500双。

    This can take some time with clients such as Tamara Mellon , president of Jimmy Choo shoes , who has more than 500 pairs .

  7. Flatforms(flatformshoes的缩写形式)指鞋底厚约3英寸(有时会到5英寸,也就是7到12厘米)的女鞋。

    Flatform shoes , or just simply flatformsfor short , are women 's shoes that have a raised sole which is usually at least three ( and sometime as much as five ) inches ( between 7 and 12 cm ) thick .

  8. 像谷歌和诺德斯特龙等大企业如今都在利用“快闪”店试验新产品或新理念。诺德斯特龙最近还在纽约新开了一家“快闪”店,销售好莱坞女星萨拉o杰西卡o帕克代言的女鞋品牌SJP。

    Existing brands like Google or Nordstrom ( JWN ) , which more recently launched a New York pop-up to promote Sarah Jessica Parker 's new shoe line SJP , are also leveraging pop-up shops to experiment with new collections or concepts .

  9. 比如,你按价格挑选女鞋时,最便宜的商品有6.99美元一双的人字拖和8.99美元一双的仿皮坡跟鞋,而荷兰设计师品牌IljaVisser一双最贵的鞋则要卖到3000美元以上。

    When you sort women 's shoes by price , for example , some of the cheapest items include $ 6.99 flip flops and $ 8.99 faux suede wedges . On the other hand , the most expensive pair by Dutch designer Ilja Visser costs more than $ 3000 .

  10. 在村子的正中央住着一个年老的女鞋匠。

    In the middle of the village lived old Dame Shoemaker ;

  11. 女鞋的跟也许会高或矮。

    In girls shoes , the heel can be high or low .

  12. 他在比弗利山卖女鞋呢。

    He 's selling women 's shoes in Beverly hills .

  13. 一种宽阔的中等高度的女鞋的鞋后跟。

    A broad medium-high heel on women 's shoes .

  14. 女鞋上的玻璃酒杯形的鞋跟。

    A heel on a woman 's shoe in the shape of a wineglass .

  15. 穿著尖锐高跟无带女鞋是非法的。

    It is unlawful to wear women 's pumps with sharp , high heels .

  16. 比起那个女鞋匠为小珈伦做的那双鞋来,这双鞋当然是漂亮得多。世界上没有什么东西能跟红鞋比较!

    There is really nothing in the world that can be compared to red shoes !

  17. 比起那个女鞋匠为小珈伦做的那双鞋来,这双鞋当然是漂亮得多。

    They were certainly far handsomer than those Dame Shoemaker had made for little Karen .

  18. 香奈儿女鞋的历史香奈儿最经典的鞋款之一就是香奈儿双色鞋。

    Chanel shoes history chanel most classic shoe money is one of the double lubricious chanel shoes .

  19. 手袋是被仿冒第二多的单品,然后是男鞋和女鞋。

    Handbags were the second most copied items , followed by shoes for both men and women .

  20. 女人穿的一种中高跟女鞋;通常鞋尖和鞋跟颜色对比鲜明。

    A woman 's pump with medium heel ; usually in contrasting colors for toe and heel .

  21. 在等待贵方答复之时,我们已将贵方订购女鞋包装待运。

    Pending an answer from you , we have packed the women shoes you ordered ready for shipment .

  22. 我们公司是一家专业经营男鞋、女鞋、童鞋的公司。

    Our company is a professional operation of men 's shoes , women 's , children 's shoes company .

  23. 但是这种功能性的时尚女鞋售价,准确地说来,每双至少600英镑。

    But such functional fashion does come at a price – up to 600 a pair , to be precise .

  24. 噢,耐穿在当今时代已经不大重要了,尤其是女鞋,讲究式样翻新。

    Oh , durability is not too important nowadays , especially for women 's shoes , it 's a style conscious market .

  25. 为结付我方9月12日第24-8号订单所订购女鞋之款项,今随函寄去汇款500美元。

    We are enclosing our remittance of us $ 500 to cover our order of september 12th for women 's shoes - order 24 - 8 .

  26. 中国女鞋之都国际采购节是中国西部最具专业性、最具权威性、档次最高、规模最大、参展贸易成交量最明显的国际性女鞋采购节。

    LSCC International Sourcing Festival is the most professional and authorities , highest-grade event of largest scale in western China , which registers the largest transaction amount in exhibition .

  27. 官方称已拘留一对哥伦比亚夫妇,他们将可可因铸造成女鞋的样子,以西班牙鞋子设计师莫罗·伯拉尼克的名字给鞋子取名“莫罗斯”。

    The officers said they had detained a Colombian couple who molded cocaine into the shape of women 's shoes which they dubbed Manolos after the Spanish shoe designer Manolo Blahnik .

  28. 她指出这种风格像基本的黑色,鞋和各种配件的搭配组合。比如在白天穿着夏奈尔的运动鞋而晚间穿露根女鞋佩戴珍珠,这通常也适用于其他人群。

    She points to pieces like basic black which , with a switch of shoes and accessories say , Chanel sneakers for daytime or slingbacks and pearls for evening can fit into any crowd .

  29. 贴牌生产是这家成立29年、在香港上市的代工生产商过去唯一的着眼点,但5年前事情开始变得不同,这家公司的台湾创始人当时决定推出自主品牌的高端女鞋。

    That was the sole focus of the 29-year-old Hong Kong-listed contract manufacturing business until five years ago , when its Taiwanese founders decided to launch their own brands of high-end ladies ' shoes .

  30. 这位奥斯卡电影《辛瑞那》、《后人》和《晚安,好运》中的主演曾做过保险公司的上门推销员、切烟工和女鞋销售员。

    The actor behind Oscar-winning films like Syriana , The Descendants and Good Night , And Good Luck . was once a door-to-door insurance salesman , a tobacco cutter and a seller of women 's shoes .